Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth

Sorry but that,

1. There is another scary city I was in recently GARY ID. it too is a war zone.....
2. With building that have holes knocked in them as if giants came along and poked their fingers into them.
3. We couldn't get out of there fast enough on our vacation, I had heard of Gary Indiana, and wanted to stay the night there, not no but hell no!! stay away from that city!!!

Okay, so by now we all know what a glittering jewel Detroit was fifty years ago. Highest per capita income of any city in the country, blah, blah, blah.

Then yesterday a news report reminds everyone that it was 46 years ago that blacks in Detroit rioted, burned, looted, and in the end 40-something people died during the raging lawlessness. And in the aftermath whites started moving to the burbs they perceived as safer.

And now Detroit is a shit hole in part, according to some, because of "white flight." It's whitey's fault because they didn't feel comfortable trying to live peacefully and raise their kids near areas of potential violence at the drop of a hat. Go figure, huh?

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