Democrats, threatening to damage business and private citizens


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Democrats threaten to push America over

I know there was a thread on this somewhere but this is important. It seems the left is openly stating and willing to damage business, ruin lives and destroy families if they don't get their way.

CBO already stated for the record the supposed wealth already pay their fair share and a lot more. Further Obama has asked that the tax breaks remain in place for those making less then 250000. Yet we have democrats in Congress boldly stating they will wreck any potential deal on tax incentives and maintaining tax deals already set to expire, no matter the cost if they don't get their way.

Remind us Liberals how the evil republicans are the ones that do this stuff. Then remind us why the Senate has refused to even send to committee dozens of bills from the House on the Budget and improving the business world.

Ohh wait that's right 4 years later and it is still Bush's fault, I forgot, even when prominent Democrats make such public statements it is all the Republicans fault.

Obama has not been in charge for 4 years if the Dems can continue to claim that Bush is to blame 4 years after he was no longer President and 6 years after he had no Republican control of Congress.
Democrats threaten to push America over

I know there was a thread on this somewhere but this is important. It seems the left is openly stating and willing to damage business, ruin lives and destroy families if they don't get their way.

CBO already stated for the record the supposed wealth already pay their fair share and a lot more. Further Obama has asked that the tax breaks remain in place for those making less then 250000. Yet we have democrats in Congress boldly stating they will wreck any potential deal on tax incentives and maintaining tax deals already set to expire, no matter the cost if they don't get their way.

Remind us Liberals how the evil republicans are the ones that do this stuff. Then remind us why the Senate has refused to even send to committee dozens of bills from the House on the Budget and improving the business world.

Ohh wait that's right 4 years later and it is still Bush's fault, I forgot, even when prominent Democrats make such public statements it is all the Republicans fault.

Obama has not been in charge for 4 years if the Dems can continue to claim that Bush is to blame 4 years after he was no longer President and 6 years after he had no Republican control of Congress.

Spoiled Children. THEy know thier game is OVER. THEY are going to do as much damage to the Republic upon thier exodus.

I suggest ANY of them that DO this be brought up on charges of TREASON.:mad:
Well she sounds serious!

If we can't get a good deal, a balanced deal, that calls on the wealthy to pay their fair share, then I will absolutely continue this debate into 2013, rather than lock in a long-term deal this year that throws middle-class families under the bus," Murray, a budget committee member and former co-chair of the debt supercommittee, said at a Brookings Institution discussion of the "fiscal cliff."

"Fiscal cliff" is a reference to the potential crisis faced by the government at the end of this year when the Bush tax cuts and other tax and spending provisions amounting to an estimated $600 billion are set to expire.

Murray added she hopes "it doesn't come to that" and said there are reasons to believe a deal between Democrats and Republicans can be reached before the end of the year. But Murray's threat was clear, and she placed the onus squarely on Republicans to make an agreement a reality.

"If Republicans won't work with us on a balanced approach, we are not going to get a deal," Murray said. Murray suggested that "responsible Republicans" must take the lead in pushing for revenue and raising taxes, adding that if no deal is reached by Jan. 1, 2013, and the cuts expire, Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist's "no tax" pledge "is no longer relevant to this conversation" and "responsible Republicans" will be free to make decisions outside of Norquist's rigid pledge.
Democrats threaten to push America over
Democrats threaten to push America over

I know there was a thread on this somewhere but this is important. It seems the left is openly stating and willing to damage business, ruin lives and destroy families if they don't get their way.

CBO already stated for the record the supposed wealth already pay their fair share and a lot more. Further Obama has asked that the tax breaks remain in place for those making less then 250000. Yet we have democrats in Congress boldly stating they will wreck any potential deal on tax incentives and maintaining tax deals already set to expire, no matter the cost if they don't get their way.

Remind us Liberals how the evil republicans are the ones that do this stuff. Then remind us why the Senate has refused to even send to committee dozens of bills from the House on the Budget and improving the business world.

Ohh wait that's right 4 years later and it is still Bush's fault, I forgot, even when prominent Democrats make such public statements it is all the Republicans fault.

Obama has not been in charge for 4 years if the Dems can continue to claim that Bush is to blame 4 years after he was no longer President and 6 years after he had no Republican control of Congress.

Spoiled Children. THEy know thier game is OVER. THEY are going to do as much damage to the Republic upon thier exodus.

I suggest ANY of them that DO this be brought up on charges of TREASON.:mad:

You are so dark!
Democrats threaten to push America over

I know there was a thread on this somewhere but this is important. It seems the left is openly stating and willing to damage business, ruin lives and destroy families if they don't get their way.

CBO already stated for the record the supposed wealth already pay their fair share and a lot more. Further Obama has asked that the tax breaks remain in place for those making less then 250000. Yet we have democrats in Congress boldly stating they will wreck any potential deal on tax incentives and maintaining tax deals already set to expire, no matter the cost if they don't get their way.

Remind us Liberals how the evil republicans are the ones that do this stuff. Then remind us why the Senate has refused to even send to committee dozens of bills from the House on the Budget and improving the business world.

Ohh wait that's right 4 years later and it is still Bush's fault, I forgot, even when prominent Democrats make such public statements it is all the Republicans fault.

Obama has not been in charge for 4 years if the Dems can continue to claim that Bush is to blame 4 years after he was no longer President and 6 years after he had no Republican control of Congress.

Spoiled Children. THEy know thier game is OVER. THEY are going to do as much damage to the Republic upon thier exodus.

I suggest ANY of them that DO this be brought up on charges of TREASON.:mad:

You are so dark!

The truth is dark? Really? The TRUTH has no agenda. That escapes pea brains as YOU.:eusa_hand:
Funny that's the way I feel about American Corporations who have continually fucked over the country. Treasonous.
Funny, without American Corporations bringing home the jobs, stock market wins, and building hospitals, libraries, fine arts museums, universities, event centers, wildlife and bird sanctuaries, museums, cathedrals, ball stadiums, rest homes, planetariums, theaters, zoos, research foundations, bicycles and runner paths, shopping malls, civic parks, and every good thing that ever came down the pike, this wouldn't be much of a country.

It's too bad you are tangled up in petty hatreds of one kind or another and calling community pillars of things that have made America the happiness capital of the world, that you would call America's healthiest part in terms of sexual perversion.

You're flat out wrong, Steelplate. 88% of the population is right-to-work. American Corporations are doing their best to stay profitable so that their owners can make a difference for the better in American attractions.

Take a deep breath and stop the pious envy, why don't you.
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Funny that's the way I feel about American Corporations who have continually fucked over the country. Treasonous.
Funny, without American Corporations bringing home the jobs, stock market wins, and building hospitals, libraries, fine arts museums, universities, event centers, wildlife and bird sanctuaries, museums, cathedrals, ball stadiums, rest homes, planetariums, theaters, zoos, research foundations, bicycles and runner paths, shopping malls, civic parks, and every good thing that ever came down the pike, this wouldn't be much of a country.

It's too bad your tangled up in petty hatreds of one kind or another and calling community pillars of things that have made America the happiness capital of the world, that you would call America's healthiest part in terms of sexual perversion.

You're flat out wrong, Steelplate. 88% of the population is right-to-work. American Corporations are doing their best to stay profitable so that their owners can make a difference for the better in American attractions.

Take a deep breath and stop the pious envy, why don't you.

perhaps you should have also pleaded with him to seek thearapy?
Democrats threaten to push America over

I know there was a thread on this somewhere but this is important. It seems the left is openly stating and willing to damage business, ruin lives and destroy families if they don't get their way.

CBO already stated for the record the supposed wealth already pay their fair share and a lot more. Further Obama has asked that the tax breaks remain in place for those making less then 250000. Yet we have democrats in Congress boldly stating they will wreck any potential deal on tax incentives and maintaining tax deals already set to expire, no matter the cost if they don't get their way.

Remind us Liberals how the evil republicans are the ones that do this stuff. Then remind us why the Senate has refused to even send to committee dozens of bills from the House on the Budget and improving the business world.

Ohh wait that's right 4 years later and it is still Bush's fault, I forgot, even when prominent Democrats make such public statements it is all the Republicans fault.

Obama has not been in charge for 4 years if the Dems can continue to claim that Bush is to blame 4 years after he was no longer President and 6 years after he had no Republican control of Congress.

Spoiled Children. THEy know thier game is OVER. THEY are going to do as much damage to the Republic upon thier exodus.

I suggest ANY of them that DO this be brought up on charges of TREASON.:mad:

You are so dark!

Moonglow do you still hang on Obama's every word?
Great job destroying the country and brainwashing the hater/dupes, Pubbies! No Dem is against small business, just greedy giant corporations (Big Oil, Pharma, Health) and myopic greedy rich people. Memorize sig.They're all happy to stall the recovery to get back power to cheat and steal again. Pub dupes, fighting for the right to get screwed some more.Romneycare for all, a proven success in all ways.

The wealthiest have become 270% wealthier while our infrastructure and education have gone to hell.
College costs 4x+ under voodoo, doubled just underW (health costs too). Change the channel, chumps.

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