Dems introduce bill to require background checks on ammunition sales


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I really hate that slimy bitch Schultz. I throw up in my mouth a little bit every time I see her. ANYWAY, background checks on AMMO? Seriously? If the Democrats don't cut this shit out I might have to start voting for Republicans for the first time in my life. I imagine I'm not alone.This gun/ammo issue is by far where the Democrats are the weakest and most ignorant.

Dems introduce bill to require background checks on ammunition sales

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are introducing legislation to require a background check for all firearm ammunition sales.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said on Monday they had introduced the bill, known as the Ammunition Background Check Act of 2018, arguing it would help close a "loophole" in the current law.
These are the same gun-grabbing socialists who submitted a piece of 'weapons control' legislation that called for the banning of citizens from being allowed to own 'missiles'.

Ummm, yeah, buried in in the back third of the thousands of pages that made up the bill was their real agenda. They had defined ALL RIFLE BULLETS as 'missiles'. It was discovered, revealed in the media, and the bill died a swift, horrific death.

The same should be the case for this latest gun-grabber ploy.

Dems introduce bill to require background checks on ammunition sales

'A pair of Democratic lawmakers are introducing legislation to require a background check for all firearm ammunition sales.'
(Wild, same exact threads by 2 different people at the exact same time.....asked the Mods to combine them)
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And of course it doesn't stop with background checks. The left will pick and pick and pick and build towards the eventual removal of the second amendment. If you have integrity and some sense you know it's true. That's where the rhetoric leads. The left will take any win it can when it comes to guns, and it won't stop. How many signs at the recent protest called for abolishing the 2nd amendment? I refuse to support nonsense "solutions" that won't actually help a problem, especially when those "solutions" just chip away at our rights even more.
These are the same gun-grabbing socialists who submitted a piece of 'weapons control' legislation that called for the banning of citizens from being allowed to own 'missiles'.

Ummm, yeah, buried in in the back third of the thousands of pages that made up the bill was their real agenda. They had defined ALL RIFLE BULLETS as 'missiles'. It was discovered, revealed in the media, and the bill died a swift, horrific death.

The same should be the case for this latest gun-grabber ploy.

Dems introduce bill to require background checks on ammunition sales

'A pair of Democratic lawmakers are introducing legislation to require a background check for all firearm ammunition sales.'

Won't pass.
Yeah, no. This won't do anything but waste resources.
The vegas shooter passed a background check, the pulse shooter passed a background check, the V.T shooter passed a background check, the sandy hook shooter would've passed a background check, the Sutherland springs shooter passed a background check, the san bernadino shooter passed a background check, the fort hood shooter passed a background check, charleston shooter passed the background check... I could go on.
The NRA, in their defense of the 2nd Amendment, is similar to how Pro-abortionists are in defense of abortion. They are both afraid if they give an inch the opposition will pounce all over it and attempt to take a mile. This concern was underscored at the March for Lives recently when one of the speakers actually declared to the crowd that when the NRA and politicians 'gave an inch' - conceded to outlaw bump stocks - they would 'take a mile'.

The mindset of 'we will concede nothing' is not limited to one party / side or another.

My point here?

God bless the NRA for standing up for my Constitutional rights; however, at some point common sense has to come into play. IMO, some ammunitions need to be outlawed from ownership by the average American citizen. What, for example, do average Americans need with armor piercing rounds? 'Bambi' does not need / does not wear a flak vest.

I understand the argument about 'militias' but do not believe that applies here.
Those wanting background checks on ammunition sales would be better off at the state levels imo, but
These are the same gun-grabbing socialists who submitted a piece of 'weapons control' legislation that called for the banning of citizens from being allowed to own 'missiles'.

Ummm, yeah, buried in in the back third of the thousands of pages that made up the bill was their real agenda. They had defined ALL RIFLE BULLETS as 'missiles'. It was discovered, revealed in the media, and the bill died a swift, horrific death.

The same should be the case for this latest gun-grabber ploy.

Dems introduce bill to require background checks on ammunition sales

'A pair of Democratic lawmakers are introducing legislation to require a background check for all firearm ammunition sales.'

Won't pass.
And it should be a state issue.
The Parkland shooter would have passed this check...they're trying to solve the wrong problem
What is the real problem, then?

Mental illness, in the Parkland so many dropped the ball from the FBI to local police, the family unit has been decimated, no morals, a violent society.....I could keep going but you get the point....maybe

You can pass BS anti gun laws all day long and it won't change a thing....look at Chicago and Baltimore
The Parkland shooter would have passed this check...they're trying to solve the wrong problem
What is the real problem, then?
Part of the problem is Mental Illness and the failure to address it in regards to this issue.

FACT: The school Board already knew the shooter was a threat, and several reports say they thought he should be committed.

IF they would have followed through with it this would not have happened...perhaps.
IF the Parkland sheriff's office would have done their job....
IF the FBI would have done their job....

As my uncle used to say, though, "If 'IF's and 'BUT's were candy and nuts everyday would be Christmas'....
Another issue....the left and children. "Oh look little Johnny is acting up, we must coddle Johnny, not upset him, give him his way"

Little Johnny needs a trip to the woodshed....he'll soon straighten up
Mental illness, in the Parkland so many dropped the ball from the FBI to local police, the family unit has been decimated, no morals, a violent society.....I could keep going but you get the point....maybe You can pass BS anti gun laws all day long and it won't change a thing....look at Chicago and Baltimore

Then look at Maryland:

1 shooter steps into a school, pulls a weapon, opens fire, wounds several students, and in less than a minute is dead on the floor, shot by a employee with a gun charged with protecting the school. No deaths.

The Parkland school trusted their police, called them, waited for them to come save them, only to have the Sheriff order his men to stand down and wait for the shooting to be over. 17 Dead. Maryland decided to protect their own - 1 dead: the shooter.

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