Dems planned to fool Sanders supporters at convention: Just Like They Have libs Snowed NOW


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democratic officials planned to fool ‘self-righteous’ Sanders supporters at convention

Newly released emails show former Democratic Party officials offering Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign detailed advice on how to trick “self-righteous” supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders into thinking they won concessions from the party establishment.


Dems continue to be exposed for being awesome CON ARTISTS AND LIARS!

Hopefully not only Bernie Supporters will take notice and abandon Hillary!
So far the DNC's own leaked emails have shown them to be:
- Liars
- Con Artists
- Racist
- Sexist
- Catholic-Bashing
- Anti-Semitic
- Homophobes
Just awesome...from the leaked e-mails:

"Here's my idea. Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary. Why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to only elected Democrats, he wrote. So if we "give" Bernie this in the Convention's rules committee, his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference anyway. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy."

The fix was in the whole time. Hillary supporters are unaware and compliant sheep...just what the Dems want. Stupid and loyal supporters who will keep them in power so they can fleece America and get rich with TAXPAYER MONEY.

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