DeSantis Proposes Creation of Department to Investigate and Prosecute Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
It's about time. If they don't arrest these people, they'll keep doing it again and again.

---Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) proposed last week the creation of an election integrity unit to investigate and arrest those who commit voter fraud.---

It's about time. If they don't arrest these people, they'll keep doing it again and again.

---Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) proposed last week the creation of an election integrity unit to investigate and arrest those who commit voter fraud.---

Umm, I don't know. It sounds great, but I can see another out-of-control government agency being hijacked by the left. We know the Democrats stole the election, but I don't know that another government agency will help, given that the ones we already have haven't done their jobs.
It's about time. If they don't arrest these people, they'll keep doing it again and again.

---Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) proposed last week the creation of an election integrity unit to investigate and arrest those who commit voter fraud.---

Florida's per capita GDP is one of the lowest in the nation. The GOP wants to keep it that way, especially in Florida, since they want dying boomers who made their money in states with industries to keep going there for the low cost of living. Voter suppression has become an accusation that leads to eye rolls, but that was by design after decades and millions of dollars of work.
DeSantis is trying to be the new Trump. Any of you Trumpbots feel like jumping ship worshiping him instead?
Why not? I would rather see Trump as Speaker of the House. That would REALLY frost you dirty Reds.
Since there is no evidence of any widespread voter fraud, why do you continually complain for audits?
Because your savior lost?..and you're mad?..sorry, that's not a reason. :)
Hi. No serious person believes the senile jackass got 81 million votes, which was 16 million more than Hillary supposedly got. And Biden was a worse candidate than even Hillary. Hard to believe as that is.
DeSantis is Da Man....he delivers the goods my friends!:clap: We like that...yes we do!

Hi. No serious person believes the senile jackass got 81 million votes, which was 16 million more than Hillary supposedly got. And Biden was a worse candidate than even Hillary. Hard to believe as that is.
Actually, with all these "fraudits", they are finding more fraud on the Republican side of the aisle. So Biden got more than 81 million votes. And the voter patterns?..have been explained over and over to you.

Hard to believe you are that stupid...but your side..never ceases to amaze me with your ignorance. :)
It's about time. If they don't arrest these people, they'll keep doing it again and again.

---Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) proposed last week the creation of an election integrity unit to investigate and arrest those who commit voter fraud.---

The problem with creating a new bureaucracy to insure voting integrity is infiltration by the "Deep Staters"! It would take an informed & unified American constituency supporting their U.S. Constitution to straighten up the corruption problem associated with our federal g'ment. Governor DeSantis is @ least attempting to address the problem which is a LOT MORE than any other elected official is doing currently, @ least that I am aware of. Thanks much for the informative post!

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