Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.


The truth, hit you in the fucking face?
You can't think the nation is in better hands with Biden without ignoring facts... and that means you have slipped into madness.... when people vote against their own interest because the rich media has contaminated them that means you are unstable..... easy to mold and dangerous to the republic....
Folks, this is a response from an unintelligent person.
But this person can't say why he feels this way... that would take intelligence on his part... and there isn't any....
You can't think the nation is in better hands with Biden without ignoring facts... and that means you have slipped into madness.... when people vote against their own interest because the rich media has contaminated them that means you are unstable..... easy to mold and dangerous to the republic....
This is him:

these days most men won't even protect themselves because society has taught them that they are sheep and when wolves come, you must not fight them, you must call the shepherd.
But this person can't say why he feels this way... that would take intelligence on his part... and there isn't any....
It's not what I feel, it's what you are not saying. You aren't saying anything. All of your posts are the same. They say nothing.
This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
Speaking of idiotic, Cannon backed herself in a corner with DOJ.
It's not what I feel, it's what you are not saying. You aren't saying anything. All of your posts are the same. They say nothing.
They say you are fing nuts and blind to what reality is.... Biden is an absolute disaster yet here are still a few crazy insane libs that will defend him to the end... you are not worth trying to discuss anything with because you resort to insults when you get caught in no mans land....
No one can defend Joe with a straight face... even his staff breaks out smiles when they are lying about Joe's accomplishments....
Nothing was stolen. The real issue is that now that democrats have introduced assassination, will they continue?
These people live in a world all their own. They want to prove they are dense. It's an excuse for being a loyal member of Trump's cult.
Trump IS the swamp!
No. Any observant person would know the Swamp existed well before Trump. Joe Biden is a long time Swamp critter,

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump famously campaigned on “draining the swamp.” As president, he failed—though he may have stirred it up a bit. But with President Biden and Democrats pushing to hand out trillions of taxpayer dollars, pass dozens of new taxes and impose who knows how many new regulations, the swamp is back, baby.

The swamp exposed. Trump wasn’t the first to use the drain-the-swamp mantra. President Reagan invoked it in the 1980s, referring to the need to reduce the size of the government bureaucracy.

While the term’s meaning can shift over time, Trump initially used it to describe his plan to counter the “corruption” practiced by highly-paid lobbyists, entrenched bureaucrats and liberal elites—i.e., powerful, big-money interests who many believe make Washington work for them to the detriment of average Americans. That message resonated with much of the public then—and still does.

But the Democrats’ agenda is making the swamp bigger than ever. As the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. Since Democrats want to hand out record amounts of cash, lots of companies and organizations are willing to spend big bucks to snag a slice of that multi-trillion-dollar pie.
Where is that quote from bullshit peddler? Go ahead and give an ACTUAL quote of me saying anything like that.

It’s not a real quote dipshit. It’s making fun of yet another glaring example of leftist hypocrisy and their(your) ability to block it out of your minds.
What’s your rush? Things aren’t going to be swept under the rug because of some arbitrary time constraint. If time was of the essence, why didn’t Trump ask for a Special Master before the raid?

A third grader can follow a timeline better than you.
A third grader can follow a timeline better than you.
"There's a simple way to disqualify President Trump," Cobb told Garrett. "He clearly violated the 14th Amendment of the Constitution's Article III when he gave aid and comfort, and three hours of inaction, with regard to what was happening on the grounds of the Capitol, and sent out the equivocal tweet about Pence suggesting Pence had failed. That clearly gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists."


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