Dems.....STOP giving Trump "ammunition" about ICE

making America great

Ahhhhh......Trump Cult doctrine a-la

Liberal tear jerkers
Let’s put a $100 charitable donation on every democratic tax form. $100 from the 50 million or so of you who weep for the criminal invaders. It will be an option. I doubt 20% of you blubbering bullshitters would participate
Now, if it was stipulated instead that Republicans Had to do it, I’m sure 97% of you fakes would vote for that.
Uh... you’re the one making a big deal that just 3 THREE senators are advocating for abolishing ICE. Seems to me you believe these 3 THREE hold a great deal of power since you’re so concerned over their rhetoric. Contradicting much?

NO, nitwit......Its YOUR idiot-in-chief who is making "a big deal" out of the issue since the idiot-in-chief must have little else to worry his orange head about.

Trump on Democrats calling to abolish ICE: "I love that issue" - CBS ...

Trump predicts electoral doom for Democrats with 'abolish ICE' push ...

Yeah bc there’s nothing to be concerned about regarding the border crisis... nothing at all. Why would a president concern himself over such matters? Strange if you ask me... LOL.

Thanks for displaying yet again you’ve nothing to offer besides insanity, condescension and loads of hysterical idiocy. You are the epitome of the kind of person I fear to become—someone who’s full of hate, intolerance and not much else.
Given what the majority of Americans and virtually the entire world population thinks about the idiot occupying the oval office, it should be a rather easy task to bash the heck out of his lies, flip-flops and corruption.

Instead, some democrats manage to give this charlatan ridiculous talking points. The campaign to "abolish ICE" is a perfect example.

Yes, many of us know that some of ICE's methods would make the Gestapo blush, BUT to call for its abolishing just feeds into Trump's demagoguery that Dems. are for open borders and anti law-enforcement which feeds into the biases and ignorance that is the basis of Trump cult members.

There are many, many issues to slam the moron-in-chief (issues that he himself spews on a daily basis,) BUT giving him talking points to rally his horde of sycophants should NOT be one of them.

The DNC NEEDS much better leadership.....

When you say stupid shit like, "ICE's methods would make the Gestapo blush", the stupid people that are stupid enough to believe you,

will come to the logical conclusion, if it is that bad, get rid of it.

I know that you know that you libs just say shit, and don't mean nothin' by it.

But some people take the shit that comes out of your mouth, seriously.

You either need to tell them, that the shit you say is just for propaganda to smear your enemies, not to be taken seriously,

or be prepared for when the ideas you put out there, come back.

Your party is going to elect a bat shit crazy socialist from New York who will be calling for the abolition of ICE.

How are you going to continue calling ICE, the "Gestapo" and not support her in her attempt?

And if you do abolish ICE, what next?

Stupid lying lefties.
Given what the majority of Americans and virtually the entire world population thinks about the idiot occupying the oval office, it should be a rather easy task to bash the heck out of his lies, flip-flops and corruption.

Instead, some democrats manage to give this charlatan ridiculous talking points. The campaign to "abolish ICE" is a perfect example.

Yes, many of us know that some of ICE's methods would make the Gestapo blush, BUT to call for its abolishing just feeds into Trump's demagoguery that Dems. are for open borders and anti law-enforcement which feeds into the biases and ignorance that is the basis of Trump cult members.

There are many, many issues to slam the moron-in-chief (issues that he himself spews on a daily basis,) BUT giving him talking points to rally his horde of sycophants should NOT be one of them.

The DNC NEEDS much better leadership.....

Yes they don't seem to learn do they. The problem is Democrats are far more independent in their own party than Republicans ever will be. Republicans are like zombies and the party tells them who to eat. Every now and then one or two of them breaks away for a moment, but for the vast majority they toe the line without question. And they all carp the same messaging regardless of what is right or wrong or if they have differeing viewpoints. Democrats go their own way and speak their minds far more often even if it doesn't help the party.

And at the moment they NEED to be united and push all these issues that yes are important but must be put on the back burner until the election is over. Republicans have no rules, they will take any morsel, and shred of a word someone said and all of them in cacophony will gin it up into the worst thing that has ever happened anywhere at any time.

Democrats needs to be a lot more savvy about the lowlifes they are up against. They have to stop expecting Republicans to act like Americans because Republicans have given up on that idea.

There are scum in both parties. Right now both parties are more concerned about partisan politics than fixing what’s broken in America. We should be disgusted with them all bc they’re working more for themselves than for the people.
your blatant hate for the law and law enforcement

hey, fuckhead, how do you and your fellow morons resolve this little dilemma......???..................LOL

National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence

Law enforcement leaders fight concealed-carry gun bill -

NRA pushes back against law enforcement, media, gun-control ...
Well we have ANOTHER SCOTUS pick to PREVENT that! And you got?......................Dick!
your blatant hate for the law and law enforcement

hey, fuckhead, how do you and your fellow morons resolve this little dilemma......???..................LOL

National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence

Law enforcement leaders fight concealed-carry gun bill -

NRA pushes back against law enforcement, media, gun-control ...
Well we have ANOTHER SCOTUS pick to PREVENT that! And you got?......................Dick!

And maybe EVEN ANOTHER, any day now.


Given what the majority of Americans and virtually the entire world population thinks about the idiot occupying the oval office, it should be a rather easy task to bash the heck out of his lies, flip-flops and corruption.

Instead, some democrats manage to give this charlatan ridiculous talking points. The campaign to "abolish ICE" is a perfect example.

Yes, many of us know that some of ICE's methods would make the Gestapo blush, BUT to call for its abolishing just feeds into Trump's demagoguery that Dems. are for open borders and anti law-enforcement which feeds into the biases and ignorance that is the basis of Trump cult members.

There are many, many issues to slam the moron-in-chief (issues that he himself spews on a daily basis,) BUT giving him talking points to rally his horde of sycophants should NOT be one of them.

The DNC NEEDS much better leadership.....

Yes they don't seem to learn do they. The problem is Democrats are far more independent in their own party than Republicans ever will be. Republicans are like zombies and the party tells them who to eat. Every now and then one or two of them breaks away for a moment, but for the vast majority they toe the line without question. And they all carp the same messaging regardless of what is right or wrong or if they have differeing viewpoints. Democrats go their own way and speak their minds far more often even if it doesn't help the party.

And at the moment they NEED to be united and push all these issues that yes are important but must be put on the back burner until the election is over. Republicans have no rules, they will take any morsel, and shred of a word someone said and all of them in cacophony will gin it up into the worst thing that has ever happened anywhere at any time.

Democrats needs to be a lot more savvy about the lowlifes they are up against. They have to stop expecting Republicans to act like Americans because Republicans have given up on that idea.

There are scum in both parties. Right now both parties are more concerned about partisan politics than fixing what’s broken in America. We should be disgusted with them all bc they’re working more for themselves than for the people.

One party has control. There is no equivalency.

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