Democrats The Republicans' Target Is The ACA!

If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.
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If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.
If tilting socialist means joining the rest of the entire free world in doing something about climate change and universal healthcare, so be it. We are already deeply involved in democratic socialism, just like every other country in the free world. In case people forget, when you are freely vote for social programs, you’re still free.
If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.
If tilting socialist means joining the rest of the entire free world in doing something about climate change and universal healthcare, so be it. We are already deeply involved in democratic socialism, just like every other country in the free world. In case people forget, when you are freely vote for social programs, you’re still free.

Why are you excited about it? Do you think you will be one of the chosen who will be ruling over the Deplorables?

Power struggles in Ultraliberal states can be pretty bloody, and most of the losers are libs as well.

Ernst Rohm was an LGBTQ Nazi who fell to some long knives. Trotsky was Russian lib and Stalin's BFF who fell to the traditional ice pick.

Unless you have a fool proof plan to make sure you are on the winning side, you too will be considered a Deplorable as well.
If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.
Huh ? He had full control of the gov. for two years and majority control for two more. Have you seen his plan ? NO one has.

No he didn't have full control at all. The GOP majority included numerous RINOs who weren't onboard the Trump Train including McCain.

If Rump had a plan as he claimed, he would have presented it almost 4 years ago. or 3 1/2 years ago or 3 years ago or 2 years ago or 1 year ago or 6 months ago or how about now. You can't seriously expect us to believe that if there is no plan presented now there ever was a plan nor there will be a plan ready right after the election.

I don't care if he has a plan. Simply repealing ACA is enough. But Republicans won't do that.

They can't. Unless they have a replacement, the SCOTUS won't allow it.

Bullshit. The Supreme Court can't prevent Congress from repealing a law.

The Genie is out of the Bottle. If Rump has a plan, let's here is. But so far, the plan has been, "Don't get sick. But if you do , die quickly".

No plan is required to repeal a bad law.

The Supreme Court has only made two rulings on the ACA. One is that the Mandatory Tax part had to be taken out and the other is, that unless a replacement is pass by Congress first, the ACA will stand. It's the law of the land and unless a replacment is found, it stands. Congress can fix this mess anytime it can find a solution. And a Crockpot President making empty promises won't fix it because he isn't Congress. Congress originally pass the ACA (whether it's a bad law or not) and it's up to Congress to fix it. And SCOTUS cannot fix it.
Are you going senile?

Your posts is so wrong it's funny..

The supreme court ruled Obama care mandate legal, it was a bill passed by congress and signed by Trump that got rid of the tax mandate
If tilting socialist means ...
It means tilting socialist. Not really interested in a sales pitch. I've studied socialism. I prefer free markets and free people.
Medicare is socialism, as are a plethora of other government programs......there is no such thing as a free society that is strictly capitalism, socialism etc.
A free society cannot exist without mandated socialism programs instituted and completely run by the state. We even use socialism to support capitalism. Grants, loans, tax incentives and outright financial aid are available to businesses as provided by taxpayer dollars for the common good. Geesus, the fking FED is socialism ready to step in and control invest rates to control the economy comprised of all our so called free market.
Geesus, the fking FED is socialism ready to step in and control invest rates to control the economy comprised of all our so called free market.
The Federal Reserve System is 100% Marxist party line Communist.
no such thing as a free society that is strictly capitalism, socialism etc.
A free society cannot exist without mandated socialism programs instituted and completely run by the state
You are completely full of Communist Party line propaganda.
Geesus, the fking FED is socialism ready to step in and control invest rates to control the economy comprised of all our so called free market.
The Federal Reserve System is 100% Marxist party line Communist.
no such thing as a free society that is strictly capitalism, socialism etc.
A free society cannot exist without mandated socialism programs instituted and completely run by the state
You are completely full of Communist Party line propaganda.
Name one entity in the US economy that is not under Govt. Control nimrod.
If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.

I am reading a lot of scared little children in here repeating the vile hate that you all believe that will save the day. People aren't buying it these days. If you were to decide to have a real discussion instead of throwing this crap at the wall seeing what will stick things would be a lot better for all of us.
If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.

Oohhh, the Boogey man doth cometh. Hate to break it to you but the majority ain't buying what you are selling these days. How about stop throwing that crap at the wall to see what will stick. Less and less is sticking.
If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.
If tilting socialist means joining the rest of the entire free world in doing something about climate change and universal healthcare, so be it. We are already deeply involved in democratic socialism, just like every other country in the free world. In case people forget, when you are freely vote for social programs, you’re still free.

Why are you excited about it? Do you think you will be one of the chosen who will be ruling over the Deplorables?

Power struggles in Ultraliberal states can be pretty bloody, and most of the losers are libs as well.

Ernst Rohm was an LGBTQ Nazi who fell to some long knives. Trotsky was Russian lib and Stalin's BFF who fell to the traditional ice pick.

Unless you have a fool proof plan to make sure you are on the winning side, you too will be considered a Deplorable as well.
Another internet tough guy.
If tilting socialist means ...
It means tilting socialist. Not really interested in a sales pitch. I've studied socialism. I prefer free markets and free people.

In a Social/Capital System you have the best of both worlds. That is exactly what Federal Republic is once it grows to a certain size. The Founding Fathers realized very early on that some Social Programs were necessary and it was not a good thing for the Federal Government to have to go begging the States for Funding. The States were telling the Feds to bugger off. I imagine that the Federal Alcohol Tax was really loved by many of the people in the 1790s. But the State Governments knew that if they didn't support it, the funds to run the Federal Government would have to come directly from them. Then the Nation continued to grow to the point where some things just go too expensive for even one state to afford and all the states had to kick in. And we haven't stopped since. You can call it socialism if you want or anything else but it's all of us looking out for everyone else and all of us end up better in the process.
If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.
If tilting socialist means joining the rest of the entire free world in doing something about climate change and universal healthcare, so be it. We are already deeply involved in democratic socialism, just like every other country in the free world. In case people forget, when you are freely vote for social programs, you’re still free.

Why are you excited about it? Do you think you will be one of the chosen who will be ruling over the Deplorables?

Power struggles in Ultraliberal states can be pretty bloody, and most of the losers are libs as well.

Ernst Rohm was an LGBTQ Nazi who fell to some long knives. Trotsky was Russian lib and Stalin's BFF who fell to the traditional ice pick.

Unless you have a fool proof plan to make sure you are on the winning side, you too will be considered a Deplorable as well.

The one thing they didn't have is exactly what stop Rump from becoming the King he wants to like they became. We have the Constitution of the United States. We need to follow all of it, not just the parts that we agree with and wipe our butts with the parts that don't.
If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.
Huh ? He had full control of the gov. for two years and majority control for two more. Have you seen his plan ? NO one has.

No he didn't have full control at all. The GOP majority included numerous RINOs who weren't onboard the Trump Train including McCain.

If Rump had a plan as he claimed, he would have presented it almost 4 years ago. or 3 1/2 years ago or 3 years ago or 2 years ago or 1 year ago or 6 months ago or how about now. You can't seriously expect us to believe that if there is no plan presented now there ever was a plan nor there will be a plan ready right after the election.

I don't care if he has a plan. Simply repealing ACA is enough. But Republicans won't do that.

They can't. Unless they have a replacement, the SCOTUS won't allow it.

Bullshit. The Supreme Court can't prevent Congress from repealing a law.

The Genie is out of the Bottle. If Rump has a plan, let's here is. But so far, the plan has been, "Don't get sick. But if you do , die quickly".

No plan is required to repeal a bad law.

The Supreme Court has only made two rulings on the ACA. One is that the Mandatory Tax part had to be taken out and the other is, that unless a replacement is pass by Congress first, the ACA will stand. It's the law of the land and unless a replacment is found, it stands. Congress can fix this mess anytime it can find a solution. And a Crockpot President making empty promises won't fix it because he isn't Congress. Congress originally pass the ACA (whether it's a bad law or not) and it's up to Congress to fix it. And SCOTUS cannot fix it.
Are you going senile?

Your posts is so wrong it's funny..

The supreme court ruled Obama care mandate legal, it was a bill passed by congress and signed by Trump that got rid of the tax mandate

And the rest of it was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2017. And it's still being litigated by 21 states and the AG. Once again, the AG is proving to be Rump's personal Lawyer. The AG is supposed to be defending the law, not trying to get it thrown out, that is his job. But no, he doesn't work for the Constitution of the Laws, he works for Rump as his personal Attorney.

What Rump is trying to do is stack the Supreme Court to do his bidding. Didn't work with the last 2 he nominated. Maybe the next one will do his bidding instead of do their job. Afterall, he's corrupted the AG's office, why not do the same thing with the Supreme Court. Another method to do exactly what Mussolini accomplished in by 1930 and look how that worked out.
If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.
If tilting socialist means joining the rest of the entire free world in doing something about climate change and universal healthcare, so be it. We are already deeply involved in democratic socialism, just like every other country in the free world. In case people forget, when you are freely vote for social programs, you’re still free.

Why are you excited about it? Do you think you will be one of the chosen who will be ruling over the Deplorables?

Power struggles in Ultraliberal states can be pretty bloody, and most of the losers are libs as well.

Ernst Rohm was an LGBTQ Nazi who fell to some long knives. Trotsky was Russian lib and Stalin's BFF who fell to the traditional ice pick.

Unless you have a fool proof plan to make sure you are on the winning side, you too will be considered a Deplorable as well.

The one thing they didn't have is exactly what stop Rump from becoming the King he wants to like they became. We have the Constitution of the United States. We need to follow all of it, not just the parts that we agree with and wipe our butts with the parts that don't.
I don’t know if the head Humper really wants to be king. That’s too much responsibility. Maybe Putin with his quasi elections that allow him to assign blame for any wrong doing to Someone else. Make no mistake. With his total lack of empathy for anyone who doesn’t kiss his arse, he’s not above doing any of the heinous things Putin and other third world dictators do, if given the chance and opportunity.
In a Social/Capital System you have the best of both worlds.
I wholeheartedly disagree. You get the worst of both worlds. You get all the downsides of centralized control, with few of the supposed benefits. Likewise, you get all the avarice of the free market, but it's dominated by rent-seeking corporations who get in bed with government.
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Hate to break it to you but the majority ain't buying what you are selling these days.

I understand that. The socialists are winning. That doesn't make it right, and that doesn't mean I'll acquiesce.
If the ACA is Unconstitutional, that has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, the Democrats or the Republicans.

It has to do with the law, and if our system allows it.

Of course, if it is unconstitutional , Congress will propose to replace it. If Biden gets in , the replacement will be the Fully Socialized system the lib base wants. You like your current doctor and plan? Tough shit.

You will go to government clinics.

If Trump gets in, then he will repropose Trump Care, Tremendous, quality care with unbelievable savings and unlimited choice. Heaven on earth, you will wish you get sick.

Yah, right. Right after he gets elected. Then it became in two weeks. Then it became, very soon. Then it became, We do have a plan. Then it became........ That was 4 years ago. Now it's I have a plan and I will release it right after being Reelected. Funny, it's the same plan that he had that he was going to show us to get him elected and then in two weeks, then soon...... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The difference next year will be if the ACA is declared unconstitutional. It would bring the Democrats to the bargaining table.In 2017, they had their backstop of their Beloved Far Left O'Care Medical Scheme.
If the ACA is declared unconstitutional, Medicare could easily be lost. After all, old age is a preexisting condition.

If the ACA is Unconstitutional , we need to work together BIPARTISANLY for replacement.

No. We need to find a way to solve our problems that doesn't involve coercion.

What you are saying is, your way or burn it to the ground. We've had enough of that and changes are coming to our Government. 2018 was just a preview.
Oh, I have no doubt. Trump pretty much sealed the deal. The US is going to tilt socialist in a serious, and potentially irreversible, way in the next few years.

I am reading a lot of scared little children in here repeating the vile hate that you all believe that will save the day.

Vile hate? Please quote what you're referring to as "vile hate". What did I say that evokes hatred?
In a Social/Capital System you have the best of both worlds.
I wholeheartedly disagree. You get the worst of both worlds. You get all the downsides of centralized control, with few of the supposed benefits. Likewise, you get all the avarice of the free market, but it's dominated by rent-seeking corporations who get in bad with government.
No one has benefit more from socialism then private corporations. Look at Medicare. Private insurance can’t afford to fully insure the elderly. So, the govenment insures them for 80% then allows private insurance to charge them more for 20% coverage than the gov. does for 80%. They make a “KILLING.”

Even the post office is meant to service those that private carriers wouldn’t touch for loss of revenue;
the tax payer has literally financed businesses in the public interest for decades.

The Market is rising and falling as we speak in response to the possibility of the next socialist bail out. We deal with it.

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