Deplorable conditions at DC Gitmo


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

On Wednesday, a federal judge ordered that a January 6th political prisoner be immediately transferred out of the DC Gulag after an unannounced US Marshals inspection of the facility found detainees were forced to live in “deplorable” conditions and were denied necessary medical care.

The defendant, Chris Worrell, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma while incarcerated and has been denied his cancer treatments for months. He will immediately be transferred to another facility outside of DC, where they will release him into home detention “as soon as possible” so he can receive much-needed chemotherapy for his worsening illness.

In his decision, Judge Royce Lamberth said the conditions at the facility were so terrible that they were “beyond belief” and added that the “court has ZERO confidence” in Pelosi’s Gulag to provide proper treatment and NOT retaliate against Worrell if he was allowed to remain in their custody.

Some of the horrifying conditions that were found in the inspection included: water being shut off for days, clogged toilets that would flood cells with sewage, and an inmate who developed an infection from being pepper-sprayed after not being allowed to wash the chemical off for days.

Water would be shut off as a form of punishment for detainees who ‘misbehave,’ often for several days at a time – taking away their ability to wash hands, flush the toilet, or even drink water.

Keep in mind, these people who are being subject to this kind of horrifying treatment are AMERICAN CITIZENS – it’s unthinkable.

The report also gave evidence that the behavior of staff at the jail was even worse than the unbelievable conditions. US Marshals observed DC corrections officers and staff “agonizing detainees,” denying them necessary medical care, and threatening them to “not cooperate” with the Marshals during the inspection. One was even seen telling a detainee to “stop snitching” on the staff, according to the report.

The situation had gotten so bad that last month Judge Lamberth urged Biden’s DOJ to conduct a full civil rights investigation into the despicable mistreatment of Jan. 6th detainees under the watch of DC Jail Warden Wanda Patten and director of the Department of Corrections Quincy Booth.

Lamberth even went as far as holding the pair in contempt because they had repeatedly delayed paperwork that was needed to approve surgery for Worrell on his pinky finger after they had deemed the procedure “elective.”

According to court filings, federal prosecutors argued that Worrell was denied medical treatments because he lies about his health, unbelievably claiming that they have been “unable to sort fact from fiction.” To support their bogus accusation that Worrell is lying, they cite “medical notes and records that the government later obtains” in order to “refute or at best unsubstantiate” him needing medical treatment.

In other words, Worrell asks for medical assistance for an issue, and the staff creates the records telling him why he is a liar and doesn’t need it. America. Not a 3rd world country. Disgusting treatment and nobody has done a damn thing about it until now and even that may be iffy.

More in link.
As bad as this seems I can't help but smell a trap. The radical American Left and its mainstream media ghouls would love nothing more than groups of patriots attempting to free these prisoners. Then again, perhaps I've just become ultra-paranoid. Either way, God bless their sorry souls.
I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that those that remain at Gitmo are the hardcore Islamists that would kill, soon as look at you, just because you are an infidel. Also, those remaining haven't been wanted back by various nations and we sure don't want them free on our soil. If some idiotic government agency were to get them to be free on our soil, any murders they commit on our soil would not only demand the death penalty, but those individuals responsible for getting them freed, should have to have life sentences in prison for stupidity and victims family restitution.
My personal choice would be to pack them onto a transport plane (C-130) and fly them over Afghanistan, open the back end and drop them off without benefit of parachute.
I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that those that remain at Gitmo are the hardcore Islamists that would kill, soon as look at you, just because you are an infidel. Also, those remaining haven't been wanted back by various nations and we sure don't want them free on our soil. If some idiotic government agency were to get them to be free on our soil, any murders they commit on our soil would not only demand the death penalty, but those individuals responsible for getting them freed, should have to have life sentences in prison for stupidity and victims family restitution.
My personal choice would be to pack them onto a transport plane (C-130) and fly them over Afghanistan, open the back end and drop them off without benefit of parachute.

The OP is referring those arrested as a result of 6-JAN being held in a D.C. prison as "D.C. Gitmo".


Leftist are Fascist Pricks who own the media and most of the Federal Agencies in DC Might as well call it the District of CONGO.

That is why we need a divorce in this nation with these pecker woods. The so called insurrection wasn't shit compared to what these assholes have done over time.

They are a scourge on this nation along with the career politicians who are corrupt as hell feeding at the endless money troughs there.
It does bring up an interesting question...why not transport all of the 1/6 insurrectionists to GITMO? Essentially they are being accused of the same type of crime as terrorists are. LOL
To be sure I understand. It is just fine for others arrested in DC to be held in this virtual Gulag, but just not the good people of the Jan 6 Insurrection. Got it.
To be sure I understand. It is just fine for others arrested in DC to be held in this virtual Gulag, but just not the good people of the Jan 6 Insurrection. Got it.
Who da fuck said

The conditions should be upgraded for all there. The January 6th people being detained are POLITICAL PRISONERS. All of this over POLITICS and nothing more.
It does bring up an interesting question...why not transport all of the 1/6 insurrectionists to GITMO? Essentially they are being accused of the same type of crime as terrorists are. LOL
Sounds like a great idea to me. The conditions at GITMO are far better than DC Jail. Democrats have no problems with GITMO anymore as it wore out its political benefit of firing up its radical base and for attacking Bush-Cheney; names of which are adorned now that the enemy is Trump. The problem with GITMO hosting political prisoners is you are going to run into Democrats not trusting the Military.
Who da fuck said

The conditions should be upgraded for all there. The January 6th people being detained are POLITICAL PRISONERS. All of this over POLITICS and nothing more.
It seems the democrats want to impose Marist socialism on our nation. Perhaps they have studied how the communists mistreated their political prisoners and want to implement that here.
Who da fuck said

The conditions should be upgraded for all there. The January 6th people being detained are POLITICAL PRISONERS. All of this over POLITICS and nothing more.

So they entered the Capital searching for Political people. Elected representatives. Why? To sit down and have a conversation with the representatives?
So they entered the Capital searching for Political people. Elected representatives. Why? To sit down and have a conversation with the representatives?

The Capital police left the doors open and people went in to take selfies. Some uprising. With some normal BS leading in and the rest saying lets go see what is happening over there.

Kinda like a Tidal Wave. All the animals are running and humans go. Wow.....lets take a look at the water gets sucked out of the bay. lmao
Leftist are Fascist Pricks who own the media and most of the Federal Agencies in DC Might as well call it the District of CONGO.

That is why we need a divorce in this nation with these pecker woods. The so called insurrection wasn't shit compared to what these assholes have done over time.

They are a scourge on this nation along with the career politicians who are corrupt as hell feeding at the endless money troughs there.
The peckerwoods are in the Trump camp; right up there with the KKK and other far right hate groups.

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