Democrats support race riots

Fuck that. Since day sub-zero, trump had offended and divided, all for self gain.
To even pretend that trump is 'on your side' is laughable.
trump is a con man, a traitor, a draft dodger (FACT) that now loves the military.
How can you be so foolish? Because you have been brainwashed. Get some help.
Trump is an anti globalist and to claim he is all about himself only, is just things little rat people tell
themselves so they can get behind Joe Biden without throwing up at the thought though they probably do anyway.

And even if what you said is true (IF) he's still the only viable alternative to that venal lying prick Joe Biden
(who seems to be just fine with what China does).

You are beyond redemption. Fuck off.
I prefer a good football riot to a race riot.


I've never gotten excited enough by NASCAR to want to burn anything down.
Trump has lost around a billion dollars since he volunteered to be president. Try again, cupcake.

If that doesn't mean he's devoted to the cause, I don't know what does.

You have ZERO proof of that.
Trump is deep in debt to Foreign Banks, I got no proof of that.

Who do I believe, NOT you or trump.
Con man.
Follow the Money.
He has a history of fraud (there is documentation of his fraud), you think he stopped all at once?
"The US president’s fortune has fallen from an estimated $3.1bn (£2.5bn) on 1 March to $2.1bn on 18 March (at the height of stock market panic caused by the coronavirus pandemic) according to Forbes magazine’s annual billionaires list."

You were saying I didn't have any proof? Ooonnnnk!

Your claim: "Trump has lost around a billion dollars since he volunteered to be president."

Article: "Donald Trump lost an estimated $1bn of his paper fortune in the past month..."

That's just in March when the stock market crashed. That was several months ago and the market has since rebounded.

We have no idea how much he has made or lost since he became president.
Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
The marxist Dim shitstains need chaos and mayhem to distract from their message - "we're gonna take all your shit and give you back what you deserve".
That's just in March when the stock market crashed.
People with MONEY don't pull their money from the market during these dips/crashes. They pounce.
They let it ride, and swoop in on all the desperation of people trying to protect what they have.

How hard is that for people to understand.
I have close relatives that hate Trump, and they make that clear. They are otherwise good christians and would give you the shirt off their back. I am next to speechless. Trump isn't my ideal candidate, but when Democrats side with looters and race rioters and wont do anything to stop them...really? Trump might be an asshole but the FUCKING Democratic party has gone rouge insane crackers nutso crazytown... explain this to me, Trump is bad, rioters, burning and smashing shit is good?
I expect you to be a reasonable debater and SHOW where I lied or where I made falsehoods.
It's pretty simple, just man up and tell me (Show examples) of my lies.
Did you read post #21? That was an attempt by me to show you how unreasonable you are and such
a partisan dipstick. It went right over your head.
So consider me through with your shite.

You said Trump was absolutely self centered and only concerned in aggrandizing and enriching himself.
Well that's just not so.
No, they don't. What have the republicans done, nothing about their right wing bigotry and divisive language.
Go change your diaper, loser. It's starting to stink. Or maybe that's just the stink of your dishonesty.
Says the guy with nothing but ad hominems. Valid arguments must be too difficult for the right wing.
I have close relatives that hate Trump, and they make that clear. They are otherwise good christians and would give you the shirt off their back. I am next to speechless. Trump isn't my ideal candidate, but when Democrats side with looters and race rioters and wont do anything to stop them...really? Trump might be an asshole but the FUCKING Democratic party has gone rouge insane crackers nutso crazytown... explain this to me, Trump is bad, rioters, burning and smashing shit is good?
Yes! What kind of mental disconnect prevents people from seeing this?
Trump is bad, rioters, burning and smashing shit is good?
Because you are Brainwashed by your beloved News Propaganda, you fail to realize the TRUTH.

These rioters are hated by 95% of the USA population.
These rioters are not who you think they are.
These rioter are not Party Affiliated, (Not as you have been programed to believe) they are opportunists, thieves, thugs.
People we ALL hate, people we hope NOT to know.

But continue to blame the left only builds your brainwashed tiny mind.
I want fairness here , I go to liberal boards and listen to them all day long till Tuesday. Lets see here Trump and the Qanon thing. Really? Um the Russian colusion Really? BLM George Floyd died from a fentanyl/meth overdose tied to a pre existing heart condition really.
Says the guy with nothing but ad hominems. Valid arguments must be too difficult for the right wing.
Try presenting an argument worth a scholarly reply. I guess your ad hom attacks don't matter.
You have difficulty with simple English, why should I waste my time like I used to before.
Because you have spent all your washy washy happy ending money and are stuck at home until the 1st of next month.
Yoar Welcome.

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