Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

Thanks for admitting you only read DailyKOS.
If you are an adult, which I doubt, try watching and reading the news on a daily basis.
I do.

Trump vs. Biden: The U.S. approach to immigration

Trump set a low with 11,814 refugee admissions, yet in 2021, the record low was set in the era of the Biden administration with 11,445 refugees admitted into the United States. While Biden is …

After 1 year and many changes, Biden's immigration record …

Officials have enforced Title 42 longer under Mr. Biden than under the Trump administration, carrying out over 1 million expulsions, most of them of single adult migrants, in 11 months,
Check out the news, schmuck.
You ckeck out the news, real news not the opinion, and hysterics, you regurgitate from FOX.
I do.

Trump vs. Biden: The U.S. approach to immigration

Trump set a low with 11,814 refugee admissions, yet in 2021, the record low was set in the era of the Biden administration with 11,445 refugees admitted into the United States. While Biden is …

After 1 year and many changes, Biden's immigration record …

Officials have enforced Title 42 longer under Mr. Biden than under the Trump administration, carrying out over 1 million expulsions, most of them of single adult migrants, in 11 months,

You ckeck out the news, real news not the opinion, and hysterics, you regurgitate from FOX.
Posting a cherry picked article does not convince me that you read the news everyday.
Your selection belies the fact that you are ignorant of most events in context.
Posting a cherry picked article does not convince me that you read the news everyday.
Your selection belies the fact that you are ignorant of most events in context.
Sure, beats the hysteric opinions, of RWNJ's at FOX and AM radio.
YOU actually THINK that's NEWS.
Bidens fbi are raiding 50 homes of Trump supporters....

Can you provide the forum with some vetting on your assertion of "50 homes of Trump supporters"?
Whose home was 'raided'.
Where was it located?
What law enforcement agency did the so called 'raid'?
When did it happen?
And how do you know?

I re-post the above two postings NOT because I am impatient.
Nor, because I wish to pressure poor avataree, Rambunctious.

Rather, I re-post it so the forum is cognizant that the issue has been raised...that is, an allegation of these raids occurring.
AND.....a query on the validity of that allegation has been posed.

In short, poster Rambunctious ---and others on this venue----have referenced these alleged raids. Yet, when queried about the vetting of the story......the accusers go into radio-silence.

Accordingly, at this point in the life of this mini-story, I am skeptical that it is true. I suspect it is merely Bannon attempting a "Look, squirrel" diversion.

If that is the case, we should not be fooled. After all, Steve Bannon has twice been accused of fraud and of swindling Americans who simply wanted to contribute to building a border wall. THAT....does not speak highly of Steve Bannon.
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When your definition of Republicanism is kissing Trump's ring, then yea sure, they are all RINOs.

A perosnality cult through and through.
at least i dont support the pedophile!!!!!

And so early in the morning, yet!
But there it is above folks.
A demonstration of the professionalism taught at Trump University's School of Communications. And, in ALL CAPS, too!

Why is that so many folks from Trump University, and/or so many folks who inhabit MAGA-stan are incoherent, inarticulate, and resort so frequently and so predictably into vulgar profanity?

It's a puzzler to me. I know lots of Trump supporters. Very very few of them express themselves in the manner our Trump U. students on this USMB venue do?
Where does that anger come from?
Sometimes they seem barely in control of themselves.
Let alone their communicating.

I try to imagine how other....sane, prudent, thoughtful ....Trump supporters must feel when they see who else is on their side., e.g., this cohort of Trump University grads that post on USMB.

I'm not sure that the chatrooms of AtomWaffen or StormFront or has such a collection of folks who struggle with basic English communicating. I'm convinced not all Trump supporters are under-educated, or badly parented.

Just sayin'.
AWWWWW----i knew the TRUTH would spin you into a frenzy----
here we have a retarded, anti-AMERICA shit stain


that loves the lack of food on store shelves, the 5 dollar a gallon gas, the 13 AMERICAN service members slaughtered in afghanistan, the gestapo tactics used by the SCUM demonRATS---hopefully fuck face, they come after you....oh wait, they wont because you have no brain, and only spew the lies of the SCUM demonRATS

And so early in the morning, yet!
But there it is above folks.
A demonstration of the professionalism taught at Trump University's School of Communications. And, in ALL CAPS, too!

Why is that so many folks from Trump University, and/or so many folks who inhabit MAGA-stan are incoherent, inarticulate, and resort so frequently and so predictably into vulgar profanity?

It's a puzzler to me. I know lots of Trump supporters. Very very few of them express themselves in the manner our Trump U. students on this USMB venue do?
Where does that anger come from?
Sometimes they seem barely in control of themselves.
Let alone their communicating.

I try to imagine how other....sane, prudent, thoughtful ....Trump supporters must feel when they see who else is on their side., e.g., this cohort of Trump University grads that post on USMB.

I'm not sure that the chatrooms of AtomWaffen or StormFront or has such a collection of folks who struggle with basic English communicating. I'm convinced not all Trump supporters are under-educated, or badly parented.

Just sayin'.
another poster who hates the United States. wow. they're coming out of the woodwork.

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