Democrats Same Old Lies and Ignorance

Are we headed for a Depression?
Very very doubtful. Industry consensus odds on a recession in 2020 are about 50/50, so we could avoid that as well if a few things go our way.
Let's see. I heard predictions that the economy would fail when Trump was nominated. Again on when he won the election. There were dire warnings that he would crash the economy when he took office. There have been numerous predictions of a failed economy every time the job index failed to move up by half a point more then expected, every time expected earnings reports was $10.00 under, I think there were even a few when Trump sneezed. So excuse me if I don't go running around yelling the sky is falling.

Funny how everyone is so concerned with the deficit lately. Seems it was not that exciting when the last idiot was in spending like a drunk sailor on leave. His great policies like cash for clunkers cost us millions for each job it created, did nothing for the environment and pushed the price of used cars up. ACA forced numerous employers to lay off fulltime employees and then hire part time instead. Solyendra sure needed those millions, I guess they gave too much in campaign contributions. Some are still looking for all those shovel ready jobs.
Partisans always predict doom & gloom when the other tribe wins. One of the many examples of why partisans have zero (0) credibility.

I'm just dealing with reality. If you see me say something that is factually incorrect, please let me know.
I don't think you are dealing with reality very well. You were just saying that GDP was trying to be pushed by deficit. That is not reality. You were talking about Trump exploding the deficit. For the most part that is not reality as Trump only has so much say over spending. Remember the house actually has the purse strings? Also as I pointed out 44 way outspent everyone. The last time we had a balanced buget was Clinton. A portion of our deficit is built in as in welfare, ACA, Snap. The simple fact that 44 tried to get his spending down at the expense of the military needed to be addressed.
You were also citing the same people that claimed we were headed for a bad economy in the last three years. If they have been claiming that for that long it seems to me they may not really be that "expert".
So Trump gets huge credit for reaching half of the 6% he promised, but receives no blame for the exploding deficit.

Got it. I think you've really nailed it there.
According to all those on the left it is still 44 economy. So if it is his economy it is still his debt right?

In realistic life every president gets some fault for the deficit. Congress since it is responsible for spending gets the biggest share. The problem is we have built in expenses that a large portion of the polpulation does not want cut. Remember all the outrage when there was talk of cutting some of our social net programs? Well perhaps not.

You must be one of the only people alive who actually thought 6% was not exaggeration. Congratulation on being gullible.
The GDP is screaming at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.
Sometimes the alternate universe stuff reaches a point of being troubling.

Trump promised 5% to 6% GDP growth, and we're stuck at roughly half that. And for that, Trump exploded the deficit.

I know I just wasted those keystrokes. But I don't think this stuff is funny any more. This isn't good.
And where were you with the dismal GDP for 8 years under the Muslim Surrender Monkey?
I have mixed opinions on his term, but I give him an "I" for the economy. We'll never know what he would have, or would not have, accomplished with the economy if it were not for the Meltdown. He did what he had to do: He stood back and let the Fed pour $4.5T into markets to stabilize the disaster.

Or, from your perspective, he's a big ol' Kenyan Muslim commie 'n stuff.
Very very doubtful. Industry consensus odds on a recession in 2020 are about 50/50, so we could avoid that as well if a few things go our way.
Let's see. I heard predictions that the economy would fail when Trump was nominated. Again on when he won the election. There were dire warnings that he would crash the economy when he took office. There have been numerous predictions of a failed economy every time the job index failed to move up by half a point more then expected, every time expected earnings reports was $10.00 under, I think there were even a few when Trump sneezed. So excuse me if I don't go running around yelling the sky is falling.

Funny how everyone is so concerned with the deficit lately. Seems it was not that exciting when the last idiot was in spending like a drunk sailor on leave. His great policies like cash for clunkers cost us millions for each job it created, did nothing for the environment and pushed the price of used cars up. ACA forced numerous employers to lay off fulltime employees and then hire part time instead. Solyendra sure needed those millions, I guess they gave too much in campaign contributions. Some are still looking for all those shovel ready jobs.
Partisans always predict doom & gloom when the other tribe wins. One of the many examples of why partisans have zero (0) credibility.

I'm just dealing with reality. If you see me say something that is factually incorrect, please let me know.
I don't think you are dealing with reality very well. You were just saying that GDP was trying to be pushed by deficit. That is not reality. You were talking about Trump exploding the deficit. For the most part that is not reality as Trump only has so much say over spending. Remember the house actually has the purse strings? Also as I pointed out 44 way outspent everyone. The last time we had a balanced buget was Clinton. A portion of our deficit is built in as in welfare, ACA, Snap. The simple fact that 44 tried to get his spending down at the expense of the military needed to be addressed.
You were also citing the same people that claimed we were headed for a bad economy in the last three years. If they have been claiming that for that long it seems to me they may not really be that "expert".
So Trump gets huge credit for reaching half of the 6% he promised, but receives no blame for the exploding deficit.

Got it. I think you've really nailed it there.
According to all those on the left it is still 44 economy. So if it is his economy it is still his debt right?

In realistic life every president gets some fault for the deficit. Congress since it is responsible for spending gets the biggest share. The problem is we have built in expenses that a large portion of the polpulation does not want cut. Remember all the outrage when there was talk of cutting some of our social net programs? Well perhaps not.

You must be one of the only people alive who actually thought 6% was not exaggeration. Congratulation on being gullible.
I know better than to believe anything Trump says, but it's fun watching his sheep pick and choose.

As far as whose economy it is, you can wrestle with the other partisans on that. I have to deal with reality, and I'm just not interested in that game.
First-quarter economic growth up 3.1%, slightly better than Wall Street expected
Source CNBC
PUBLISHED THU, MAY 30 2019 8:30 AM EDT, UPDATED THU, MAY 30 2019 9:37 AM EDT
Jeff Cox

The U.S. economy grew by 3.1% to start the year, slightly better than expected and providing some relief at a time when recession fears are accelerating, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

First-quarter gross domestic product beat the 3% Dow Jones estimate but was lower than the initial 3.2% projection from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The decrease came due to downward revisions to nonresidential fixed and private inventory investment, two key drivers to GDP.

Now, what were you saying MAC1958 you stupid half-witted imbecile?

Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope. We are bringing back real jobs to America, not the sorry minimum wage jobs created under Obama. Almost a whole year ago the jobless rate went down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market: That tied the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Since then, the only other time unemployment was this low was in April 2000. And things have only gotten better since then.
The GDP is at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.

First-quarter economic growth up 3.1%, slightly better than Wall Street expected
Source CNBC
PUBLISHED THU, MAY 30 2019 8:30 AM EDT, UPDATED THU, MAY 30 2019 9:37 AM EDT
Jeff Cox

The U.S. economy grew by 3.1% to start the year, slightly better than expected and providing some relief at a time when recession fears are accelerating, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

First-quarter gross domestic product beat the 3% Dow Jones estimate but was lower than the initial 3.2% projection from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The decrease came due to downward revisions to nonresidential fixed and private inventory investment, two key drivers to GDP.

Now, what were you saying MAC1958 you stupid half-witted imbecile?

Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope.
I can't help myself. I've gotta ask.

If the economy is as fantastic as you say it is....

.... why has the yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped 40% in the last seven months?
.... why has the Fed signaled that it is ready to reduce interest rates due to softening in the economy?
.... why does the market react positively to comments on the Fed dropping rates?

Full disclosure: I'm not expecting an educated or rational answer here. I just want to watch.

Ummm, sorry guys, I am a Trump supporter, but Mac is correct. The bond yields have inverted, and 4 out of 5 times, that means the business community believes the economy is softening. Add to that the fed signaling it is willing to drop rates, tells us that they think it is softening too.

Now then, IT COULD BE that this is/was believed because of the Mexico tariffs that went away, along with the Chinese tariffs that are still in place. If a deal with the Chinese is reached that is equitable, much of this COULD go away. Add to that congress holding up the USMCA deal, is also not a good thing economically.

Everyone has to remember that--------->just like Obama, Trump only has so much power. He can NOT force things to happen the way he wants, he can only SUGGEST it.

Personally, if the economy starts to falter, you better believe the Democrats will NOT pass the USMCA. It is a political thing, if you catch my drift.

That being said--------------->since the Chinese get 60% of their oil through the straits of Hormuz, they may be more inclined to cut a deal for 3 to 5 years now, so as they can keep things flowing with the help of the USA. One would think that would be smart politically, but then we are talking about the Chinese here. I am positive they would much rather deal with Biden than Trump, but then again, that depends upon IF they believe our practices would go back to pre-Trump ways. They may not, so they could bite the bullet soon, to keep the oil flowing.
Let's see. I heard predictions that the economy would fail when Trump was nominated. Again on when he won the election. There were dire warnings that he would crash the economy when he took office. There have been numerous predictions of a failed economy every time the job index failed to move up by half a point more then expected, every time expected earnings reports was $10.00 under, I think there were even a few when Trump sneezed. So excuse me if I don't go running around yelling the sky is falling.

Funny how everyone is so concerned with the deficit lately. Seems it was not that exciting when the last idiot was in spending like a drunk sailor on leave. His great policies like cash for clunkers cost us millions for each job it created, did nothing for the environment and pushed the price of used cars up. ACA forced numerous employers to lay off fulltime employees and then hire part time instead. Solyendra sure needed those millions, I guess they gave too much in campaign contributions. Some are still looking for all those shovel ready jobs.
Partisans always predict doom & gloom when the other tribe wins. One of the many examples of why partisans have zero (0) credibility.

I'm just dealing with reality. If you see me say something that is factually incorrect, please let me know.
I don't think you are dealing with reality very well. You were just saying that GDP was trying to be pushed by deficit. That is not reality. You were talking about Trump exploding the deficit. For the most part that is not reality as Trump only has so much say over spending. Remember the house actually has the purse strings? Also as I pointed out 44 way outspent everyone. The last time we had a balanced buget was Clinton. A portion of our deficit is built in as in welfare, ACA, Snap. The simple fact that 44 tried to get his spending down at the expense of the military needed to be addressed.
You were also citing the same people that claimed we were headed for a bad economy in the last three years. If they have been claiming that for that long it seems to me they may not really be that "expert".
So Trump gets huge credit for reaching half of the 6% he promised, but receives no blame for the exploding deficit.

Got it. I think you've really nailed it there.
According to all those on the left it is still 44 economy. So if it is his economy it is still his debt right?

In realistic life every president gets some fault for the deficit. Congress since it is responsible for spending gets the biggest share. The problem is we have built in expenses that a large portion of the polpulation does not want cut. Remember all the outrage when there was talk of cutting some of our social net programs? Well perhaps not.

You must be one of the only people alive who actually thought 6% was not exaggeration. Congratulation on being gullible.
I know better than to believe anything Trump says, but it's fun watching his sheep pick and choose.

As far as whose economy it is, you can wrestle with the other partisans on that. I have to deal with reality, and I'm just not interested in that game.
So your reality is to post that we are headed for a bad economy because the people that have said the same thing for years more get actually be right if they say it long enough? Kind of like the fellow standing on a street corner yelling the end is coming. He will eventually be right even if it takes millions of years.

You claim to no better then to believe anything that Trump says but yet are still quoting and believing his 6%. Lol that is the most hilarious thing I have heard in a long time.

Yes indeed play the sheep card. Is your next going to be the race card?
First-quarter economic growth up 3.1%, slightly better than Wall Street expected
Source CNBC
PUBLISHED THU, MAY 30 2019 8:30 AM EDT, UPDATED THU, MAY 30 2019 9:37 AM EDT
Jeff Cox

The U.S. economy grew by 3.1% to start the year, slightly better than expected and providing some relief at a time when recession fears are accelerating, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

First-quarter gross domestic product beat the 3% Dow Jones estimate but was lower than the initial 3.2% projection from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The decrease came due to downward revisions to nonresidential fixed and private inventory investment, two key drivers to GDP.

Now, what were you saying MAC1958 you stupid half-witted imbecile?

Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope. We are bringing back real jobs to America, not the sorry minimum wage jobs created under Obama. Almost a whole year ago the jobless rate went down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market: That tied the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Since then, the only other time unemployment was this low was in April 2000. And things have only gotten better since then.
The GDP is at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.

Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope.
I can't help myself. I've gotta ask.

If the economy is as fantastic as you say it is....

.... why has the yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped 40% in the last seven months?
.... why has the Fed signaled that it is ready to reduce interest rates due to softening in the economy?
.... why does the market react positively to comments on the Fed dropping rates?

Full disclosure: I'm not expecting an educated or rational answer here. I just want to watch.

Ummm, sorry guys, I am a Trump supporter, but Mac is correct. The bond yields have inverted, and 4 out of 5 times, that means the business community believes the economy is softening. Add to that the fed signaling it is willing to drop rates, tells us that they think it is softening too.

Now then, IT COULD BE that this is/was believed because of the Mexico tariffs that went away, along with the Chinese tariffs that are still in place. If a deal with the Chinese is reached that is equitable, much of this COULD go away. Add to that congress holding up the USMCA deal, is also not a good thing economically.

Everyone has to remember that--------->just like Obama, Trump only has so much power. He can NOT force things to happen the way he wants, he can only SUGGEST it.

Personally, if the economy starts to falter, you better believe the Democrats will NOT pass the USMCA. It is a political thing, if you catch my drift.

That being said--------------->since the Chinese get 60% of their oil through the straits of Hormuz, they may be more inclined to cut a deal for 3 to 5 years now, so as they can keep things flowing with the help of the USA. One would think that would be smart politically, but then we are talking about the Chinese here. I am positive they would much rather deal with Biden than Trump, but then again, that depends upon IF they believe our practices would go back to pre-Trump ways. They may not, so they could bite the bullet soon, to keep the oil flowing.

We just broke the record for the most straight months of economic expansion, it cannot go on forever, there will be another downturn sooner rather than later if history is any indicator.
Partisans always predict doom & gloom when the other tribe wins. One of the many examples of why partisans have zero (0) credibility.

I'm just dealing with reality. If you see me say something that is factually incorrect, please let me know.
I don't think you are dealing with reality very well. You were just saying that GDP was trying to be pushed by deficit. That is not reality. You were talking about Trump exploding the deficit. For the most part that is not reality as Trump only has so much say over spending. Remember the house actually has the purse strings? Also as I pointed out 44 way outspent everyone. The last time we had a balanced buget was Clinton. A portion of our deficit is built in as in welfare, ACA, Snap. The simple fact that 44 tried to get his spending down at the expense of the military needed to be addressed.
You were also citing the same people that claimed we were headed for a bad economy in the last three years. If they have been claiming that for that long it seems to me they may not really be that "expert".
So Trump gets huge credit for reaching half of the 6% he promised, but receives no blame for the exploding deficit.

Got it. I think you've really nailed it there.
According to all those on the left it is still 44 economy. So if it is his economy it is still his debt right?

In realistic life every president gets some fault for the deficit. Congress since it is responsible for spending gets the biggest share. The problem is we have built in expenses that a large portion of the polpulation does not want cut. Remember all the outrage when there was talk of cutting some of our social net programs? Well perhaps not.

You must be one of the only people alive who actually thought 6% was not exaggeration. Congratulation on being gullible.
I know better than to believe anything Trump says, but it's fun watching his sheep pick and choose.

As far as whose economy it is, you can wrestle with the other partisans on that. I have to deal with reality, and I'm just not interested in that game.
So your reality is to post that we are headed for a bad economy because the people that have said the same thing for years more get actually be right if they say it long enough? Kind of like the fellow standing on a street corner yelling the end is coming. He will eventually be right even if it takes millions of years.

You claim to no better then to believe anything that Trump says but yet are still quoting and believing his 6%. Lol that is the most hilarious thing I have heard in a long time.

Yes indeed play the sheep card. Is your next going to be the race card?

We just broke the record for the most straight months of economic expansion, it cannot go on forever, there will be another downturn sooner rather than later if history is any indicator.

I am waiting for somebody to address this quote which I actually intended to be the main point of the OP.:
The other day, lowlife scum Kamala Harris said this: “We have in this White House a president who says he wants to make America great again. Well, what does that mean?"

First, you know that the Democrats are totally void of any real ideas when the best that Kamala Harris can do is repeat Hillary's stupidity from 2016. In the third 2016 presidential debate, this exchange happened:

Clinton: "Well, first when I hear Donald talk like that and know that his slogan is 'Make America Great Again.' I wonder when he thought America was great.
Trump: "We've heard this before, Hillary. We've heard this before.

Anybody with half of a functioning brain knows that by saying Make America Great Again, Trump meant to bring back good jobs, manufacturing jobs, make our streets safe, rebuild the military, and bring back America first policies, all to benefit ALL Americans.

But sick lowlife scum like Kamala Harris and Hillary tried to paint the slogan as bring back slavery and discrimination. Democrats have always been the party of fear and hate. Thats why they invented the KKK and that's why they are always race-baiting, to scare people. That's all they have.
Partisans always predict doom & gloom when the other tribe wins. One of the many examples of why partisans have zero (0) credibility.

I'm just dealing with reality. If you see me say something that is factually incorrect, please let me know.
I don't think you are dealing with reality very well. You were just saying that GDP was trying to be pushed by deficit. That is not reality. You were talking about Trump exploding the deficit. For the most part that is not reality as Trump only has so much say over spending. Remember the house actually has the purse strings? Also as I pointed out 44 way outspent everyone. The last time we had a balanced buget was Clinton. A portion of our deficit is built in as in welfare, ACA, Snap. The simple fact that 44 tried to get his spending down at the expense of the military needed to be addressed.
You were also citing the same people that claimed we were headed for a bad economy in the last three years. If they have been claiming that for that long it seems to me they may not really be that "expert".
So Trump gets huge credit for reaching half of the 6% he promised, but receives no blame for the exploding deficit.

Got it. I think you've really nailed it there.
According to all those on the left it is still 44 economy. So if it is his economy it is still his debt right?

In realistic life every president gets some fault for the deficit. Congress since it is responsible for spending gets the biggest share. The problem is we have built in expenses that a large portion of the polpulation does not want cut. Remember all the outrage when there was talk of cutting some of our social net programs? Well perhaps not.

You must be one of the only people alive who actually thought 6% was not exaggeration. Congratulation on being gullible.
I know better than to believe anything Trump says, but it's fun watching his sheep pick and choose.

As far as whose economy it is, you can wrestle with the other partisans on that. I have to deal with reality, and I'm just not interested in that game.
So your reality is to post that we are headed for a bad economy because the people that have said the same thing for years more get actually be right if they say it long enough? Kind of like the fellow standing on a street corner yelling the end is coming. He will eventually be right even if it takes millions of years.

You claim to no better then to believe anything that Trump says but yet are still quoting and believing his 6%. Lol that is the most hilarious thing I have heard in a long time.

Yes indeed play the sheep card. Is your next going to be the race card?
Maybe you could read what I actually write.

I'm not saying we're headed for a bad economy. Even though I'm neck deep in this stuff, I'm making no predictions.

And my point - who knows if you got it or if you're just lying - is that his minions don't want to talk about his 6% promises because they want to protect him at all times.

Look, I realize you're going to protect Trump. "Shooting a guy on 5th Avenue" and all. Have fun. I don't have to participate, or take it seriously.
First-quarter economic growth up 3.1%, slightly better than Wall Street expected
Source CNBC
PUBLISHED THU, MAY 30 2019 8:30 AM EDT, UPDATED THU, MAY 30 2019 9:37 AM EDT
Jeff Cox

The U.S. economy grew by 3.1% to start the year, slightly better than expected and providing some relief at a time when recession fears are accelerating, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

First-quarter gross domestic product beat the 3% Dow Jones estimate but was lower than the initial 3.2% projection from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The decrease came due to downward revisions to nonresidential fixed and private inventory investment, two key drivers to GDP.

Now, what were you saying MAC1958 you stupid half-witted imbecile?

Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope. We are bringing back real jobs to America, not the sorry minimum wage jobs created under Obama. Almost a whole year ago the jobless rate went down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market: That tied the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Since then, the only other time unemployment was this low was in April 2000. And things have only gotten better since then.
The GDP is at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.

Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope.
I can't help myself. I've gotta ask.

If the economy is as fantastic as you say it is....

.... why has the yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped 40% in the last seven months?
.... why has the Fed signaled that it is ready to reduce interest rates due to softening in the economy?
.... why does the market react positively to comments on the Fed dropping rates?

Full disclosure: I'm not expecting an educated or rational answer here. I just want to watch.

Ummm, sorry guys, I am a Trump supporter, but Mac is correct. The bond yields have inverted, and 4 out of 5 times, that means the business community believes the economy is softening. Add to that the fed signaling it is willing to drop rates, tells us that they think it is softening too.

Now then, IT COULD BE that this is/was believed because of the Mexico tariffs that went away, along with the Chinese tariffs that are still in place. If a deal with the Chinese is reached that is equitable, much of this COULD go away. Add to that congress holding up the USMCA deal, is also not a good thing economically.

Everyone has to remember that--------->just like Obama, Trump only has so much power. He can NOT force things to happen the way he wants, he can only SUGGEST it.

Personally, if the economy starts to falter, you better believe the Democrats will NOT pass the USMCA. It is a political thing, if you catch my drift.

That being said--------------->since the Chinese get 60% of their oil through the straits of Hormuz, they may be more inclined to cut a deal for 3 to 5 years now, so as they can keep things flowing with the help of the USA. One would think that would be smart politically, but then we are talking about the Chinese here. I am positive they would much rather deal with Biden than Trump, but then again, that depends upon IF they believe our practices would go back to pre-Trump ways. They may not, so they could bite the bullet soon, to keep the oil flowing.
Well I kind of hate to burst your bubble here but I don't believe that the DNC will even come close to giving Biden the nod. Too many are against him.

I am waiting for somebody to address this quote which I actually intended to be the main point of the OP.:
The other day, lowlife scum Kamala Harris said this: “We have in this White House a president who says he wants to make America great again. Well, what does that mean?"

First, you know that the Democrats are totally void of any real ideas when the best that Kamala Harris can do is repeat Hillary's stupidity from 2016. In the third 2016 presidential debate, this exchange happened:

Clinton: "Well, first when I hear Donald talk like that and know that his slogan is 'Make America Great Again.' I wonder when he thought America was great.
Trump: "We've heard this before, Hillary. We've heard this before.

Anybody with half of a functioning brain knows that by saying Make America Great Again, Trump meant to bring back good jobs, manufacturing jobs, make our streets safe, rebuild the military, and bring back America first policies, all to benefit ALL Americans.

But sick lowlife scum like Kamala Harris and Hillary tried to paint the slogan as bring back slavery and discrimination. Democrats have always been the party of fear and hate. Thats why they invented the KKK and that's why they are always race-baiting, to scare people. That's all they have.

are you new to politics? Of course the other side is going to twist the slogan, what the hell do you expect them to do?
Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope. We are bringing back real jobs to America, not the sorry minimum wage jobs created under Obama. Almost a whole year ago the jobless rate went down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market: That tied the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Since then, the only other time unemployment was this low was in April 2000. And things have only gotten better since then.
The GDP is at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope.
I can't help myself. I've gotta ask.

If the economy is as fantastic as you say it is....

.... why has the yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped 40% in the last seven months?
.... why has the Fed signaled that it is ready to reduce interest rates due to softening in the economy?
.... why does the market react positively to comments on the Fed dropping rates?

Full disclosure: I'm not expecting an educated or rational answer here. I just want to watch.

Ummm, sorry guys, I am a Trump supporter, but Mac is correct. The bond yields have inverted, and 4 out of 5 times, that means the business community believes the economy is softening. Add to that the fed signaling it is willing to drop rates, tells us that they think it is softening too.

Now then, IT COULD BE that this is/was believed because of the Mexico tariffs that went away, along with the Chinese tariffs that are still in place. If a deal with the Chinese is reached that is equitable, much of this COULD go away. Add to that congress holding up the USMCA deal, is also not a good thing economically.

Everyone has to remember that--------->just like Obama, Trump only has so much power. He can NOT force things to happen the way he wants, he can only SUGGEST it.

Personally, if the economy starts to falter, you better believe the Democrats will NOT pass the USMCA. It is a political thing, if you catch my drift.

That being said--------------->since the Chinese get 60% of their oil through the straits of Hormuz, they may be more inclined to cut a deal for 3 to 5 years now, so as they can keep things flowing with the help of the USA. One would think that would be smart politically, but then we are talking about the Chinese here. I am positive they would much rather deal with Biden than Trump, but then again, that depends upon IF they believe our practices would go back to pre-Trump ways. They may not, so they could bite the bullet soon, to keep the oil flowing.

We just broke the record for the most straight months of economic expansion, it cannot go on forever, there will be another downturn sooner rather than later if history is any indicator.

With that Gator, I agree. History teaches all things, and it should teach us your words are accurate, and true in this instance.

The bond inversion is an absolute sign of this, although as I stated...…….it could be because of the tariff situation.
The GDP is screaming at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.
The GDP growth was 2.9% last year, that is not screaming, and it will be lower this year. You are not a very well informed person.


The White House is touting new economic numbers that famous economists once predicted would never happen under President Trump.
The conflicting predictions came early in 2017, when Trump and his official budget proposal forecasted more than 3 percent annual economic growth under his presidency.
The data are in and the economy grew at a 3.1 percent rate from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018, one measure of annual growth, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. That is the first time in 13 years that it’s been over 3 percent, the White House notes. The administration attributes the gains to tax cuts, deregulation and other pro-growth policies.

So in 2018 he had the same GDP Growth as in 2015 (Obama) but needed to increase deficit by 77% ...

What else are you selling...
Have you been following the latest economic data?

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope. We are bringing back real jobs to America, not the sorry minimum wage jobs created under Obama. Almost a whole year ago the jobless rate went down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market: That tied the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Since then, the only other time unemployment was this low was in April 2000. And things have only gotten better since then.
The GDP is at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope.
I can't help myself. I've gotta ask.

If the economy is as fantastic as you say it is....

.... why has the yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped 40% in the last seven months?
.... why has the Fed signaled that it is ready to reduce interest rates due to softening in the economy?
.... why does the market react positively to comments on the Fed dropping rates?

Full disclosure: I'm not expecting an educated or rational answer here. I just want to watch.

Ummm, sorry guys, I am a Trump supporter, but Mac is correct. The bond yields have inverted, and 4 out of 5 times, that means the business community believes the economy is softening. Add to that the fed signaling it is willing to drop rates, tells us that they think it is softening too.

Now then, IT COULD BE that this is/was believed because of the Mexico tariffs that went away, along with the Chinese tariffs that are still in place. If a deal with the Chinese is reached that is equitable, much of this COULD go away. Add to that congress holding up the USMCA deal, is also not a good thing economically.

Everyone has to remember that--------->just like Obama, Trump only has so much power. He can NOT force things to happen the way he wants, he can only SUGGEST it.

Personally, if the economy starts to falter, you better believe the Democrats will NOT pass the USMCA. It is a political thing, if you catch my drift.

That being said--------------->since the Chinese get 60% of their oil through the straits of Hormuz, they may be more inclined to cut a deal for 3 to 5 years now, so as they can keep things flowing with the help of the USA. One would think that would be smart politically, but then we are talking about the Chinese here. I am positive they would much rather deal with Biden than Trump, but then again, that depends upon IF they believe our practices would go back to pre-Trump ways. They may not, so they could bite the bullet soon, to keep the oil flowing.
Well I kind of hate to burst your bubble here but I don't believe that the DNC will even come close to giving Biden the nod. Too many are against him.

You aren't bursting my bubble, not at all, lol.

You know, a wise poster ought to ask Conservatives an interesting question, and personally I don't even know how I would answer it----------------->

QUESTION-----------------> Would you rather have Joe Biden run against Trump, even as he is the hardest competition Trump has, yet he is the most moderate, just in case Trump loses?

Remember...……………..if Trump were to lose, the only moderate on the other side IS Biden that has a chance to get the DNC nod.

Saints preserve us if it is one of the Far Leftists, and Trump loses!

Now you may not consider Biden a moderate, but when you put him next to the rest of the DNC field, he most certainly is the only one close to sane, lol!
I don't think you are dealing with reality very well. You were just saying that GDP was trying to be pushed by deficit. That is not reality. You were talking about Trump exploding the deficit. For the most part that is not reality as Trump only has so much say over spending. Remember the house actually has the purse strings? Also as I pointed out 44 way outspent everyone. The last time we had a balanced buget was Clinton. A portion of our deficit is built in as in welfare, ACA, Snap. The simple fact that 44 tried to get his spending down at the expense of the military needed to be addressed.
You were also citing the same people that claimed we were headed for a bad economy in the last three years. If they have been claiming that for that long it seems to me they may not really be that "expert".
So Trump gets huge credit for reaching half of the 6% he promised, but receives no blame for the exploding deficit.

Got it. I think you've really nailed it there.
According to all those on the left it is still 44 economy. So if it is his economy it is still his debt right?

In realistic life every president gets some fault for the deficit. Congress since it is responsible for spending gets the biggest share. The problem is we have built in expenses that a large portion of the polpulation does not want cut. Remember all the outrage when there was talk of cutting some of our social net programs? Well perhaps not.

You must be one of the only people alive who actually thought 6% was not exaggeration. Congratulation on being gullible.
I know better than to believe anything Trump says, but it's fun watching his sheep pick and choose.

As far as whose economy it is, you can wrestle with the other partisans on that. I have to deal with reality, and I'm just not interested in that game.
So your reality is to post that we are headed for a bad economy because the people that have said the same thing for years more get actually be right if they say it long enough? Kind of like the fellow standing on a street corner yelling the end is coming. He will eventually be right even if it takes millions of years.

You claim to no better then to believe anything that Trump says but yet are still quoting and believing his 6%. Lol that is the most hilarious thing I have heard in a long time.

Yes indeed play the sheep card. Is your next going to be the race card?
Maybe you could read what I actually write.

I'm not saying we're headed for a bad economy. Even though I'm neck deep in this stuff, I'm making no predictions.

And my point - who knows if you got it or if you're just lying - is that his minions don't want to talk about his 6% promises because they want to protect him at all times.

Look, I realize you're going to protect Trump. "Shooting a guy on 5th Avenue" and all. Have fun. I don't have to participate.
So some how you did not actually post that there are people saying that we are headed for a bad economy? Guess it was someone using your account.

Got to love it keep up the good work. If you actually believe what every one running for president has promised then you then you are extremely gullible and every election disappointed or just crazy.

I hate to disappoint your crazy ass but Trump does a number of things that I don't care for. The thing is he is still the president and so far he is still the best pick to be the next. I have little love for the Democratic Party since about JFK. I consider the last guy a complete joke that unfortunately we will still have haunting us for years. But for all his faults and failings he was still president. I may have called out everything he did wrong but I would never have tried to undermine him.
So Trump gets huge credit for reaching half of the 6% he promised, but receives no blame for the exploding deficit.

Got it. I think you've really nailed it there.
According to all those on the left it is still 44 economy. So if it is his economy it is still his debt right?

In realistic life every president gets some fault for the deficit. Congress since it is responsible for spending gets the biggest share. The problem is we have built in expenses that a large portion of the polpulation does not want cut. Remember all the outrage when there was talk of cutting some of our social net programs? Well perhaps not.

You must be one of the only people alive who actually thought 6% was not exaggeration. Congratulation on being gullible.
I know better than to believe anything Trump says, but it's fun watching his sheep pick and choose.

As far as whose economy it is, you can wrestle with the other partisans on that. I have to deal with reality, and I'm just not interested in that game.
So your reality is to post that we are headed for a bad economy because the people that have said the same thing for years more get actually be right if they say it long enough? Kind of like the fellow standing on a street corner yelling the end is coming. He will eventually be right even if it takes millions of years.

You claim to no better then to believe anything that Trump says but yet are still quoting and believing his 6%. Lol that is the most hilarious thing I have heard in a long time.

Yes indeed play the sheep card. Is your next going to be the race card?
Maybe you could read what I actually write.

I'm not saying we're headed for a bad economy. Even though I'm neck deep in this stuff, I'm making no predictions.

And my point - who knows if you got it or if you're just lying - is that his minions don't want to talk about his 6% promises because they want to protect him at all times.

Look, I realize you're going to protect Trump. "Shooting a guy on 5th Avenue" and all. Have fun. I don't have to participate.
So some how you did not actually post that there are people saying that we are headed for a bad economy? Guess it was someone using your account.

Got to love it keep up the good work. If you actually believe what every one running for president has promised then you then you are extremely gullible and every election disappointed or just crazy.

I hate to disappoint your crazy ass but Trump does a number of things that I don't care for. The thing is he is still the president and so far he is still the best pick to be the next. I have little love for the Democratic Party since about JFK. I consider the last guy a complete joke that unfortunately we will still have haunting us for years. But for all his faults and failings he was still president. I may have called out everything he did wrong but I would never have tried to undermine him.
Yes, there are people who are saying that there's a 50/50 (or a bit higher) chance of a recession next year. If you could somehow detach yourself from your alternate universe "news" sites, for just a moment, finding that fact will not be difficult. However, you will not see ME predicting that. Do you understand the difference there? At all? On any level?

You're a good and obedient Trumpster. Congratulations.
So in 2018 he had the same GDP Growth as in 2015 (Obama)

Obama had 2.9 in 2015 and then it went down after that. Trump has topped 3.1, and with the growing economy and jobs, it will get even better.

"Facts don't care about your feelings" - Ben Shapiro

Did you see the date on that story you lying sack of shit?

OMG, your own leftwing NBC network says you are wrong and you still can't deal with reality. Go see a doctor.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope. We are bringing back real jobs to America, not the sorry minimum wage jobs created under Obama. Almost a whole year ago the jobless rate went down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market: That tied the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Since then, the only other time unemployment was this low was in April 2000. And things have only gotten better since then.
The GDP is at a rate that the socialist pig Obama said was impossible to achieve in the 21st century, and even mocked Trump for saying he COULD achieve it.

On fucking quarter does not a booming economy make. The 2nd quarter will barely be above 2%, if it is at all.

Its more than one quarter you f*cking dope.
I can't help myself. I've gotta ask.

If the economy is as fantastic as you say it is....

.... why has the yield on the 10-year Treasury dropped 40% in the last seven months?
.... why has the Fed signaled that it is ready to reduce interest rates due to softening in the economy?
.... why does the market react positively to comments on the Fed dropping rates?

Full disclosure: I'm not expecting an educated or rational answer here. I just want to watch.

Ummm, sorry guys, I am a Trump supporter, but Mac is correct. The bond yields have inverted, and 4 out of 5 times, that means the business community believes the economy is softening. Add to that the fed signaling it is willing to drop rates, tells us that they think it is softening too.

Now then, IT COULD BE that this is/was believed because of the Mexico tariffs that went away, along with the Chinese tariffs that are still in place. If a deal with the Chinese is reached that is equitable, much of this COULD go away. Add to that congress holding up the USMCA deal, is also not a good thing economically.

Everyone has to remember that--------->just like Obama, Trump only has so much power. He can NOT force things to happen the way he wants, he can only SUGGEST it.

Personally, if the economy starts to falter, you better believe the Democrats will NOT pass the USMCA. It is a political thing, if you catch my drift.

That being said--------------->since the Chinese get 60% of their oil through the straits of Hormuz, they may be more inclined to cut a deal for 3 to 5 years now, so as they can keep things flowing with the help of the USA. One would think that would be smart politically, but then we are talking about the Chinese here. I am positive they would much rather deal with Biden than Trump, but then again, that depends upon IF they believe our practices would go back to pre-Trump ways. They may not, so they could bite the bullet soon, to keep the oil flowing.
Well I kind of hate to burst your bubble here but I don't believe that the DNC will even come close to giving Biden the nod. Too many are against him.

You aren't bursting my bubble, not at all, lol.

You know, a wise poster ought to ask Conservatives an interesting question, and personally I don't even know how I would answer it----------------->

QUESTION-----------------> Would you rather have Joe Biden run against Trump, even as he is the hardest competition Trump has, yet he is the most moderate, just in case Trump loses?

Remember...……………..if Trump were to lose, the only moderate on the other side IS Biden that has a chance to get the DNC nod.

Saints preserve us if it is one of the Far Leftists, and Trump loses!

Now you may not consider Biden a moderate, but when you put him next to the rest of the DNC field, he most certainly is the only one close to sane, lol!
I think of Biden as 44 point 2.1. Hillary would have been 2.0.
His outing of seal team six showed that he could not be trusted with information. The fact he used his position to pressure a nation to benefit his son showed he was not to be trusted. His handsy uncle joe act is at the least creepy. The fact his wife promised to stop that behavior and it did not stop. I mean really? He has always waffled on one subject then the other.

I have always hoped that a republican would win over a democrat since about JFK. The current crop of Dems has shown me no reason to believe otherwise. They are trying to buy votes with all the crazy promises they are making because they have nothing else.
I guess the only answer (to please Stormy MacGator) is to veto all spending bills until they come back with NO debt? That is the Presidents only control over Congressional spending?

I agree with Stormy. Shut down the GOVT again like Chancy did over Wall funding. Congress can then over-ride the veto and own it?

Trump never "promised" any fixed GDP numbers Stormy? He was throwing out possible numbers if RINODEM gave assistance. They don't.

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