Democrats will probably always win the popular vote...WHO CARES!


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
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This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two shitholes. Simple shit.
Yeah they always seem to be popular with dead people, illegals and pets. Normal US citizens though, despise the left, for the Commies that they are.

This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.

No they won't. Give it 5-10 years and they won't.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.

In the meantime one vote can make a huge difference in the congress and do not put his on Reid, the SC vote was all on the GOP.

Suppression of the vote is happening all over, esp in Georgia. I guess it matters, or else why would they preform surgical gerrymandering.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.

In the meantime one vote can make a huge difference in the congress and do not put his on Reid, the SC vote was all on the GOP.

Suppression of the vote is happening all over, esp in Georgia. I guess it matters, or else why would they preform surgical gerrymandering.

AFAIK, concrete is what gets preformed.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.

Seems the only people starting threads about it on this forum are your right wing nuts...which leads to the conclusion that you care.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
It only shows the true wisdom of our founding fathers...
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.

Seems the only people starting threads about it on this forum are your right wing nuts...which leads to the conclusion that you care.
They are nervous and are trying to boost each other up.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
It only shows the true wisdom of our founding fathers...
That a minority should control the fate of the nation. That the wisdom you speak of?
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.

Seems the only people starting threads about it on this forum are your right wing nuts...which leads to the conclusion that you care.

I talk about many things I can’t give two fucks about...I enjoy watching your Lefty heads explode.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Pauls vote.

It is that simple. Give away free stuff from the largess of the tax base, and you'll never run out of votes.
All I know is......

These Mid Term elections are probably among the most critical in US history. Trump MUST have a Congress that he can work with to bring America back from the bring of Democrat disaster.

It is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that every single Republican voter breathing get out AND VOTE this November !'s not enough to just go and vote yourself, talk to ANYONE who might see the dangerous path Democrats want to lead us and encourage people to vote Republican. Losing this November will have grave consequences.

It's time to get out of your "Comfort Zone" and help save the Nation.

It really IS that important. If you're a right winger and don't vote, you need to reevaluate your life's priorities.

I've been going around talking to fellow conservatives young and old.
I'll be offering anyone and everyone in my area who is Conservative a free ride to the polls.
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This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
It only shows the true wisdom of our founding fathers...
That a minority should control the fate of the nation. That the wisdom you speak of?

Our founders were fucking amazing...they knew that disgusting Democrats would plant millions of illegal wetbacks, pole puffers, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis and wackos in Mexifornia and Loon York. They knew exactly what those dirty bastards would turn America into should they be able to decide national elections.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
It only shows the true wisdom of our founding fathers...
That a minority should control the fate of the nation. That the wisdom you speak of?

Our founders were fucking amazing...they knew that disgusting Democrats would plant millions of illegal wetbacks, pole puffers, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis and wackos in Mexifornia and Loon York. They knew exactly what those dirty bastards would turn America into should they be able to decide national elections.

But it's still the responsibility of each and every living Republican voter (and even those of other political persuasions who see the Democrats destruction) to get out AND VOTE this November in order to bring a halt to this anarchy, chaos and spiraling madness the Left endorses
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
It only shows the true wisdom of our founding fathers...
That a minority should control the fate of the nation. That the wisdom you speak of?

Our founders were fucking amazing...they knew that disgusting Democrats would plant millions of illegal wetbacks, pole puffers, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis and wackos in Mexifornia and Loon York. They knew exactly what those dirty bastards would turn America into should they be able to decide national elections.
And they knew what the Republicans would become also. They knew liberty would have to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of the tyrants.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.

Seems the only people starting threads about it on this forum are your right wing nuts...which leads to the conclusion that you care.

I talk about many things I can’t give two fucks about...I enjoy watching your Lefty heads explode.

That is just stupid. why would anyone talk about things they do not care about?
The answer to progressive is to simply show their true nature. This is what they are like when you disagree with them.

That a minority should control the fate of the nation. That the wisdom you speak of?
Your response / comment demonstrates you neither comprehend the wisdom nor the reasoning behind such a structured process, instead shows the simple-minded belief in 'mob rule'.
This issue has never been all that complex....The Mexicratic policy platform will always have mass appeal to the filth in Mexifornia and Loon York.
The Republican policies will probably always appeal to good, real Americans...most of whom do not live in either of the two over-populated shitholes. Simple shit.
So you are saying that Reagan won the popular vote through the millions of illegals he gave amnesty to?? :dunno: And same with George H W Bush's election was from all the Mexicans he gave amnesty to?

okie dokie

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