Dems Approve $500 mil for the Middle East


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Washington Dimbocrats are just amazing arent they?

Three surgeons were arguing about what group is easiest to operate om.

First surgeon said it was electricians because everything inside is color coded.

Second surgeon said, no, it was librarians because everything is in alphabetical order.

Third one said, "No, the easiest group to operate on are politicians. They have no guts, no balls, no spine, no heart, no brain and their head and ass are interchangeable."

Democrats Approved $500 Million for Border Wall... In Middle East

As the government shut down continues with the battle over border wall funding not yet resolved, the left’s hypocrisy on the issue continues to be revealed.

One example of this, of course, is that the Democrats have previously approved higher amounts of spending on a barrier of some form along the southern U.S. border.

Now, we have yet another example of how Democratic objections to funding the wall look more like a temper tantrum than an actual, legitimate concern.

In February 2016, Vice News reported that then-President Barack Obama helped the Middle Eastern country of Jordan with its construction of a border barrier to the tune of half a billion dollars.

Jordan wanted the wall to “stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important (military) American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq,” the website reported.

Wait. A country wanted to help stop refugees from entering and Democrats were not only OK with that, but helped pay for it?

It gets even better. When the project began in 2008, the price tag was only $20 million.

That plan, at that time, was to “to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria,” Vice News reported.​
Did you actually read the Vice news linked article in your post Jim? The program for the towers was under President Bush, the electronic fence is what Democrats believe and support... and of course it has little to do with simply illegal immigrants like Mexicans looking for work.... :rolleyes:

King Abdullah II of Jordan is meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday, for working talks that the Jordanian Embassy describes as covering "the strategic partnership" between the two countries. In addition to discussing the flood of Syrian refugees into Jordan — there are now 750,000 of them — the Embassy also says that the two will "tackle global efforts to combat terrorism and extremism across the Middle East, Africa, and the world." The White House mentions the talks in the president's daily schedule, noting the two will discuss "efforts to counter ISIL (and) resolve the Syrian conflict," using the US government's favorite acronym for the Islamic State group.

But that's a very reductive description of what the monarch and the president are likely to talk about. There's a major war going on across the Hashemite Kingdom's northern and eastern border, and much about Jordan's military role in that war won't likely be the subject of press releases. But the border is undoubtedly somewhere buried in the briefing books. The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan's northern and eastern borders, a wall which US strategic planners hope will stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq.

The wall, which began as a $20 million project in 2008 to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria, has since expanded into a program costing half a billion dollars, according to defense officials who spoke to VICE News. Called the Jordan Border Security Program or JBSP, the wall is ostensibly meant to stop weapons of mass destruction from getting out, but since 2013 has refocused on detecting Islamic State fighters and arms smuggling, as well as refugees, on both sides of the border.

When completed later this decade, the border wall will have a camera-studded high-security fence, plus a network of ground sensors and a set of fixed and mobile surveillance towers that will be able to see and detect activity five miles away on either side of the fence. The entire system funnels into a joint US-Jordanian command center, where the United States also shares additional intelligence with Jordan about external threats to the kingdom.
Did you actually read the Vice news linked article in your post Jim? The program for the towers was under President Bush, the electronic fence is what Democrats believe and support... and of course it has little to do with simply illegal immigrants like Mexicans looking for work.... :rolleyes:

King Abdullah II of Jordan is meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday, for working talks that the Jordanian Embassy describes as covering "the strategic partnership" between the two countries. In addition to discussing the flood of Syrian refugees into Jordan — there are now 750,000 of them — the Embassy also says that the two will "tackle global efforts to combat terrorism and extremism across the Middle East, Africa, and the world." The White House mentions the talks in the president's daily schedule, noting the two will discuss "efforts to counter ISIL (and) resolve the Syrian conflict," using the US government's favorite acronym for the Islamic State group.

But that's a very reductive description of what the monarch and the president are likely to talk about. There's a major war going on across the Hashemite Kingdom's northern and eastern border, and much about Jordan's military role in that war won't likely be the subject of press releases. But the border is undoubtedly somewhere buried in the briefing books. The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan's northern and eastern borders, a wall which US strategic planners hope will stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq.

The wall, which began as a $20 million project in 2008 to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria, has since expanded into a program costing half a billion dollars, according to defense officials who spoke to VICE News. Called the Jordan Border Security Program or JBSP, the wall is ostensibly meant to stop weapons of mass destruction from getting out, but since 2013 has refocused on detecting Islamic State fighters and arms smuggling, as well as refugees, on both sides of the border.

When completed later this decade, the border wall will have a camera-studded high-security fence, plus a network of ground sensors and a set of fixed and mobile surveillance towers that will be able to see and detect activity five miles away on either side of the fence. The entire system funnels into a joint US-Jordanian command center, where the United States also shares additional intelligence with Jordan about external threats to the kingdom.

Whatever we financed for Jordan should also be built along our Southern border for the same reasons they did it; to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

That was the point in case you missed it.
Did you actually read the Vice news linked article in your post Jim? The program for the towers was under President Bush, the electronic fence is what Democrats believe and support... and of course it has little to do with simply illegal immigrants like Mexicans looking for work.... :rolleyes:

King Abdullah II of Jordan is meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday, for working talks that the Jordanian Embassy describes as covering "the strategic partnership" between the two countries. In addition to discussing the flood of Syrian refugees into Jordan — there are now 750,000 of them — the Embassy also says that the two will "tackle global efforts to combat terrorism and extremism across the Middle East, Africa, and the world." The White House mentions the talks in the president's daily schedule, noting the two will discuss "efforts to counter ISIL (and) resolve the Syrian conflict," using the US government's favorite acronym for the Islamic State group.

But that's a very reductive description of what the monarch and the president are likely to talk about. There's a major war going on across the Hashemite Kingdom's northern and eastern border, and much about Jordan's military role in that war won't likely be the subject of press releases. But the border is undoubtedly somewhere buried in the briefing books. The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan's northern and eastern borders, a wall which US strategic planners hope will stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq.

The wall, which began as a $20 million project in 2008 to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria, has since expanded into a program costing half a billion dollars, according to defense officials who spoke to VICE News. Called the Jordan Border Security Program or JBSP, the wall is ostensibly meant to stop weapons of mass destruction from getting out, but since 2013 has refocused on detecting Islamic State fighters and arms smuggling, as well as refugees, on both sides of the border.

When completed later this decade, the border wall will have a camera-studded high-security fence, plus a network of ground sensors and a set of fixed and mobile surveillance towers that will be able to see and detect activity five miles away on either side of the fence. The entire system funnels into a joint US-Jordanian command center, where the United States also shares additional intelligence with Jordan about external threats to the kingdom.

Whatever we financed for Jordan should also be built along our Southern border for the same reasons they did it; to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

That was the point in case you missed it.
Byron York: In border fight, Democrats want 'technological wall' that won't keep anybody out
From $20 million to $500 million, hmm? But surely Trump’s vanity project will be different!
Did you actually read the Vice news linked article in your post Jim? The program for the towers was under President Bush, the electronic fence is what Democrats believe and support... and of course it has little to do with simply illegal immigrants like Mexicans looking for work.... :rolleyes:

King Abdullah II of Jordan is meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday, for working talks that the Jordanian Embassy describes as covering "the strategic partnership" between the two countries. In addition to discussing the flood of Syrian refugees into Jordan — there are now 750,000 of them — the Embassy also says that the two will "tackle global efforts to combat terrorism and extremism across the Middle East, Africa, and the world." The White House mentions the talks in the president's daily schedule, noting the two will discuss "efforts to counter ISIL (and) resolve the Syrian conflict," using the US government's favorite acronym for the Islamic State group.

But that's a very reductive description of what the monarch and the president are likely to talk about. There's a major war going on across the Hashemite Kingdom's northern and eastern border, and much about Jordan's military role in that war won't likely be the subject of press releases. But the border is undoubtedly somewhere buried in the briefing books. The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan's northern and eastern borders, a wall which US strategic planners hope will stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq.

The wall, which began as a $20 million project in 2008 to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria, has since expanded into a program costing half a billion dollars, according to defense officials who spoke to VICE News. Called the Jordan Border Security Program or JBSP, the wall is ostensibly meant to stop weapons of mass destruction from getting out, but since 2013 has refocused on detecting Islamic State fighters and arms smuggling, as well as refugees, on both sides of the border.

When completed later this decade, the border wall will have a camera-studded high-security fence, plus a network of ground sensors and a set of fixed and mobile surveillance towers that will be able to see and detect activity five miles away on either side of the fence. The entire system funnels into a joint US-Jordanian command center, where the United States also shares additional intelligence with Jordan about external threats to the kingdom.

Whatever we financed for Jordan should also be built along our Southern border for the same reasons they did it; to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

That was the point in case you missed it.
Byron York: In border fight, Democrats want 'technological wall' that won't keep anybody out

Tech border is not a wall like the one they gave Jordan.

Regular Americans dont rate protecting like Jordan does I guess.

But if walls dont work why did they build one for Jordan?
Did you actually read the Vice news linked article in your post Jim? The program for the towers was under President Bush, the electronic fence is what Democrats believe and support... and of course it has little to do with simply illegal immigrants like Mexicans looking for work.... :rolleyes:

King Abdullah II of Jordan is meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday, for working talks that the Jordanian Embassy describes as covering "the strategic partnership" between the two countries. In addition to discussing the flood of Syrian refugees into Jordan — there are now 750,000 of them — the Embassy also says that the two will "tackle global efforts to combat terrorism and extremism across the Middle East, Africa, and the world." The White House mentions the talks in the president's daily schedule, noting the two will discuss "efforts to counter ISIL (and) resolve the Syrian conflict," using the US government's favorite acronym for the Islamic State group.

But that's a very reductive description of what the monarch and the president are likely to talk about. There's a major war going on across the Hashemite Kingdom's northern and eastern border, and much about Jordan's military role in that war won't likely be the subject of press releases. But the border is undoubtedly somewhere buried in the briefing books. The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan's northern and eastern borders, a wall which US strategic planners hope will stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq.

The wall, which began as a $20 million project in 2008 to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria, has since expanded into a program costing half a billion dollars, according to defense officials who spoke to VICE News. Called the Jordan Border Security Program or JBSP, the wall is ostensibly meant to stop weapons of mass destruction from getting out, but since 2013 has refocused on detecting Islamic State fighters and arms smuggling, as well as refugees, on both sides of the border.

When completed later this decade, the border wall will have a camera-studded high-security fence, plus a network of ground sensors and a set of fixed and mobile surveillance towers that will be able to see and detect activity five miles away on either side of the fence. The entire system funnels into a joint US-Jordanian command center, where the United States also shares additional intelligence with Jordan about external threats to the kingdom.

Whatever we financed for Jordan should also be built along our Southern border for the same reasons they did it; to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

That was the point in case you missed it.
Byron York: In border fight, Democrats want 'technological wall' that won't keep anybody out

Tech border is not a wall like the one they gave Jordan.

Regular Americans dont rate protecting like Jordan does I guess.

But if walls dont work why did they build one for Jordan?
If King Abdullah said he was going to build a fence and make the US pay for it, then that King would have delivered on his promise...

I wonder why can't Trump deliver on his promise...
Washington Dimbocrats are just amazing arent they?

Three surgeons were arguing about what group is easiest to operate om.

First surgeon said it was electricians because everything inside is color coded.

Second surgeon said, no, it was librarians because everything is in alphabetical order.

Third one said, "No, the easiest group to operate on are politicians. They have no guts, no balls, no spine, no heart, no brain and their head and ass are interchangeable."

Democrats Approved $500 Million for Border Wall... In Middle East

As the government shut down continues with the battle over border wall funding not yet resolved, the left’s hypocrisy on the issue continues to be revealed.

One example of this, of course, is that the Democrats have previously approved higher amounts of spending on a barrier of some form along the southern U.S. border.

Now, we have yet another example of how Democratic objections to funding the wall look more like a temper tantrum than an actual, legitimate concern.

In February 2016, Vice News reported that then-President Barack Obama helped the Middle Eastern country of Jordan with its construction of a border barrier to the tune of half a billion dollars.

Jordan wanted the wall to “stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important (military) American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq,” the website reported.

Wait. A country wanted to help stop refugees from entering and Democrats were not only OK with that, but helped pay for it?

It gets even better. When the project began in 2008, the price tag was only $20 million.

That plan, at that time, was to “to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria,” Vice News reported.​

You mean the GOP /DOPers and the Great Douche made and signed the 2018 Ominbus bill...


How is the dems fault? The GOP/DOPers controlled gobmint and spent DOPer wall money over there.

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