Democrats punch list with their idea of an emergency relief bill


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
This is "old" news, but I haven't seen a decent list of their atrocities. I think it's important because it's a nice demonstration of who they are. This is so their following can talk about how Demonicrats care about the working man or some shit. That and you know, they like race, gender and stuff. After all, they keep the black population down with welfare to make themselves feel better. They exploit women, and especially women who have been victimized. Love them PROGS.

• New tax credits for solar and wind energy.

• Increased collective bargaining and other sops for labor.

• Publication of corporate pay statistics and race statistics for all corporate boards.

• $35 million for the John F. Kennedy Center of Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.

• $33 MILLION to the National oceanographic and atmospheric slush fund

• $100 MILLION to NASA

• $100 MILLION for "environmental compliance"

• $278 MILLION to the IRS

• $35 million for the JFK performing arts

• $90 MILLION for the HIV foundation

• $36 MILLION for the center for advancing translational science

• $23 MILLION for Howard University which had an endowment for $647 MILLION already.

• $300 MILLION for public broadcasting.

• $500 MILLION for the Institute of Library services.

• $300 MILLION for refugee and migration services.

• Coronavirus relief is to give priority to firms owned by women/minorities and non whites.

• Imposes racial and gender pay equity provisions, diversity on corporate boards, increased use of minority-owned banks by federal offices, and a grab-bag of other diversity-themed requirements. The word "inclusion" appears 14 times in the text of the bill.

• Establish a congressional oversight panel requiring any corporation that receives federal aid related to coronavirus to provide "diversity data" to congress.

• The required data would include demographic information about the corporation's employees and board members in terms of "race, gender, and ethnic identity."

• Demand demographics data on the corporation's suppliers, service providers, consultants, and the various financial institutions utilized by the company.

• Requires companies to compare the salaries of employees based on gender and race and furnish information on the "number of staff and budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives."

• Ensure that corporate boards reflect the diversity and perspectives of the communities and consumers impacted by the hardships due to the coronavirus disease."

• Cancels all the debt owed by the U.S. Postal Service to the U.S.

• Increased fuel emission standards and required carbon offsets for airlines.

• For the kids there is a provision for student loan payment deferment, and for the education bureaucrats who overcharge them a $9.5 billion giveaway to colleges and universities. It gives $100 million to juvenile justice programs, and suspends various aspects of enforcement of immigration laws.

• Requirements on states for early voting, voting by mail, required mailing of absentee ballots to everyone, ballot harvesting (i.e., having third parties deliver absentee ballots), online voter registration, same-day registration and other practices which undermine confidence in the integrity of the ballot.

• All corporations receiving federal aid "must maintain officials and budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives for no less than 5 years after disbursement of funds."
Democrats see the Treasury is their own personal slush fund for their special interest groups.

Next time a Democrat tells you he cares about the little guy and the working class, laugh in his face, because he's lying.
Democrats see the Treasury is their own personal slush fund for their special interest groups.

Next time a Democrat tells you he cares about the little guy and the working class, laugh in his face, because he's lying.

I'd rather slap em, but better to walk away.
we shouldnt bail out the crooks on Wall Street...this is the second time we’ve bailed their asses out

We knew from the beginning that the big banks don’t like lending to small businesses

I’m telling you: if Main Street businesses don’t get help, they’re gone. THEY'RE GONE, MY FRIENDS!

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