Demonrats Move American Flags Into Convention


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Paramedics will be on hand tonight for all of the snowflakes passing out from being offended.
Did you not see the flag draped stage ?

Oh , were there not enough flags for you ??? You sound like a bunch of PC bitches ! I thought righties hated political correctness .
Did you watch any of the comvention? The vid screens became flags .

I guess the chants of "usa" were piped in too?
democratz iz all bout symbolizm. Apparently, someone noticed that they were looking foolish and decided to give the sycophants something to pretend was there all along.
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Did you watch any of the comvention? The vid screens became flags .

I guess the chants of "usa" were piped in too?
2 second flashes of flags. More Commie and Islamofascist flags were present than American.

GOP stage was the same ! Video flags / red white blue theme .
GOP stage was a tad different.
View attachment 83111
Digital flags. The Dems had them too. You just posted a picture when the Reps were using them and the Dems weren't. Neither stage had a single actual flag.
Check: FALSE: No American Flags Present at the Democratic National Convention

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