Democrats’ Year of Trump-Bashing – Worthless


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The Democrats have engaged in almost a full year now of relentless, often fraudulent, Trump-bashing. Well. They’re beginning to make some headway (sort of). A recent poll shows that among Trump supporters, support for him is currently at 96%. This is down slightly from 98% on the date of the election.

Congratulations, Democrats. At least this miniscule drop is better than the continuous INCREASES in popularity Trump gained during the campaign, each time the Democrats issued a new bash job.

It was hilarious to see how, with each new bash, smug and confident Democrats proclaimed each new one to be the end of the Trump campaign. “Well, he couldn’t possibly recover from this” we kept hearing. LOL. Remember how he couldn’t recover from the John McCain “dishonor” ? Or the disabled reporter alleged shocking misbehavior ? Then there was the horrible Access Hollywood thing, the Khizir Khan (Muslim gold star father), and attempts to portray Trump as an outsourcer.

Most all of these were easily exposed as Democrat lies, and only served to strengthen Trump’s position vs Hillary, who really DID have a bad behavior history + a long record as a pathological LIAR.

But as we now find ourselves 11 months later, from the start of the Trump climb to the presidency, Democrats continue to do what has been essentially worthless to them, and often counterproductive. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Knock yourselves out, Democrats.
To avoid talking about your Cheeto Jesup there has been a increase in thread's that only focus on what people say in response to Trump's stupid moves.

Every thread is "the demo said something about Trump! They're:

1. Over reacting
2. Too loud
3. Not nice
4. Disagreeing

You only focus on the response.
To avoid talking about your Cheeto Jesup there has been a increase in thread's that only focus on what people say in response to Trump's stupid moves.

Every thread is "the demo said something about Trump! They're:

1. Over reacting
2. Too loud
3. Not nice
4. Disagreeing

You only focus on the response.
Dang! I was hoping you were going to challenge my 4th paragraph. :biggrin:
The Democrats have engaged in almost a full year now of relentless, often fraudulent, Trump-bashing. Well. They’re beginning to make some headway (sort of). A recent poll shows that among Trump supporters, support for him is currently at 96%. This is down slightly from 98% on the date of the election.

Congratulations, Democrats. At least this miniscule drop is better than the continuous INCREASES in popularity Trump gained during the campaign, each time the Democrats issued a new bash job.

It was hilarious to see how, with each new bash, smug and confident Democrats proclaimed each new one to be the end of the Trump campaign. “Well, he couldn’t possibly recover from this” we kept hearing. LOL. Remember how he couldn’t recover from the John McCain “dishonor” ? Or the disabled reporter alleged shocking misbehavior ? Then there was the horrible Access Hollywood thing, the Khizir Khan (Muslim gold star father), and attempts to portray Trump as an outsourcer.

Most all of these were easily exposed as Democrat lies, and only served to strengthen Trump’s position vs Hillary, who really DID have a bad behavior history + a long record as a pathological LIAR.

But as we now find ourselves 11 months later, from the start of the Trump climb to the presidency, Democrats continue to do what has been essentially worthless to them, and often counterproductive. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Knock yourselves out, Democrats.

Something tells me that the resistance movement sponsored by Obama and Hillary will backfire! A majority of Americans, including democrats want the democratic party to work with Trump for the good of the country.
Something tells me that the resistance movement sponsored by Obama and Hillary will backfire! A majority of Americans, including democrats want the democratic party to work with Trump for the good of the country.
Hopefully they are coming to their senses. I was a Democrat for decades. I got well.
Poor old trumpet got trashed, why it has to be the first time evah any politicians were flame roasted...
Poor old trumpet got trashed, why it has to be the first time evah any politicians were flame roasted...

anything short of being a Trump drone and sucking his dick is "trashing Trump"..

fuck Trump .. this is a troll thread.
anything short of being a Trump drone and sucking his dick is "trashing Trump"..

fuck Trump .. this is a troll thread.
No it's not, and YOU are a troll. Get lost, creep!

sure it is..

you're a partisan hack bashing dems for bashing Trump ... problem being, he isnt getting a dem bashing, he's getting an ass kicking from the conservatives HE BASHED during the campaign.

now thats FUNNY!

fuck Trump
To avoid talking about your Cheeto Jesup there has been a increase in thread's that only focus on what people say in response to Trump's stupid moves.

Every thread is "the demo said something about Trump! They're:

1. Over reacting
2. Too loud
3. Not nice
4. Disagreeing

You only focus on the response.

America is tired of watching a bunch of Jizz breathed liberals blow each other.
They keep digging their own grave, and it couldn't happen to a more disgusting bunch of scum bags.
To avoid talking about your Cheeto Jesup there has been a increase in thread's that only focus on what people say in response to Trump's stupid moves.

Every thread is "the demo said something about Trump! They're:

1. Over reacting
2. Too loud
3. Not nice
4. Disagreeing

You only focus on the response.

America is tired of watching a bunch of Jizz breathed liberals blow each other.
They keep digging their own grave, and it couldn't happen to a more disgusting bunch of scum bags.

One day maybe you'll find a way to see others point that disagrees with your own without crying like a fucking baby.
what bashing ...

fuck Trump.
Please don't trash the thread.
You did that yourself with your outright distortions and dismissal of the totality of the Orange One's negative baggage, such as the Clown-in-Chief's narcissism, the Liar-in-Chief's outright and provable falsehoods or the Pussy Grabber-in-Chief's misogyny! Your thread is not an objective observation, but much closer to a trolling missive directed at a specific target for a specific audience in an echo chamber!
You did that yourself with your outright distortions and dismissal of the totality of the Orange One's negative baggage, such as the Clown-in-Chief's narcissism, the Liar-in-Chief's outright and provable falsehoods or the Pussy Grabber-in-Chief's misogyny! Your thread is not an objective observation, but much closer to a trolling missive directed at a specific target for a specific audience in an echo chamber!
You say >> "Liar-in-Chief's outright and provable falsehoods", but you fail to show anything of the sort. In contrast, there are many of Hillary's outright and provable falsehoods >>

1. The Marines.

2. Sir Edmund Hillary.

3. The women's soccer team.

4. Sniper fire in Bosnia.

5. Her alleged "immigrant" grandparents.

6. Lying to Chris Wallace about what James Comey said (even after Wallace showed the video)

7. The infamous video lie to cover up her Benghazi guilt.

Then there's her Lying TV ads during the campaign.

8. John McCain

9. the disabled reporter

10. outsourcing

11. Khizir Khan

I could go on and on, buy I'm on limited time here right now (Public library computer)
The Democrats have engaged in almost a full year now of relentless, often fraudulent, Trump-bashing. Well. They’re beginning to make some headway (sort of). A recent poll shows that among Trump supporters, support for him is currently at 96%. This is down slightly from 98% on the date of the election.

Congratulations, Democrats. At least this miniscule drop is better than the continuous INCREASES in popularity Trump gained during the campaign, each time the Democrats issued a new bash job.

It was hilarious to see how, with each new bash, smug and confident Democrats proclaimed each new one to be the end of the Trump campaign. “Well, he couldn’t possibly recover from this” we kept hearing. LOL. Remember how he couldn’t recover from the John McCain “dishonor” ? Or the disabled reporter alleged shocking misbehavior ? Then there was the horrible Access Hollywood thing, the Khizir Khan (Muslim gold star father), and attempts to portray Trump as an outsourcer.

Most all of these were easily exposed as Democrat lies, and only served to strengthen Trump’s position vs Hillary, who really DID have a bad behavior history + a long record as a pathological LIAR.

But as we now find ourselves 11 months later, from the start of the Trump climb to the presidency, Democrats continue to do what has been essentially worthless to them, and often counterproductive. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Knock yourselves out, Democrats.
You are 100% wrong, but only in your opening sentence. The dimocrats, aided and abetted by their fellow lunatics in the lamestream media, have been dedicated to Trump bashing for 22 months now, since the day he announced his candidacy in June '15.

That the idiots haven't yet figured out their behavior has helped drive folks into the Trump camp is something we shouldn't discuss in here.
You did that yourself with your outright distortions and dismissal of the totality of the Orange One's negative baggage, such as the Clown-in-Chief's narcissism, the Liar-in-Chief's outright and provable falsehoods or the Pussy Grabber-in-Chief's misogyny! Your thread is not an objective observation, but much closer to a trolling missive directed at a specific target for a specific audience in an echo chamber!
You say >> "Liar-in-Chief's outright and provable falsehoods", but you fail to show anything of the sort. In contrast, there are many of Hillary's outright and provable falsehoods >>

1. The Marines.

2. Sir Edmund Hillary.

3. The women's soccer team.

4. Sniper fire in Bosnia.

5. Her alleged "immigrant" grandparents.

6. Lying to Chris Wallace about what James Comey said (even after Wallace showed the video)

7. The infamous video lie to cover up her Benghazi guilt.

Then there's her Lying TV ads during the campaign.

8. John McCain

9. the disabled reporter

10. outsourcing

11. Khizir Khan

I could go on and on, buy I'm on limited time here right now (Public library computer)
Holy shit! I said BAD things about the Orange Clown and somehow I'm transformed into a Democrat? Are there only two colors on your palate, Red and Blue, you halfwit? Ever hear of us Indys? We outnumber the Dems or the GOP or the other RW'ers!

Clinton LOST, but the Idiot-in-Chief is and will remain a LOSER, regardless of how his sycophants try to boost his sagging image. I could give a shit less about Clinton's record at this point in time or how much of that fucked up propaganda from the RIGHT along with the other distortions you post. Clinton is not fucking relevant, fool!

That lying, narcissistic, pussy grabbing, incompetent load of crap playing at POTUS IS RELEVANT! Both you and the Orange One need to understand that the election is over! Further, why run down the litany of the Pompous Ass-in-Chief's well documented LIES which have been so very well covered and discussed ad nauseum? Oh ya, that's because you needed a way to deflect. You must have been in the library too bloody long!
Holy shit! I said BAD things about the Orange Clown and somehow I'm transformed into a Democrat? Are there only two colors on your palate, Red and Blue, you halfwit? Ever hear of us Indys? We outnumber the Dems or the GOP or the other RW'ers!

Clinton LOST, but the Idiot-in-Chief is and will remain a LOSER, regardless of how his sycophants try to boost his sagging image. I could give a shit less about Clinton's record at this point in time or how much of that fucked up propaganda from the RIGHT along with the other distortions you post. Clinton is not fucking relevant, fool!

That lying, narcissistic, pussy grabbing, incompetent load of crap playing at POTUS IS RELEVANT! Both you and the Orange One need to understand that the election is over! Further, why run down the litany of the Pompous Ass-in-Chief's well documented LIES which have been so very well covered and discussed ad nauseum? Oh ya, that's because you needed a way to deflect. You must have been in the library too bloody long!
1. Yeah I was an Indy until I got smart, and registered Republican last year. Being an Indy is standing up - for NOTHING.

2. Trump will be a loser IN YOUR MIND (who cares ?)

3. Distortions ? LOL I notice you don't back up your word with anything, just lke you have no examples of any alleged Trump lies. I gave you examples You gave NOTHING

4. You just committed 4 felony counts of Florida Statute 825.102 (Abuse of elderly) Worth 30 years in a Florida state prison. If you don't live in Florida, you might be advised to not visit here. If you do live here, you might consider moving. :rolleyes:

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