Dems Are Stalling, Recount Will Not Be Completed, WISCONSIN WILL FORFEIT TRUMP VOTES

Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

WI GOP Lawmaker: Dems Are Stalling, Recount Will Not Be Completed, WISCONSIN WILL FORFEIT TRUMP VOTES

dec 1 2016 Wisconsin Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI) went on with Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the recount in Wisconsin.

Duffy said Democrats and far left Green Party supporters are stalling the recount in Dane County Wisconsin, where Madison is located. The county is holding a hand recount. The recount will not be completed by the deadline on December 20th. Therefore, according to Rep. Duffy, the state will quite possibly be forced to forfeit their electoral votes.

This was the plan all along. Democrats knew they couldn’t make up 20,000 votes. But they also knew if they stalled on the recount the state could not certify the vote.

Wisconsin, won fairly by Donald Trump, will forfeit.

Federal law says that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election. Stein waited until 90 minutes before the Wisconsin deadline for filing a recount petition expired.

All the votes have to be certified by December 13 according to a report on Friday. The electors meet on December 19.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Same question still stands, that being: why would they "drop out"? What would compel the to do so?

They're not even required to hold an election at all yanno. Again, all the Constitution requires is that they designate electors who cast their votes. And they can do that any way they see fit. It doesn't even require an election -- that's a complete bread and circus sham. You know that, right?

You realize that asking a question is not the same as answering a question. Why they would do whatever is beyond what I or you could know. But by the link I provided you if they don't finish the recount by the time limit then their delegates drop out.

Now, to ask you a question. Since it is well known that this process will not produce a change, never has, what is the true reason for the recount? Hillary said that challenging the election was an attack on America. Is the reason she is joining in an attack on America?
This only proves they don't have much belief in democracy - something which we already knew.

Now, get ready to spell "President Trump".

Say isn't that the guy who supposedly will get the office via the Electoral College -- the process he himself called "a disaster for democracy"?
If you mean wasn't Trump elected by the rules in place before the election, then yes.
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No, that is not true. He got in because we still use a system that was designed for the I7th century. It is in our Constitution. Clinton won the majority of votes, but that is not how the system works, so Trump has the most electoral votes, and unless something is found seriously wrong in Wisconsin will be President. And, by the end of 2019, I think that we will see how seriously the whole nation lost with the election of such an incompetent President.

It's called states rights and that's why we have the EC instead of a popular vote. The founding fathers didn't want a couple of densely populated cities deciding who will be prez. THINK

There uh, were no "densely populated cities" then, Hunior. Most of the population lived on farms.

More accurately, they didn't want free states outvoting slave states. And when POTUS 2 came in from Massachusetts they put a stop to that with the '"winner take all" bullshit and resumed an otherwise unbroken string of POTUSes who were slaveholders from the South.
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Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

WI GOP Lawmaker: Dems Are Stalling, Recount Will Not Be Completed, WISCONSIN WILL FORFEIT TRUMP VOTES

dec 1 2016 Wisconsin Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI) went on with Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the recount in Wisconsin.

Duffy said Democrats and far left Green Party supporters are stalling the recount in Dane County Wisconsin, where Madison is located. The county is holding a hand recount. The recount will not be completed by the deadline on December 20th. Therefore, according to Rep. Duffy, the state will quite possibly be forced to forfeit their electoral votes.

This was the plan all along. Democrats knew they couldn’t make up 20,000 votes. But they also knew if they stalled on the recount the state could not certify the vote.

Wisconsin, won fairly by Donald Trump, will forfeit.

Federal law says that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election. Stein waited until 90 minutes before the Wisconsin deadline for filing a recount petition expired.

All the votes have to be certified by December 13 according to a report on Friday. The electors meet on December 19.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

WI GOP Lawmaker: Dems Are Stalling, Recount Will Not Be Completed, WISCONSIN WILL FORFEIT TRUMP VOTES

dec 1 2016 Wisconsin Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI) went on with Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the recount in Wisconsin.

Duffy said Democrats and far left Green Party supporters are stalling the recount in Dane County Wisconsin, where Madison is located. The county is holding a hand recount. The recount will not be completed by the deadline on December 20th. Therefore, according to Rep. Duffy, the state will quite possibly be forced to forfeit their electoral votes.

This was the plan all along. Democrats knew they couldn’t make up 20,000 votes. But they also knew if they stalled on the recount the state could not certify the vote.

Wisconsin, won fairly by Donald Trump, will forfeit.

Federal law says that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election. Stein waited until 90 minutes before the Wisconsin deadline for filing a recount petition expired.

All the votes have to be certified by December 13 according to a report on Friday. The electors meet on December 19.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Even in the most far-fetched fantasy, the Court would not disenfranchise millions of Wisconsin voters.

You might want to sit down for this ---

Millions of Wisconsin voters --- as well as in every other state --- are already disenfranchised by the EC system.
A little perspective.

Complete nonsense.
Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

WI GOP Lawmaker: Dems Are Stalling, Recount Will Not Be Completed, WISCONSIN WILL FORFEIT TRUMP VOTES

dec 1 2016 Wisconsin Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI) went on with Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the recount in Wisconsin.

Duffy said Democrats and far left Green Party supporters are stalling the recount in Dane County Wisconsin, where Madison is located. The county is holding a hand recount. The recount will not be completed by the deadline on December 20th. Therefore, according to Rep. Duffy, the state will quite possibly be forced to forfeit their electoral votes.

This was the plan all along. Democrats knew they couldn’t make up 20,000 votes. But they also knew if they stalled on the recount the state could not certify the vote.

Wisconsin, won fairly by Donald Trump, will forfeit.

Federal law says that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election. Stein waited until 90 minutes before the Wisconsin deadline for filing a recount petition expired.

All the votes have to be certified by December 13 according to a report on Friday. The electors meet on December 19.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

WI GOP Lawmaker: Dems Are Stalling, Recount Will Not Be Completed, WISCONSIN WILL FORFEIT TRUMP VOTES

dec 1 2016 Wisconsin Representative Sean Duffy (R-WI) went on with Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the recount in Wisconsin.

Duffy said Democrats and far left Green Party supporters are stalling the recount in Dane County Wisconsin, where Madison is located. The county is holding a hand recount. The recount will not be completed by the deadline on December 20th. Therefore, according to Rep. Duffy, the state will quite possibly be forced to forfeit their electoral votes.

This was the plan all along. Democrats knew they couldn’t make up 20,000 votes. But they also knew if they stalled on the recount the state could not certify the vote.

Wisconsin, won fairly by Donald Trump, will forfeit.

Federal law says that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election. Stein waited until 90 minutes before the Wisconsin deadline for filing a recount petition expired.

All the votes have to be certified by December 13 according to a report on Friday. The electors meet on December 19.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Even in the most far-fetched fantasy, the Court would not disenfranchise millions of Wisconsin voters.

You might want to sit down for this ---

Millions of Wisconsin voters --- as well as in every other state --- are already disenfranchised by the EC system.
A little perspective.
Actually millions have been disenfranchised by Democrats flooding the country with illegal foreigners since the 70s.
Not winning is not the same as being disenfrancised. Your vote counted in YOUR state.

"Not winning" is not the same as being disenfranchised, correct. Having one's vote tossed in the round file however, is. And that's how it works.

My vote "counted" in my state, only to the extent that it was not clear going in how the entire state population would settle. --- therefore I had a say in it. My friends and relatives in Texas and Massachusetts and Mississippi and California, didn't have that luxury. They were disenfranchised. Any or all of them could have voted with their state, against their state, or not voted at all, and the effect in all three cases would be exactly the same --- nothing.

That's what I call disenfranchised. It's arguably worse than not being allowed a vote at all --- "OK you can vote, but we're just gonna throw it out".

So once the votes were counted in my state it was resolved that the state's Electors will declare that "the people of North Carolina cast all 15 votes for Donald Rump" ------ which is absolute bullshit, and tosses into that same round file everybody who didn't vote that way, which is in the millions. That's disenfranchisement. We did not vote unanimously and it's nakedly insane to declare we did.

Now if the state's electors would say, "8 votes for Rump, 7 votes for Clinton" that would be actually counting the people's votes. But that's not how they do it.

If your state has a bigger population then YOUR state has more influence than a smaller state.

I'm not a "state". I'm a "people". And at no time in this election or any other did I confer with the entire population of my state to come to an agreement on how we would vote. That has never happened, anywhere ever.
You realize that asking a question is not the same as answering a question. Why they would do whatever is beyond what I or you could know. But by the link I provided you if they don't finish the recount by the time limit then their delegates drop out.

No it doesn't. Your link is a blog, and it gives no compelling reason their electors would have to "drop out", recount or no recount. Because again, as I keep telling you ---- .they're not even required to hold a public election. In other words they technically don't even need to know how their population voted. At all.

Now, to ask you a question. Since it is well known that this process will not produce a change, never has, what is the true reason for the recount? Hillary said that challenging the election was an attack on America. Is the reason she is joining in an attack on America?

I have no idea. You should ask her. But your blog gave one possible reason, even if it failed to make its case. I gave you another, which may be reading too much into it but actually works. And if it is the actual intention --- i.e. calling public attention to the fact that the election day process itself is meaningless --- then it's brilliant.
You realize that asking a question is not the same as answering a question. Why they would do whatever is beyond what I or you could know. But by the link I provided you if they don't finish the recount by the time limit then their delegates drop out.

No it doesn't. Your link is a blog, and it gives no compelling reason their electors would have to "drop out", recount or no recount. Because again, as I keep telling you ---- .they're not even required to hold a public election. In other words they technically don't even need to know how their population voted. At all.

Now, to ask you a question. Since it is well known that this process will not produce a change, never has, what is the true reason for the recount? Hillary said that challenging the election was an attack on America. Is the reason she is joining in an attack on America?

I have no idea. You should ask her. But your blog gave one possible reason, even if it failed to make its case. I gave you another, which may be reading too much into it but actually works. And if it is the actual intention --- i.e. calling public attention to the fact that the election day process itself is meaningless --- then it's brilliant.

Here is another link saying the same thing:
What will happen if Wisconsin can't finish the recount in time?
Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Even in the most far-fetched fantasy, the Court would not disenfranchise millions of Wisconsin voters.

You might want to sit down for this ---

Millions of Wisconsin voters --- as well as in every other state --- are already disenfranchised by the EC system.
A little perspective.
Actually millions have been disenfranchised by Democrats flooding the country with illegal foreigners since the 70s.

You realize that asking a question is not the same as answering a question. Why they would do whatever is beyond what I or you could know. But by the link I provided you if they don't finish the recount by the time limit then their delegates drop out.

No it doesn't. Your link is a blog, and it gives no compelling reason their electors would have to "drop out", recount or no recount. Because again, as I keep telling you ---- .they're not even required to hold a public election. In other words they technically don't even need to know how their population voted. At all.

Now, to ask you a question. Since it is well known that this process will not produce a change, never has, what is the true reason for the recount? Hillary said that challenging the election was an attack on America. Is the reason she is joining in an attack on America?

I have no idea. You should ask her. But your blog gave one possible reason, even if it failed to make its case. I gave you another, which may be reading too much into it but actually works. And if it is the actual intention --- i.e. calling public attention to the fact that the election day process itself is meaningless --- then it's brilliant.

Here is another link saying the same thing:
What will happen if Wisconsin can't finish the recount in time?

Down to user-generated answers now? :lol: Desperation strikes deep. Why can't you just admit the OP has no basis and is logically speaking pissing into the wind?

Even on this page no one addresses my question which once again is; exactly WHAT would compel Wisconsin (or any other state) to miss the date for sending its Electoral Votes?

Even in this page several user-generated answers go into what happens if it misses that date. I'm not seeing anything explaining why it would miss that date in the first place. The page seems to ass-ume, as this thread does, that a state sending its Electoral Votes somehow depends on what the state's popular vote tally was. I challenge that assumption.
Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Hillary is doing this in several states and it will cause civil war, but hillary has no choice. If trump is prez she's going to prison.

Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Even in the most far-fetched fantasy, the Court would not disenfranchise millions of Wisconsin voters.

You might want to sit down for this ---

Millions of Wisconsin voters --- as well as in every other state --- are already disenfranchised by the EC system.
A little perspective.

Complete nonsense.

Complete failure to make any counterargument.
I get a lot of that.
Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Jim Fucking Hoft. When will you cretins ever get it.

Diga me this Tonto --- why would Wisconsin, or any other state, be forced to forfeit their EVs? The Constitution doesn't care how any state picks their electors or how they instruct them to vote. The Constitution doesn't even prescribe a public election at all.

If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Even in the most far-fetched fantasy, the Court would not disenfranchise millions of Wisconsin voters.

You might want to sit down for this ---

Millions of Wisconsin voters --- as well as in every other state --- are already disenfranchised by the EC system.
A little perspective.

Complete nonsense.

Complete failure to make any counterargument.
I get a lot of that.

None is necessary. The system in play is fully constitutional.
If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
If they don't finish the recount before the dead line then their state drops out.

Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Even in the most far-fetched fantasy, the Court would not disenfranchise millions of Wisconsin voters.

You might want to sit down for this ---

Millions of Wisconsin voters --- as well as in every other state --- are already disenfranchised by the EC system.
A little perspective.

Complete nonsense.

Complete failure to make any counterargument.
I get a lot of that.

None is necessary. The system in play is fully constitutional.

Again, complete lack of counterargument, augmented by implied strawman.
I've intimated absolutely nothing to the effect that anything is not "constitutional". To the contrary I've been specifically pointing out that that same Constitution does not require Wisconsin, or any other state, to "forfeit" its Electoral Vote, regardless what the vote count is or even if there's no vote at all.

No one has countered that argument.

But I'm used to it.
You realize that asking a question is not the same as answering a question. Why they would do whatever is beyond what I or you could know. But by the link I provided you if they don't finish the recount by the time limit then their delegates drop out.

No it doesn't. Your link is a blog, and it gives no compelling reason their electors would have to "drop out", recount or no recount. Because again, as I keep telling you ---- .they're not even required to hold a public election. In other words they technically don't even need to know how their population voted. At all.

Now, to ask you a question. Since it is well known that this process will not produce a change, never has, what is the true reason for the recount? Hillary said that challenging the election was an attack on America. Is the reason she is joining in an attack on America?

I have no idea. You should ask her. But your blog gave one possible reason, even if it failed to make its case. I gave you another, which may be reading too much into it but actually works. And if it is the actual intention --- i.e. calling public attention to the fact that the election day process itself is meaningless --- then it's brilliant.

Here is another link saying the same thing:
What will happen if Wisconsin can't finish the recount in time?

Down to user-generated answers now? :lol: Desperation strikes deep. Why can't you just admit the OP has no basis and is logically speaking pissing into the wind?

Even on this page no one addresses my question which once again is; exactly WHAT would compel Wisconsin (or any other state) to miss the date for sending its Electoral Votes?

Even in this page several user-generated answers go into what happens if it misses that date. I'm not seeing anything explaining why it would miss that date in the first place. The page seems to ass-ume, as this thread does, that a state sending its Electoral Votes somehow depends on what the state's popular vote tally was. I challenge that assumption.
The gist of what I see in this thread is why is Stein asking for a recount. I asked you why and you said you have no idea why she would. But you want an answer to why they would miss the date. If it is a hand count that could happen. What I spoke to is what could be the technical result if it did happen. I see no reason for Stein contesting a vote that SHE has no chance of winning. I think WI should have denied her request because she has no standing in the issue. That may be why the Hillary camp had to go against what they preached before the election and joined in.
Even in the most far-fetched fantasy, the Court would not disenfranchise millions of Wisconsin voters.

You might want to sit down for this ---

Millions of Wisconsin voters --- as well as in every other state --- are already disenfranchised by the EC system.
A little perspective.

Complete nonsense.

Complete failure to make any counterargument.
I get a lot of that.

None is necessary. The system in play is fully constitutional.

Again, complete lack of counterargument, augmented by implied strawman.
I've intimated absolutely nothing to the effect that anything is not "constitutional". To the contrary I've been specifically pointing out that that same Constitution does not require Wisconsin, or any other state, to "forfeit" its Electoral Vote, regardless what the vote count is or even if there's no vote at all.

No one has countered that argument.

But I'm used to it.
So in effect you agree that the will of the people of the state of Wisconsin should be infringed and going around agreed upon rules because you're such a sore loser is the way to go.

For some reason I dislike candidates that cheat....and are constantly exploring methods to screw the voters out of their vote.

I wonder if Pogo really thinks the people will stand back and let this go unpunished.

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