Democrats Specialize In Creating Problems

Well, considering most of those countries are basically islands, they really don't need walls.
islands or not they have immigration problems and an ID card. walls are ridiculous and don't work. Original EU and Scandinavia is about 10 countries... So you are all wrong as always.

Just as guess, but I'd say there aren't any caravans making they way across the ocean to Japan, Australia or New Zealand. Can't imagine a caravan making it's way through Russia to get to Scandinavia. Canada is buffered by the U.S. Christ sake do you put any thought into your posts or just spew BS. And pretty sure you don't want to get started on European countries and their immigration problems...dumbass.
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

Since when has Germany or France been conservative ya fuken moron?
So how'd you learn to kick yourself in the balls?
No it would not. And they have lower crime rates than citizens. We need an ID card like other modern countries have. A wall is stupid and on American. These people now are trying to get away from what our drug war has done to their countries. Whole thing is a disgrace. Stop the War on Drugs and help these countries. Extend NAFTA to them.

Wow, and what "modern" countries do you speak of?
Original EU Scandinavia UK Canada Japan Australia New Zealand
In reading your bottom blurb about the USA, I see you are unhappy here and blame Republicans. I did better under Trump than Obama, better under Clinton than Bush. The person makes the difference-not the politics. If you like the Scandinavian countries so much. move there-you'll be happy and so will we.
you can't move there or any of the other modern countries unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, dumbass, + I am an American and a better American than you brainwashed functional morons.

For 35 years now it has been a giveaway to the rich GOP Mess. all the GOP wants is lower taxes on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else. Which they can do under reconciliation, a GOP scam. You have absolutely no clue, super duper.

You mean they actually have sensible immigration laws?
Way to put the noose around your own neck there retard.
You gonna pull the trap lever yourself next?
And it is the GOP that blocks intelligent immigration laws here. We are dying for a national ID card strictly enforced, the wall is stupid it won't do a damn thing.And of course amnesty for worthy illegals already here thanks to the people don't give a damn unless it's election time or we're in the middle of another GOP depression. You love the cheap gardeners and maids etc. And your brainwashing Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.
Wow, and what "modern" countries do you speak of?
Original EU Scandinavia UK Canada Japan Australia New Zealand
In reading your bottom blurb about the USA, I see you are unhappy here and blame Republicans. I did better under Trump than Obama, better under Clinton than Bush. The person makes the difference-not the politics. If you like the Scandinavian countries so much. move there-you'll be happy and so will we.
you can't move there or any of the other modern countries unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, dumbass, + I am an American and a better American than you brainwashed functional morons.

For 35 years now it has been a giveaway to the rich GOP Mess. all the GOP wants is lower taxes on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else. Which they can do under reconciliation, a GOP scam. You have absolutely no clue, super duper.

You mean they actually have sensible immigration laws?
Way to put the noose around your own neck there retard.
You gonna pull the trap lever yourself next?
And it is the GOP that blocks intelligent immigration laws here. We are dying for a national ID card strictly enforced, the wall is stupid it won't do a damn thing.And of course amnesty for worthy illegals already here thanks to the people don't give a damn unless it's election time or we're in the middle of another GOP depression. You love the cheap gardeners and maids etc. And your brainwashing Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.

Again...give me some links supporting your crazy ass assertions.
islands or not they have immigration problems and an ID card. walls are ridiculous and don't work. Original EU and Scandinavia is about 10 countries... So you are all wrong as always.

Just as guess, but I'd say there aren't any caravans making they way across the ocean to Japan, Australia or New Zealand. Can't imagine a caravan making it's way through Russia to get to Scandinavia. Canada is buffered by the U.S. Christ sake do you put any thought into your posts or just spew BS. And pretty sure you don't want to get started on European countries and their immigration problems...dumbass.
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

Since when has Germany or France been conservative ya fuken moron?
So how'd you learn to kick yourself in the balls?
Clue us in to what the hell you are driving at, brainwashed functional moron.... LOL
Original EU Scandinavia UK Canada Japan Australia New Zealand
In reading your bottom blurb about the USA, I see you are unhappy here and blame Republicans. I did better under Trump than Obama, better under Clinton than Bush. The person makes the difference-not the politics. If you like the Scandinavian countries so much. move there-you'll be happy and so will we.
you can't move there or any of the other modern countries unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, dumbass, + I am an American and a better American than you brainwashed functional morons.

For 35 years now it has been a giveaway to the rich GOP Mess. all the GOP wants is lower taxes on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else. Which they can do under reconciliation, a GOP scam. You have absolutely no clue, super duper.

You mean they actually have sensible immigration laws?
Way to put the noose around your own neck there retard.
You gonna pull the trap lever yourself next?
And it is the GOP that blocks intelligent immigration laws here. We are dying for a national ID card strictly enforced, the wall is stupid it won't do a damn thing.And of course amnesty for worthy illegals already here thanks to the people don't give a damn unless it's election time or we're in the middle of another GOP depression. You love the cheap gardeners and maids etc. And your brainwashing Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.

Again...give me some links supporting your crazy ass assertions.
It's all there right in front of your face, and whenever the Democrats bring up an ID card the GOP goes crazy about Communists and conspiracies LOL. Last time the Democrats tried it was for the 2010 democratic immigration bill.
In reading your bottom blurb about the USA, I see you are unhappy here and blame Republicans. I did better under Trump than Obama, better under Clinton than Bush. The person makes the difference-not the politics. If you like the Scandinavian countries so much. move there-you'll be happy and so will we.
you can't move there or any of the other modern countries unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, dumbass, + I am an American and a better American than you brainwashed functional morons.

For 35 years now it has been a giveaway to the rich GOP Mess. all the GOP wants is lower taxes on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else. Which they can do under reconciliation, a GOP scam. You have absolutely no clue, super duper.

You mean they actually have sensible immigration laws?
Way to put the noose around your own neck there retard.
You gonna pull the trap lever yourself next?
And it is the GOP that blocks intelligent immigration laws here. We are dying for a national ID card strictly enforced, the wall is stupid it won't do a damn thing.And of course amnesty for worthy illegals already here thanks to the people don't give a damn unless it's election time or we're in the middle of another GOP depression. You love the cheap gardeners and maids etc. And your brainwashing Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.

Again...give me some links supporting your crazy ass assertions.
It's all there right in front of your face, and whenever the Democrats bring up an ID card the GOP goes crazy about Communists and conspiracies LOL. Last time the Democrats tried it was for the 2010 democratic immigration bill.

Oh really?
You're gonna have to give me a link or I call bullshit.
The big push right now is that Trump hasn't built enough wall. I wonder why. Yesterday Drudge claimed he's only built 2 miles of wall.....then they had to amend that to 20 miles. How much has been built depends on who you're talking to anyway.


But Democrats have been fighting him tooth and nail trying to prevent him from building a wall, and then they turn around and try to say he's stopped building it. WTF!!!
Talk about causing a problem and they trying to use this problem to criticize their political opponents, this is a perfect example of it.

I have to be honest.....seeing this nonsense in the news day in and day out, it's getting to the point where I just want to tune it out. Who needs this shit.


Homeland Security report says Trump administration has built just 20 miles of border wall | Daily Mail Online

Brian Kilmeade Challenges Sarah Sanders Over Wall: Less Than 2 Miles Built?

As the Joker's all part of the plan....the more people the democrats can get to tune out, the easier it is for their illegal alien voters, their felons in prison voters, and their welfare dependents to vote them power......those people never get sick of the nonsense cause they only pay attention the day of the election when the democrats round them up to vote.....
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
The big push right now is that Trump hasn't built enough wall. I wonder why. Yesterday Drudge claimed he's only built 2 miles of wall.....then they had to amend that to 20 miles. How much has been built depends on who you're talking to anyway.


But Democrats have been fighting him tooth and nail trying to prevent him from building a wall, and then they turn around and try to say he's stopped building it. WTF!!!
Talk about causing a problem and they trying to use this problem to criticize their political opponents, this is a perfect example of it.

I have to be honest.....seeing this nonsense in the news day in and day out, it's getting to the point where I just want to tune it out. Who needs this shit.


Homeland Security report says Trump administration has built just 20 miles of border wall | Daily Mail Online

Brian Kilmeade Challenges Sarah Sanders Over Wall: Less Than 2 Miles Built?

As the Joker's all part of the plan....the more people the democrats can get to tune out, the easier it is for their illegal alien voters, their felons in prison voters, and their welfare dependents to vote them power......those people never get sick of the nonsense cause they only pay attention the day of the election when the democrats round them up to vote.....
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....
you can't move there or any of the other modern countries unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, dumbass, + I am an American and a better American than you brainwashed functional morons.

For 35 years now it has been a giveaway to the rich GOP Mess. all the GOP wants is lower taxes on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else. Which they can do under reconciliation, a GOP scam. You have absolutely no clue, super duper.

You mean they actually have sensible immigration laws?
Way to put the noose around your own neck there retard.
You gonna pull the trap lever yourself next?
And it is the GOP that blocks intelligent immigration laws here. We are dying for a national ID card strictly enforced, the wall is stupid it won't do a damn thing.And of course amnesty for worthy illegals already here thanks to the people don't give a damn unless it's election time or we're in the middle of another GOP depression. You love the cheap gardeners and maids etc. And your brainwashing Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.

Again...give me some links supporting your crazy ass assertions.
It's all there right in front of your face, and whenever the Democrats bring up an ID card the GOP goes crazy about Communists and conspiracies LOL. Last time the Democrats tried it was for the 2010 democratic immigration bill.

Oh really?
You're gonna have to give me a link or I call bullshit.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

upload_2019-5-24_17-41-39.pngWashington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?

Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

upload_2019-5-24_17-41-39.pngThe New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Everything you know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron.
Just as guess, but I'd say there aren't any caravans making they way across the ocean to Japan, Australia or New Zealand. Can't imagine a caravan making it's way through Russia to get to Scandinavia. Canada is buffered by the U.S. Christ sake do you put any thought into your posts or just spew BS. And pretty sure you don't want to get started on European countries and their immigration problems...dumbass.
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

Since when has Germany or France been conservative ya fuken moron?
So how'd you learn to kick yourself in the balls?
Clue us in to what the hell you are driving at, brainwashed functional moron.... LOL

Says the poster with a liberal manifesto for a signature. :itsok:
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

Since when has Germany or France been conservative ya fuken moron?
So how'd you learn to kick yourself in the balls?
Clue us in to what the hell you are driving at, brainwashed functional moron.... LOL

Says the poster with a liberal manifesto for a signature. :itsok:
All facts and more truth than you'll get from Fox Rush etc etc in decades, brainwashed functional moron..
You mean they actually have sensible immigration laws?
Way to put the noose around your own neck there retard.
You gonna pull the trap lever yourself next?
And it is the GOP that blocks intelligent immigration laws here. We are dying for a national ID card strictly enforced, the wall is stupid it won't do a damn thing.And of course amnesty for worthy illegals already here thanks to the people don't give a damn unless it's election time or we're in the middle of another GOP depression. You love the cheap gardeners and maids etc. And your brainwashing Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.

Again...give me some links supporting your crazy ass assertions.
It's all there right in front of your face, and whenever the Democrats bring up an ID card the GOP goes crazy about Communists and conspiracies LOL. Last time the Democrats tried it was for the 2010 democratic immigration bill.

Oh really?
You're gonna have to give me a link or I call bullshit.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262261Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262262The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Everything you know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron.

So tell me franco?
Where is the call for ID's now?
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

Since when has Germany or France been conservative ya fuken moron?
So how'd you learn to kick yourself in the balls?
Clue us in to what the hell you are driving at, brainwashed functional moron.... LOL

Says the poster with a liberal manifesto for a signature. :itsok:
All facts and more truth than you'll get from Fox Rush etc etc in decades, brainwashed functional moron..

Franco, buddie...:cuckoo:
The big push right now is that Trump hasn't built enough wall. I wonder why. Yesterday Drudge claimed he's only built 2 miles of wall.....then they had to amend that to 20 miles. How much has been built depends on who you're talking to anyway.


But Democrats have been fighting him tooth and nail trying to prevent him from building a wall, and then they turn around and try to say he's stopped building it. WTF!!!
Talk about causing a problem and they trying to use this problem to criticize their political opponents, this is a perfect example of it.

I have to be honest.....seeing this nonsense in the news day in and day out, it's getting to the point where I just want to tune it out. Who needs this shit.


Homeland Security report says Trump administration has built just 20 miles of border wall | Daily Mail Online

Brian Kilmeade Challenges Sarah Sanders Over Wall: Less Than 2 Miles Built?

As the Joker's all part of the plan....the more people the democrats can get to tune out, the easier it is for their illegal alien voters, their felons in prison voters, and their welfare dependents to vote them power......those people never get sick of the nonsense cause they only pay attention the day of the election when the democrats round them up to vote.....
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
And it is the GOP that blocks intelligent immigration laws here. We are dying for a national ID card strictly enforced, the wall is stupid it won't do a damn thing.And of course amnesty for worthy illegals already here thanks to the people don't give a damn unless it's election time or we're in the middle of another GOP depression. You love the cheap gardeners and maids etc. And your brainwashing Masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.

Again...give me some links supporting your crazy ass assertions.
It's all there right in front of your face, and whenever the Democrats bring up an ID card the GOP goes crazy about Communists and conspiracies LOL. Last time the Democrats tried it was for the 2010 democratic immigration bill.

Oh really?
You're gonna have to give me a link or I call bullshit.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

View attachment 262261Washington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?
Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

View attachment 262262The New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

Everything you know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron.

So tell me franco?
Where is the call for ID's now?
the GOP politicians know all about it, even if you dupes don't know a goddamn thing that's going on, brainwashed functional moron. And it doesn't bother you a bit. Right-wing idiocy on parade.
How much wall? The answer is simple-not enough!
Another just stupid distraction... The wall will basically do nothing, 58% overstay their visas and they'll just come in by boat or tunnel or airplane.. I don't believe the GOP gives a damn anyway, they love the cheap easily bullied labor and it is so easy to brainwash the chumps.... We need a national ID card like other modern countries with this problem that the GOP has blocked forever.
oh geezus.....
Well, considering most of those countries are basically islands, they really don't need walls.
islands or not they have immigration problems and an ID card. walls are ridiculous and don't work. Original EU and Scandinavia is about 10 countries... So you are all wrong as always.

Just as guess, but I'd say there aren't any caravans making they way across the ocean to Japan, Australia or New Zealand. Can't imagine a caravan making it's way through Russia to get to Scandinavia. Canada is buffered by the U.S. Christ sake do you put any thought into your posts or just spew BS. And pretty sure you don't want to get started on European countries and their immigration problems...dumbass.
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

You bet, Obama has already shown us what a screwed up job you loons can do....dumbass.
The big push right now is that Trump hasn't built enough wall. I wonder why. Yesterday Drudge claimed he's only built 2 miles of wall.....then they had to amend that to 20 miles. How much has been built depends on who you're talking to anyway.


But Democrats have been fighting him tooth and nail trying to prevent him from building a wall, and then they turn around and try to say he's stopped building it. WTF!!!
Talk about causing a problem and they trying to use this problem to criticize their political opponents, this is a perfect example of it.

I have to be honest.....seeing this nonsense in the news day in and day out, it's getting to the point where I just want to tune it out. Who needs this shit.


Homeland Security report says Trump administration has built just 20 miles of border wall | Daily Mail Online

Brian Kilmeade Challenges Sarah Sanders Over Wall: Less Than 2 Miles Built?

As the Joker's all part of the plan....the more people the democrats can get to tune out, the easier it is for their illegal alien voters, their felons in prison voters, and their welfare dependents to vote them power......those people never get sick of the nonsense cause they only pay attention the day of the election when the democrats round them up to vote.....
90% of the world including all the respected media and law enforcement think you people are absolutely nuts. Read a newspaper, super duper.

The 90% of the world that takes our money for any natural disaster? 90% of the World that is protected from Russian and chinese aggression by our money and military? 90% of the World that participated in the mass murder of close to 100 million people by German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban, Vietnamese socialists....? While the other countries either handed over their people or looked the other way?

You mean that 90% of the world....
No, that only exists in GOP propaganda world. And those are Nazis and Communists not socialists brainwashed functional moron. You believe any garbage right wing and totalitarian propaganda....

Nazis are socialists....communists are socialists, you moron... Those are the countries who form the 90% of the world you are bitching about...we stopped them, not the Europeans, not the British....the United States....and we stand in their way to this day...not the Europeans who are making deals with putin, not the Asians who can't stand up to China...the U.S......
the Nazis said they were socialist pure propaganda, s*******. The Communists said they were socialists.everyone knew the Nazis were joking, it took a little while to figure out that the Communists had no interest in democracy of any kind, since they didn't allow anyone in to see or kept them ignorant, so the world knew that was a scam. Except for Cold War dinosaur United States and its GOP dupes. You get my award is the biggest idiot on the board. Well you have a lot of competition....

Many thanks to the gop for Wrecking the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, then wrecking the world economy in 1929 that gave rise to Nazis and Japanese militarists just as today we have right-wing assholes on the rise thanks to the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. then in the 1930s the Republicans were the fervent isolationists who allowed Nazis and Japs to run rampant until they finally attacked us. Great job.the French could easily have won World War 1 without us ditto the
Russians in World War II. But thanks for f****** up everything you ever get your hands on, scumbag money is everything GOP and its silly dupes.
Last edited:
islands or not they have immigration problems and an ID card. walls are ridiculous and don't work. Original EU and Scandinavia is about 10 countries... So you are all wrong as always.

Just as guess, but I'd say there aren't any caravans making they way across the ocean to Japan, Australia or New Zealand. Can't imagine a caravan making it's way through Russia to get to Scandinavia. Canada is buffered by the U.S. Christ sake do you put any thought into your posts or just spew BS. And pretty sure you don't want to get started on European countries and their immigration problems...dumbass.
Australia has all kinds of people trying to get in dumbass dupe. And the EU has taken in four million plus refugees from Syria Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa, all caused originally by GOP stupidity and corruption. See Ronnie Reagan and his pal Saddam and the corrupt 2008 GOP World depression... Try watching some real news someday instead of GOP propaganda.

Hence the problems associated with immigration in the EU...Einstein. Do try to keep up.
Germany used to be a champion of open borders in Europe. Not anymore.

France Struggles With Its Immigrants In The Midst Of National Security Concerns
Yep, you GOP idiots have ruined the world. great job! Wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the world economy... We'll put it back together again not to worry...

You bet, Obama has already shown us what a screwed up job you loons can do....dumbass.
Turned around yours corrupt GOP depression and had seven and a half years straight of growth in a world that was all screwed up. Great job. Democrats have had 30 days of 60 votes in session and gave us the best social reform for the non rich in 50 years, Obamacare. You are absolutely clueless.we could have ended the immigration problem in 2010 but the GOP certainly couldn't cooperate with a black president. Not that they cooperated with Clinton either. The country is desperate for 4 years of democrat policy cuz this is a mess.
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
AdChoices · POLITICS. 06/29/ 2010 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011. National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill. headshot. By Ryan Grim ...

upload_2019-5-24_18-54-49.pngWashington Post › voices
Ezra Klein - Is a biometric, national ID card an immigration game changer?

Apr 30, 2010 · The Democrats' immigration- reform proposal (pdf) is 26 pages long. ... But it's still a biometric national ID card. ... Posted by: nathanlindquist | April 30, 2010 10 ...

upload_2019-5-24_18-54-49.pngThe New York Times › politics
Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill - The New York Times

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