Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth

Detroit's demise is much like that of most GHOST TOWNS in the USA.

The industrial heart of the town dies, and then the town dies.
But they were always like that and much improved. Detroit is about 60% smaller today than it was in 1945. It's tax base is eroded. It's infrastructure is gone. Besides, the rest of MI is doing OK so comparing states to a city is not very relevant. FWIW Memphis, also ruled over by black Democrats for years, looks pretty much like Detroit.

I'd blame shifting jobs overseas before I blamed democratic leadership. We don't make anything anymore in this country. That's the problem.
This is what happens to a city after 60 years of Democrat rule!

Dems work is done there .... now they can move on to the next and do their "wonders" there.


Detroit' present is America's future.

The only thing that keeps it from happening is the fact that Republicans still hold the House. Lose that in 2014, and the slide towards turning America into a giant Detroit will be inevitable and unstoppable.
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But they were always like that and much improved. Detroit is about 60% smaller today than it was in 1945. It's tax base is eroded. It's infrastructure is gone. Besides, the rest of MI is doing OK so comparing states to a city is not very relevant. FWIW Memphis, also ruled over by black Democrats for years, looks pretty much like Detroit.

I'd blame shifting jobs overseas before I blamed democratic leadership. We don't make anything anymore in this country. That's the problem.

And I would blame shifting of jobs overseas to the obsolete, greedy, anachronistic and atavistic UNIONS.
But they were always like that and much improved. Detroit is about 60% smaller today than it was in 1945. It's tax base is eroded. It's infrastructure is gone. Besides, the rest of MI is doing OK so comparing states to a city is not very relevant. FWIW Memphis, also ruled over by black Democrats for years, looks pretty much like Detroit.

I'd blame shifting jobs overseas before I blamed democratic leadership. We don't make anything anymore in this country. That's the problem.

And I would blame shifting of jobs overseas to the obsolete, greedy, anachronistic and atavistic UNIONS.

Exactly. Why have unions here fight for American workers to receive a living wage when we could be paying them the slave wages of the overseas competition?
Detroit's demise is much like that of most GHOST TOWNS in the USA.

The industrial heart of the town dies, and then the town dies.

You mean like Pittsburg? Oops.

Pittsburg's UNIVERSITIES started investing large sums in attracting the MEDICAL industries that have replaced the failing US steel industry.

What you might call socialism (I don't) worked pretty well in that case, eh?
But they were always like that and much improved. Detroit is about 60% smaller today than it was in 1945. It's tax base is eroded. It's infrastructure is gone. Besides, the rest of MI is doing OK so comparing states to a city is not very relevant. FWIW Memphis, also ruled over by black Democrats for years, looks pretty much like Detroit.

I'd blame shifting jobs overseas before I blamed democratic leadership. We don't make anything anymore in this country. That's the problem.

Actually we produce more goods than we ever have. And every job outsourced has resulted in 3 jobs being created here. Sorry if those facts dont follow script.
Detroit's demise is much like that of most GHOST TOWNS in the USA.

The industrial heart of the town dies, and then the town dies.

You mean like Pittsburg? Oops.

Pittsburg's UNIVERSITIES started investing large sums in attracting the MEDICAL industries that have replaced the failing US steel industry.

What you might call socialism (I don't) worked pretty well in that case, eh?

What a gross over simplification. No wonder it appeals to you.
Why didnt Detroit do the same?
You do realize that the poorest states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, infant mortality, imprisonment, poor dental health, poor medical health, etc etc are all deep, deep red states. I have no idea why you hold Detroit up as some sort of example of the failure of liberal policies and yet ignore states like Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York - all of which have actually managed to get by relatively unscathed in this economy.

What percent of property owners are behind in their real estate taxes in these deep deep deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep red states, is it anywhere near Demtroits 50%?
USMB Libs, I don't care what Greenbeard told you, Demtroit is your future! Greenbeard is a party apparatchik so he gets to live in a safe, decent area while you get Demtroit.

Have you figured out why it is Progressives Nations build walls to keep people from fleeting?

Wake up before you find yourself living in Demtroit!
The greed of the private sector, Japanese imports and bad design decisions / abandonment by your corporate gods destroyed Detroit. You people are insane.
The greed of the private sector, Japanese imports and bad design decisions / abandonment by your corporate gods destroyed Detroit. You people are insane.

Dah! Dah! Profits are undistributed wages!! The Proletariat need to control the means of production!!

One party Democrat rule for 60 years is what killed Detroit
The greed of the private sector, Japanese imports and bad design decisions / abandonment by your corporate gods destroyed Detroit. You people are insane.

Dah! Dah! Profits are undistributed wages!! The Proletariat need to control the means of production!!

One party Democrat rule for 60 years is what killed Detroit

Frank, unless you sign your own paycheck, you too are proletariat.
The greed of the private sector, Japanese imports and bad design decisions / abandonment by your corporate gods destroyed Detroit. You people are insane.

Dah! Dah! Profits are undistributed wages!! The Proletariat need to control the means of production!!

One party Democrat rule for 60 years is what killed Detroit

Frank, unless you sign your own paycheck, you too are proletariat.

No, I'm not. I don't buy into Marxist worldview especially given it's Guaranteed 100% Fail Rate
The greed of the private sector, Japanese imports and bad design decisions / abandonment by your corporate gods destroyed Detroit. You people are insane.

If that were the case there would be no auto industry here. There is a thriving auto industry here.
If that were the case every city with an industrial base would look like Detroit. Only Detroit (And Memphis) look like Detroit.

You are not insane. Merely stupid and misinformed.
Dah! Dah! Profits are undistributed wages!! The Proletariat need to control the means of production!!

One party Democrat rule for 60 years is what killed Detroit

Frank, unless you sign your own paycheck, you too are proletariat.

No, I'm not. I don't buy into Marxist worldview especially given it's Guaranteed 100% Fail Rate

I guess that means Obama is part of the downtrodden proletariat. HAHAHAH!

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