Dems push for mail in voting is dangerous and insane !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
the democrat push for mail in voting is very very dangerous for one reason ! neither party will accept the outcome if their candidate loses ! and imagine the violence if Trump wins by a small margin ! does anyone honestly believe the dems will not go absolutely insane ! while republicans will not accept the outcome if Trump loses they will not destroy half the country in a violent tantrum!! but we can be assured the radicals on the left will lose their minds if they lose ! the left refuses to even acknowledge the 2016 election ! and dems need not try to claim they wont get violent if they dont get their way .....just look at the looting and burning and murder they are committing in the name of so called racial justice !
the democrat push for mail in voting is very very dangerous for one reason ! neither party will accept the outcome if their candidate loses ! and imagine the violence if Trump wins by a small margin ! does anyone honestly believe the dems will not go absolutely insane ! while republicans will not accept the outcome if Trump loses they will not destroy half the country in a violent tantrum!! but we can be assured the radicals on the left will lose their minds if they lose ! the left refuses to even acknowledge the 2016 election ! and dems need not try to claim they wont get violent if they dont get their way .....just look at the looting and burning and murder they are committing in the name of so called racial justice !

A polling official stated the obvious. Right now only 82% of votes cast in 2016 had any traceability (paper backup) if we expanded mail in balloting that would go up to 95% traceability.

Do you trust an election with 82% or 95% traceability?

As they say, do the math.
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.
the democrat push for mail in voting is very very dangerous for one reason ! neither party will accept the outcome if their candidate loses ! and imagine the violence if Trump wins by a small margin ! does anyone honestly believe the dems will not go absolutely insane ! while republicans will not accept the outcome if Trump loses they will not destroy half the country in a violent tantrum!! but we can be assured the radicals on the left will lose their minds if they lose ! the left refuses to even acknowledge the 2016 election ! and dems need not try to claim they wont get violent if they dont get their way .....just look at the looting and burning and murder they are committing in the name of so called racial justice !

We've lasted for more than two centuries as a democratic republic. Your fear mongering to suppress the vote is noted, along with your other posts, that suggest you are opposed to democracy in America.

Why is that?
mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.
There are three states which ONLY vote by mail. Studies of their error and fraud rates put it well below a measurable percentage. It's in the parts per million.
the democrat push for mail in voting is very very dangerous for one reason ! neither party will accept the outcome if their candidate loses ! and imagine the violence if Trump wins by a small margin ! does anyone honestly believe the dems will not go absolutely insane ! while republicans will not accept the outcome if Trump loses they will not destroy half the country in a violent tantrum!! but we can be assured the radicals on the left will lose their minds if they lose ! the left refuses to even acknowledge the 2016 election ! and dems need not try to claim they wont get violent if they dont get their way .....just look at the looting and burning and murder they are committing in the name of so called racial justice !
Oregon and Washington have held election all by mail for years with no problem. Stop pretending.
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.
the democrat push for mail in voting is very very dangerous for one reason ! neither party will accept the outcome if their candidate loses ! and imagine the violence if Trump wins by a small margin ! does anyone honestly believe the dems will not go absolutely insane ! while republicans will not accept the outcome if Trump loses they will not destroy half the country in a violent tantrum!! but we can be assured the radicals on the left will lose their minds if they lose ! the left refuses to even acknowledge the 2016 election ! and dems need not try to claim they wont get violent if they dont get their way .....just look at the looting and burning and murder they are committing in the name of so called racial justice !

We've lasted for more than two centuries as a democratic republic. Your fear mongering to suppress the vote is noted, along with your other posts, that suggest you are opposed to democracy in America.

Why is that?
lol ! get real ! do you really believe either party will accept the outcome if they lose ?? if a vaccine is produced that is safe whats the harm in delaying a few weeks to vote ?? after all the term doesnt end till mid jan !!
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.
soooooo you are saying that republicans are trustworthy !! lol ! the fact of the matter is very very simple ....leftist like you know the majority of cheating is committed by the left !
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.

I believe because just the large number of mail in votes will make accuracy unverifiable. It would take months to confirm every vote was legit. This election, I see the hatred so immense for Trump coming from the left, I don't believe there is a rule they wouldn't break and still feel it was justifiable if it got rid of Trump. maybe not all of them, but enough of them. They are the ones who dont want voter ID.
the democrat push for mail in voting is very very dangerous for one reason ! neither party will accept the outcome if their candidate loses ! and imagine the violence if Trump wins by a small margin ! does anyone honestly believe the dems will not go absolutely insane ! while republicans will not accept the outcome if Trump loses they will not destroy half the country in a violent tantrum!! but we can be assured the radicals on the left will lose their minds if they lose ! the left refuses to even acknowledge the 2016 election ! and dems need not try to claim they wont get violent if they dont get their way .....just look at the looting and burning and murder they are committing in the name of so called racial justice !
Oregon and Washington have held election all by mail for years with no problem. Stop pretending.

And Oregeon and Washington urban areas are and have been firmly under Democrook control and are burning shitholes that now require para military intervention.
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.

I believe because just the large number of mail in votes will make accuracy unverifiable. It would take months to confirm every vote was legit. This election, I see the hatred so immense for Trump coming from the left, I don't believe there is a rule they wouldn't break and still feel it was justifiable if it got rid of Trump. maybe not all of them, but enough of them. They are the ones who dont want voter ID.

Somehow Oregon gets their results in on time....everytime. Larger states may take a while. Little fraud is ever discovered.

Its laughable that somehow you think all of these Republican secretaries of State are going to be "in on it" if Trump loses.
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.
soooooo you are saying that republicans are trustworthy !! lol ! the fact of the matter is very very simple ....leftist like you know the majority of cheating is committed by the left !

No, that's what you're saying.
People have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Its quite secure.

mail in voting is allowed because there are times when its necessary, but even so there is some error and fraud on at least a limited scale. Increase the mail in voting to more than 100 million people and watch the error increase. even 2% could swing an election one way or the other.

And why would it increase percentage-wise?

Most county clerks are Republicans in red states. Most State Secretaries of State who certify elections are republicans.

It’s a non issue.
soooooo you are saying that republicans are trustworthy !! lol ! the fact of the matter is very very simple ....leftist like you know the majority of cheating is committe
d by the left !

No, that's what you're saying.

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