Democrats: the more people know about government run healthcare, the less they like

Why the hurry? Here's why.

Why the Health Care Rush? -

Democrats have so far succeeded in conjuring an illusion of political inevitability, which has kept industry groups in line lest they be shut out of the negotiations. But once the policy details of Mr. Obama's new foundation are poured -- above all for a public insurance program run by the government that will run private carriers out of the market and eventually fix medical prices -- even shell-shocked CEOs might stir up their courage to resist. Democrats are of course acutely aware of how industry opposition chewed through HillaryCare in 1994.

The reality is that Democrats are contemplating the most sweeping restructuring of the health markets since Medicare in 1965, and they don't want to let the details slow them down. Or to be more precise, they don't want to let the details let others slow them down. Better to grab what they will portray as a major domestic achievement while President Obama is at the height of his popularity and before anyone understands what it will mean in practice. The consequences and the cost can be explained later.

Good. I hope that we completely run the present Health Care Parasites right out of business. We spend twice as much for a health care system that leaves out 50 million or so of us, and delivers care inferior to that in the European and Asian industrialized nations.

According to the experts discussing this on C-Span this morning, $.40 of every $1.00 spent on private private practice health care is wasted, either through ordering and/or conducting unnecessary and/or duplicate "test" procedures, insurance overbilling, or administrative costs which require five people to do the job of one if all the paperwork were consolidated IN EVERY OFFICE AND HOSPITAL/CLINIC FACILITY.
I think we should wait awhile and see how well the dumb democwats and the uaw can run a car company (which they shit all over everybody to steal) before we let them run health care!

They already run healthcare. Well too. You just can't have it. You have to get fucked by the for profits. Look at McCain's healthcare plan. Its great. And my grandmothers is pretty good too.

they run it well? is that what ya said????? last I read it was nearly bankrupt you got something different than that to show me???? welldoyahuh??

Medicare isn't going broke because it isn't administered well (nor is Social Security). It's going broke because too many people are living longer and getting added to the system. Fraud does exist, as it will with any giant operation where money changes hands, but there is now in place a sub-agency specifically assigned to ferret out and prosecute Medicare and Medicaid fraud around the country (Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team).
How many of them want higher taxes and trillions more in government debt to do it?

If I can get rid of my $1200 a month healthcare costs and my taxes go up $300, sure, go for it!!!! And they won't deny me healthcare?

We'll save money.

Bobo according to some on the other thread about NAT.HEALTH CARE....and these people are very much for it,it seems anyway,....they claim that they CAN and VERY LIKELY WILL deny health care for certain diseases....the disease apparently has to be an "AFFORDABLE DISEASE" for these poor folkes....nothing will change.....what say you?

The type of procedures that will be denied will be for a 90-year old man with emphysema who wants a hip replacement, for example. Insurance companies ALREADY deny those kinds of procedures in similar circumstances.
Not you, but $13.00 a week, or $52 a month, probably pays somebody's phone bill.

yeah undoubtably.....unless they live in California.....the legislature out here,fighting for the poor guys they tell us,are in the process of FUCKING THE WHOLLY SHIT out of people already having a rough time.....but is good...:eusa_eh:

I can't figure out the people in CA these days. They rejected an increase in taxes to pay for some of the overruns, then when the only other option was to cut programs that caused the overruns, they protested in the streets. Is anyone living there anymore an adult? It's either or, people. (Not talking about you, personally.)

Not that this has a thing to do with their current budget problems, but I've always thought California needed to be divided, even when I lived there 35 years ago. People living in the vast agricultural and mountainous regions of Northern California don't have the same interests as the sprawling urban areas of Southern California.

i agree with ya about the split Maggie....they are 2 different regions and usually vote opposite each other.....for the past 20 years i have voted no on ANYTHING that is a tax increase or one of those wonderful bonds they like to throw around....the legislature in this state feel the only way to solve a problem is to throw more money at it,and if that doesnt work,it must need more one up there thinks about maybe NOT spending more than what they got...or going to the crux of the matter and ACTUALLY solving the dam problem......when you lived here 35 years ago this state was still a great place to got out in time....
I think we should wait awhile and see how well the dumb democwats and the uaw can run a car company (which they shit all over everybody to steal) before we let them run health care!

They already run healthcare. Well too. You just can't have it. You have to get fucked by the for profits. Look at McCain's healthcare plan. Its great. And my grandmothers is pretty good too.

they run it well? is that what ya said????? last I read it was nearly bankrupt you got something different than that to show me???? welldoyahuh??

In contrast to private insurers Medicare doesn’t have to spend millions on marketing, advertising, and Washington lobbyists. On top of that, private insurers must generate profits for their shareholders. In 2003, the HMO industry as a whole reported total earnings of $5.5 billion—up 83 percent from $3 million in 2002 , according to Weiss Ratings, a firm that assesses the financial strength of banks and insurance companies.

Private/For Profit is worse than Medicare!!!

But it’s not just the cost of marketing, advertising, lobbying and providing profits for investors that makes a private insurer’s overhead so much higher. Insurers also have higher administrative costs because they are constantly enrolling and disenrolling customers as people change plans. (The average turnover in an employer-sponsored insurance plan is 20% to 25% a year. By contrast, Medicare patients stay put. Even if they could switch, most prefer Medicare’s coverage to the coverage they had under a private insurer.)

What’s interesting is that, in the course of interviewing doctors for Money-Driven Medicine, I found that the majority preferred Medicare—even when it paid less—because it was so much less hassle. As The New York Times recently pointed out, private insurers make a game out of delaying reimbursement, and designing the forms so that the doctor leaves out one detail, he or she won’t be paid.

Do I really need to continue? You're wrong.

The Health Care Blog: POLICY: Why Medicare is More Efficient Than Private Insurers By Maggie Mahar
How many of them want higher taxes and trillions more in government debt to do it?

If I can get rid of my $1200 a month healthcare costs and my taxes go up $300, sure, go for it!!!! And they won't deny me healthcare?

We'll save money.

Bobo according to some on the other thread about NAT.HEALTH CARE....and these people are very much for it,it seems anyway,....they claim that they CAN and VERY LIKELY WILL deny health care for certain diseases....the disease apparently has to be an "AFFORDABLE DISEASE" for these poor folkes....nothing will change.....what say you?

I'd say they are wrong and that's a lie. According to who? some on the other thread??? Oh, then it must be true.

They are liars or swallowing lies.

Show me what diseases my grandmother might come down with that medicare will deny her coverage for.

Let me settle this for you Harry. FOR PROFIT healthcare is bad. Do you have a solution better than single payer, or do you want the status quo?

You think/fear that single payer will suck, but thats because the FOR PROFITS who actually do suck are telling you lies. It can't be worse than what we have now.
yeah undoubtably.....unless they live in California.....the legislature out here,fighting for the poor guys they tell us,are in the process of FUCKING THE WHOLLY SHIT out of people already having a rough time.....but is good...:eusa_eh:

I can't figure out the people in CA these days. They rejected an increase in taxes to pay for some of the overruns, then when the only other option was to cut programs that caused the overruns, they protested in the streets. Is anyone living there anymore an adult? It's either or, people. (Not talking about you, personally.)

Not that this has a thing to do with their current budget problems, but I've always thought California needed to be divided, even when I lived there 35 years ago. People living in the vast agricultural and mountainous regions of Northern California don't have the same interests as the sprawling urban areas of Southern California.

i agree with ya about the split Maggie....they are 2 different regions and usually vote opposite each other.....for the past 20 years i have voted no on ANYTHING that is a tax increase or one of those wonderful bonds they like to throw around....the legislature in this state feel the only way to solve a problem is to throw more money at it,and if that doesnt work,it must need more one up there thinks about maybe NOT spending more than what they got...or going to the crux of the matter and ACTUALLY solving the dam problem......when you lived here 35 years ago this state was still a great place to got out in time....

Not by choice, but I'm glad now that I did. I'm a strong believer in "everything happens for the best in the long run." (Something you can apply to just about everything.)
They already run healthcare. Well too. You just can't have it. You have to get fucked by the for profits. Look at McCain's healthcare plan. Its great. And my grandmothers is pretty good too.

they run it well? is that what ya said????? last I read it was nearly bankrupt you got something different than that to show me???? welldoyahuh??

Medicare isn't going broke because it isn't administered well (nor is Social Security). It's going broke because too many people are living longer and getting added to the system. Fraud does exist, as it will with any giant operation where money changes hands, but there is now in place a sub-agency specifically assigned to ferret out and prosecute Medicare and Medicaid fraud around the country (Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team).

What I'm totally missing out on is either your unwillingness to see or hear,, about how well this dosen't go in the countries who have done it??? and we are talking relatively small countries in comparison to the numbers of people you want this to work out on in your fantasy world.. what you get for medical care in exchange for your 70% tax rate is the opportunity to get in line and wait for care. that's all you get.. some die waiting.. and yes those countries have a shortage of doctors and beds why do you think Canadians bolt across the border and come here for care??? Why don't they go to the mythical land of Cuba for the best care in the world?? doyathink??
They already run healthcare. Well too. You just can't have it. You have to get fucked by the for profits. Look at McCain's healthcare plan. Its great. And my grandmothers is pretty good too.

they run it well? is that what ya said????? last I read it was nearly bankrupt you got something different than that to show me???? welldoyahuh??

In contrast to private insurers Medicare doesn’t have to spend millions on marketing, advertising, and Washington lobbyists. On top of that, private insurers must generate profits for their shareholders. In 2003, the HMO industry as a whole reported total earnings of $5.5 billion—up 83 percent from $3 million in 2002 , according to Weiss Ratings, a firm that assesses the financial strength of banks and insurance companies.

Private/For Profit is worse than Medicare!!!

But it’s not just the cost of marketing, advertising, lobbying and providing profits for investors that makes a private insurer’s overhead so much higher. Insurers also have higher administrative costs because they are constantly enrolling and disenrolling customers as people change plans. (The average turnover in an employer-sponsored insurance plan is 20% to 25% a year. By contrast, Medicare patients stay put. Even if they could switch, most prefer Medicare’s coverage to the coverage they had under a private insurer.)

What’s interesting is that, in the course of interviewing doctors for Money-Driven Medicine, I found that the majority preferred Medicare—even when it paid less—because it was so much less hassle. As The New York Times recently pointed out, private insurers make a game out of delaying reimbursement, and designing the forms so that the doctor leaves out one detail, he or she won’t be paid.

Do I really need to continue? You're wrong.

The Health Care Blog: POLICY: Why Medicare is More Efficient Than Private Insurers By Maggie Mahar

I'd love to take credit for the blog, but it's not one of mine!! Kudos to another Maggie!! :eusa_clap:
they run it well? is that what ya said????? last I read it was nearly bankrupt you got something different than that to show me???? welldoyahuh??

Medicare isn't going broke because it isn't administered well (nor is Social Security). It's going broke because too many people are living longer and getting added to the system. Fraud does exist, as it will with any giant operation where money changes hands, but there is now in place a sub-agency specifically assigned to ferret out and prosecute Medicare and Medicaid fraud around the country (Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team).

What I'm totally missing out on is either your unwillingness to see or hear,, about how well this dosen't go in the countries who have done it??? and we are talking relatively small countries in comparison to the numbers of people you want this to work out on in your fantasy world.. what you get for medical care in exchange for your 70% tax rate is the opportunity to get in line and wait for care. that's all you get.. some die waiting.. and yes those countries have a shortage of doctors and beds why do you think Canadians bolt across the border and come here for care??? Why don't they go to the mythical land of Cuba for the best care in the world?? doyathink??

And of course, you've only looked at the "right" side (in this case the "wrong" side) of the issue. There's more than enough evidence that the people living in countries who have universal care WOULD NOT TRADE IT for a return to privately run health care. But there's nothing more to say when trying to debate a brick wall.
they run it well? is that what ya said????? last I read it was nearly bankrupt you got something different than that to show me???? welldoyahuh??

Medicare isn't going broke because it isn't administered well (nor is Social Security). It's going broke because too many people are living longer and getting added to the system. Fraud does exist, as it will with any giant operation where money changes hands, but there is now in place a sub-agency specifically assigned to ferret out and prosecute Medicare and Medicaid fraud around the country (Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team).

What I'm totally missing out on is either your unwillingness to see or hear,, about how well this dosen't go in the countries who have done it??? and we are talking relatively small countries in comparison to the numbers of people you want this to work out on in your fantasy world.. what you get for medical care in exchange for your 70% tax rate is the opportunity to get in line and wait for care. that's all you get.. some die waiting.. and yes those countries have a shortage of doctors and beds why do you think Canadians bolt across the border and come here for care??? Why don't they go to the mythical land of Cuba for the best care in the world?? doyathink??

Canadians come here? Where do we go when we are denied coverage?

Actually, you guys are exaggerating the problems in other countries. I heard a guy from Canada talk about it. And we have the same shit happening here, and it happens just about as often.
they run it well? is that what ya said????? last I read it was nearly bankrupt you got something different than that to show me???? welldoyahuh??

In contrast to private insurers Medicare doesn’t have to spend millions on marketing, advertising, and Washington lobbyists. On top of that, private insurers must generate profits for their shareholders. In 2003, the HMO industry as a whole reported total earnings of $5.5 billion—up 83 percent from $3 million in 2002 , according to Weiss Ratings, a firm that assesses the financial strength of banks and insurance companies.

Private/For Profit is worse than Medicare!!!

But it’s not just the cost of marketing, advertising, lobbying and providing profits for investors that makes a private insurer’s overhead so much higher. Insurers also have higher administrative costs because they are constantly enrolling and disenrolling customers as people change plans. (The average turnover in an employer-sponsored insurance plan is 20% to 25% a year. By contrast, Medicare patients stay put. Even if they could switch, most prefer Medicare’s coverage to the coverage they had under a private insurer.)

What’s interesting is that, in the course of interviewing doctors for Money-Driven Medicine, I found that the majority preferred Medicare—even when it paid less—because it was so much less hassle. As The New York Times recently pointed out, private insurers make a game out of delaying reimbursement, and designing the forms so that the doctor leaves out one detail, he or she won’t be paid.

Do I really need to continue? You're wrong.

The Health Care Blog: POLICY: Why Medicare is More Efficient Than Private Insurers By Maggie Mahar

I'd love to take credit for the blog, but it's not one of mine!! Kudos to another Maggie!! :eusa_clap:

I can disagree with her without even reading it.. they are going broke,, clearly they do not run efficiently..

Good. I hope that we completely run the present Health Care Parasites right out of business. We spend twice as much for a health care system that leaves out 50 million or so of us, and delivers care inferior to that in the European and Asian industrialized nations.

According to the experts discussing this on C-Span this morning, $.40 of every $1.00 spent on private private practice health care is wasted, either through ordering and/or conducting unnecessary and/or duplicate "test" procedures, insurance overbilling, or administrative costs which require five people to do the job of one if all the paperwork were consolidated IN EVERY OFFICE AND HOSPITAL/CLINIC FACILITY.

Maggie im sorry i dont buy that....if the whole reason you are there is too make buck,many of those things mentioned would be cut....and in the private sector they would not have 5 people doing the job that 1 guy can at first when i read that,i had thought you must be a fellow Postal Employee,i see this shit every day here....ordering and doing things that cost a lot but dont do a dam thing to move the mail,matter of fact MANY times, it HINDERS it.....paying a hunk of cash to get something done from a private co.,and all kinds of corners are cut by the co. hired....and the PO definitely has jobs were one person can do it,but there are 3-4 walking around like they are doing something vital,each making 60-70 thou. a year.....right now in the PO they are trying to eliminate routes in each office and give pieces of it to the remaining routes because of diminishing mail volume,due to the countries problems......each of us was brought to the station managers office to tell us how each of our routes may be affected.....there were 5 people in there to tell me this...and it took an avg of 5 min. per carrier......each person in that room was at least making min.50 thou. a year.....i dont think you would see this kinda shit in the private sector.....they have someone counting the money,and most importantly...asking least in the successful ones....
As a matter of fact the whole total government is broke so how you can hitch your health care wagon to that start is just downright bumfuzzling!
As a matter of fact the whole total government is broke so how you can hitch your health care wagon to that star is just downright bumfuzzling!
In contrast to private insurers Medicare doesn’t have to spend millions on marketing, advertising, and Washington lobbyists. On top of that, private insurers must generate profits for their shareholders. In 2003, the HMO industry as a whole reported total earnings of $5.5 billion—up 83 percent from $3 million in 2002 , according to Weiss Ratings, a firm that assesses the financial strength of banks and insurance companies.

Private/For Profit is worse than Medicare!!!

But it’s not just the cost of marketing, advertising, lobbying and providing profits for investors that makes a private insurer’s overhead so much higher. Insurers also have higher administrative costs because they are constantly enrolling and disenrolling customers as people change plans. (The average turnover in an employer-sponsored insurance plan is 20% to 25% a year. By contrast, Medicare patients stay put. Even if they could switch, most prefer Medicare’s coverage to the coverage they had under a private insurer.)

What’s interesting is that, in the course of interviewing doctors for Money-Driven Medicine, I found that the majority preferred Medicare—even when it paid less—because it was so much less hassle. As The New York Times recently pointed out, private insurers make a game out of delaying reimbursement, and designing the forms so that the doctor leaves out one detail, he or she won’t be paid.

Do I really need to continue? You're wrong.

The Health Care Blog: POLICY: Why Medicare is More Efficient Than Private Insurers By Maggie Mahar

I'd love to take credit for the blog, but it's not one of mine!! Kudos to another Maggie!! :eusa_clap:

I can disagree with her without even reading it.. they are going broke,, clearly they do not run efficiently..

The For Profits are worse. Checkmate!!!

Under for profit healthcare, we're going broke.
If I can get rid of my $1200 a month healthcare costs and my taxes go up $300, sure, go for it!!!! And they won't deny me healthcare?

We'll save money.

Bobo according to some on the other thread about NAT.HEALTH CARE....and these people are very much for it,it seems anyway,....they claim that they CAN and VERY LIKELY WILL deny health care for certain diseases....the disease apparently has to be an "AFFORDABLE DISEASE" for these poor folkes....nothing will change.....what say you?

The type of procedures that will be denied will be for a 90-year old man with emphysema who wants a hip replacement, for example. Insurance companies ALREADY deny those kinds of procedures in similar circumstances.

thats not what these people were saying....i got out of it,if a 30 year old had to have vital ongoing treatments for the rest of his life....i was told they may pay for this,but not that......and these people did not seem to be too bothered by this in the least.....but yet they were when private Co. did this.....i guess there must be a difference.....
As a matter of fact the whole total government is broke so how you can hitch your health care wagon to that star is just downright bumfuzzling!

This was the GOP's mission. They bankrupted us so they could do away with social programs like social security!!!

get over it pigface.. Lyndon B. Johnson was the democwat who started pilfiering our money from socialble security..
Medicare isn't going broke because it isn't administered well (nor is Social Security). It's going broke because too many people are living longer and getting added to the system. Fraud does exist, as it will with any giant operation where money changes hands, but there is now in place a sub-agency specifically assigned to ferret out and prosecute Medicare and Medicaid fraud around the country (Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team).

What I'm totally missing out on is either your unwillingness to see or hear,, about how well this dosen't go in the countries who have done it??? and we are talking relatively small countries in comparison to the numbers of people you want this to work out on in your fantasy world.. what you get for medical care in exchange for your 70% tax rate is the opportunity to get in line and wait for care. that's all you get.. some die waiting.. and yes those countries have a shortage of doctors and beds why do you think Canadians bolt across the border and come here for care??? Why don't they go to the mythical land of Cuba for the best care in the world?? doyathink??

And of course, you've only looked at the "right" side (in this case the "wrong" side) of the issue. There's more than enough evidence that the people living in countries who have universal care WOULD NOT TRADE IT for a return to privately run health care. But there's nothing more to say when trying to debate a brick wall.

your mortar has cracks in it donkeyface! so Canada wouldn't trade it but they come here for care?? that's rich.

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