DeSantis doesn't need this kind of "help" (from the barely-Republican folks)


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
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Yeh, this made me pause, to say the least, in my assessment (formed just today) that maybe DeSantis is the right person for 24

I love DeSantis but when RINOs endorse him or sort of do.. That's enough to make any R (I mean: the real ones) question things..

In one part of the video the point is made.. I think by FL's Gaetz that no other person but Trump can keep up the work of chipping away at (my words) the Sewer problem.. (DC corruption)
I wouldn't change my vote for Trump 24 just bc he said some mean-sounding thing or pointed out how he got more votes for pres than DeS did (in FL) for gov

But obviously, when u look @ the landslide DeS got in FL.. and the fact that a lot of fake Rs are against Trump (which makes everyday Rs question Trump? dunno.. maybe).. well,

I don't know, really.. I keep thinking that if DeS was the candidate in 24.. the dims and Rinos couldn't exactly bring up the same kind of baggage they brought up against
Trump.. well, they could and they will but it wouldn't look so good..

I don't know.. I used to also think Trump was the only one who could tackle the Sewer (Dc) but DeS has also made decisions that likely were not easy for him to make.. he also has fought.. the enemy and won.

I dunno.. I really don't know what to think.. But I can't see those 2 running against ea other.. that doesn't set well with me as a R
Trump and DeSantis will never be contenders together!
why not?

I just got through saying essentially the same thing but why do you say so?

(not tht I care much what dims think..)
why not?

I just got through saying essentially the same thing but why do you say so?

(not tht I care much what dims think..)
I'm a Canadian and so not a dim. In fact, I see greater hope in Trump for world peace and stopping the impending rush to nuclear war by Biden.

DeSantis is always going to be second best choice as long as Trump has ambitions or he's still alive. He won't challenge Trump.

And Trump will laugh in DeSantis's face if he tries to challenge.

DeSantis's preparations have always been meant to have him prepared and already the choice should Trump be rejected by the people as yesterday's hero, or he's dead.

Anything else requires Ron taking a shot at Trump and that's not ever going to happen as long as Trump stands in good stead.
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