Dems...why should your health and care be my concern?

Forcing people to choose between paying the rent or seeing a doctor is not correct

Forcing people into bankruptcy because they got sick is not correct
No one is forcing anyone to choose between those things. People make their own choices.

But I see you don't mind forcing people to do things you agree with, and that is not correct.

Yes they are forcing people to choose between food, rent, and health.
That is because health care costs twice as much for the poor than the wealthy, because the poor do not get health care from their employer, who gets tax exemptions for it.

If the illegal employer benefits tax exemption was eliminated, then everyone would want public health care.
Maybe people don't want dumbasses and sick people living next door to them
Free healthcare is going to make dumbasses and sick people disappear? :laughing0301:

What public health care does is lower medical costs by at least half, the way the rest of the world does it.
And that makes us all a lot wealthier because then our good would cost less and we could sell more over seas.
You don’t pay shit

We the People decide what is done with our tax dollars.
Obamacare....Makes America GREAT

Well, not to get too technical, but YOU don't pay shit as an unemployable, non-productive sponge.... I pay $3600/month in premiums as a member of the productive half of the country.... hope that concept isn't too complicated.

I doubt that you pay $3600/month.
Most people with insurance get it through their employer, who not only negotiates for thousands of people at a time so gets much lower rates, but also it is tax exempt, which then reduces the actual cost by about a third.
It is the poor people who are not offered insurance through their employer, who get shafted the most.
For the vast majority of people ACA is neither affordable or effective. Between the sky high deductibles and premiums the so called insurance doesn't pay jack for most people. Those individuals pay for their care out of pocket for the whole year before the insurance pays a dime.

You have to start with that stark reality when discussing the merits of ACA and not cherry pick the small minority with serious pre-existing conditions and serious health issues. Even they must first the premiums and sky high deductibles before the insurance kicks in.

Duh, that is the way insurance is always supposed to be.
Insurance is really only intended for catastrophic events, like injuries or massive health issues.
It is always much cheaper and efficient for everyone to pay ordinary health care costs themselves.

The problem with ACA is NOT the high deductible or premiums, because high deductibles are good and the premiums are lower than they were before ACA..
The problem with ACA is that since you prepay, you have no say in quality or charges.
That means it is still poor quality and about 4 times as expensive as it should be.
Which means US goods cost too much to sell overseas then.
If the illegal employer benefits tax exemption was eliminated, then everyone would want public health care.
If we could get the people who require "free healthcare" to pay ANY taxes all our problems would be solved. Why don't they pay their fair share?

About the only people who don't pay taxes and get free health care are children and the single mothers.
They can't pay and should not since we want them to pay later once productive adults.
They are not the problem.
The problem is the providers are charging more than twice what they should, based on other countries.
So we need someone who will fight bogus price inflation.
Insurance companies don't do that because they like high bills.
HIgh bills make people need insurance even more, and they just pass it along.
It is the poor people who are not offered insurance through their employer, who get shafted the most.
They should go to work.

Do you think poor people do not go to work?
The problem is that the lower half of the pay scale jobs, simply do not offer health insurance.
And the jobs that do offer health insurance also are destroying our economy because then our goods get that insurance cost tacked on, and they are too pricey to sell over seas.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

I don't say you need to get a job and pay your own damn bills because I don't care about you, it's because I do. I want you to be a man. Do you feel better about paying your own damned bills now because I care? No huh, you actually just wanted the money, didn't you? Be honest

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Why can’t I “CARE” yet not be willing to pay for your bad decisions in life?

You don’t pay shit

We the People decide what is done with our tax dollars.
Obamacare....Makes America GREAT

I'm curious why government has to take your money away from you before you have a choice what to do with it.

OMG, I just got it, you meant you want to get to decide what to do with other people's money. Wow, I did not see that coming ...

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property
Australia has universal insurance (not state monopoly control of doctors or delivery, all doctors are private practitioners and there is a combination of state and private hospitals.).

The average Australian income earner pays 83 dollars per month for this universal insurance and the Australian health care system gets better results than the USA in every category except breast cancer screening and treatment. Even there Australia is just behind.

It is simply actuary science, the greater pool you spread the individual risk to the cheaper and more efficient the insurance.

Imagine the care we could offer if wetbacks, bottom feeders and filth paid their “FAIR SHARE” like they do in Australia.... danielpalos rightwinger

Poor people pay higher taxes than the wealthy in the US.
The wealthy get all the exemptions like for health care, depreciation on mansions, capital gains reduced rates, etc.
Basically I force renters to buy properties for me, so I get the tax breaks, and they get nothing.
Marxists rely on the fact that a population is easily controlled if it is defenseless and all are equally miserable. You will have nothing.... but neither will your neighbors. Your healthcare will be considered substandard by voodoo witchdoctors in sub-saharan africa.... but it won't cost you a penny.

Pick a side.
Right wingers have no better solutions at lower cost; all they do is complain about left wing solutions.
Your fucking solutions have only made things worse for the middle classes

Not really.
I do not like ACA, but it has made a slight improvement for the middle class.
Premiums are more uniform, more easy to compare, no worries over pre-existing, and slightly lower.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
No........Great Countries take care of themselves and don't put leaches on themselves to suck all them dry of all their blood. SUCKERS and once great countries take care others which eventually destroys them.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
Marxists rely on the fact that a population is easily controlled if it is defenseless and all are equally miserable. You will have nothing.... but neither will your neighbors. Your healthcare will be considered substandard by voodoo witchdoctors in sub-saharan africa.... but it won't cost you a penny.

Pick a side.
Right wingers have no better solutions at lower cost; all they do is complain about left wing solutions.
Your fucking solutions have only made things worse for the middle classes

Not really.
I do not like ACA, but it has made a slight improvement for the middle class.
Premiums are more uniform, more easy to compare, no worries over pre-existing, and slightly lower.

Premiums are only lower when you get government money to help pay for them. They are unaffordable to people who don't qualify for getting Obamacare with the welfare provision

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
Wanna bet?
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.

Insurance industry profits grew, in some case quite radically, under ACA. Might wanna put that argument on the backburner.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,
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I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
Because you cannot expect Democrats to be responsible for silly!

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