Democrats Must Kill The Filibuster And Make The Senate Great Again


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 22, the idea that a supermajority encouraged cooperation had proven deceptive: “What at first sight may seem a remedy, is, in reality, a poison.” Rather than encourage cooperation, he prophesied, the effect of requiring “more than a majority” would be “to embarrass the administration, to destroy the energy of the government, and to substitute the pleasure, caprice or artifices” of a minority to the “regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority.”

Fixing the Supreme Court is the only thing as important.
I don't want a chess clock on the Senate floor.

Once upon a time, chess was an intellectually stimulating game that involved deep thought, relaxed attention, and strategy.

Now the game has been destroyed by libraries of opening moves and a 5-minute game clock. A game that used to last over an hour is over in 10 minutes max on a tournament clock.
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

I don't either. But McConnell has already laid down the gauntlet and he isn't going to budge...unless Democrats grow a spine and rip that minority veto power from him.
We'll see if they have the backbone to do so. It may be the only way to get things done. Republicans have no idea what they stand for. They have no leadership. No one
who espouses any vision as far as policy. They supported questioning the results of the election and a large number of them supported an insurrection two weeks ago.
All they have is sallow faced turtle in the Senate who is desperately clinging to the last sliver of power he has, hoping he can stall long enough to flip things back to
his side in two years.
Killing the filibuster is a two edged sword. Another stupid Dimbo proposal that could and will come back to haunt them. The basis for the filibuster was designed to force compromise otherwise kill a bill without vote. The Dimbo’s love to talk about compromise however as has been demonstrated not in their DNA.
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

I don't either. But McConnell has already laid down the gauntlet and he isn't going to budge...unless Democrats grow a spine and rip that minority veto power from him.
We'll see if they have the backbone to do so. It may be the only way to get things done. Republicans have no idea what they stand for. They have no leadership. No one
who espouses any vision as far as policy. They supported questioning the results of the election and a large number of them supported an insurrection two weeks ago.
All they have is sallow faced turtle in the Senate who is desperately clinging to the last sliver of power he has, hoping he can stall long enough to flip things back to
his side in two years.
You underestimate the Republicans simply because unlike Schumer and Pelosi, they're not attention whores. They're servants to their constituents, and true to their oaths of office that find them obedient to the United States Constitution and concerned about the well-being of the people in their States as well as fairness to all citizens who support this republic. Now, if they'd institute some comfort to the National Guard rather than putting them to outdoor weather on concrete floors in the harsh January weather, I'd sleep better. Maybe it's the job of another government branch, but they could send a pillow, mat and blanket to the Guards from their own states. Imho.
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

Yeah, but some never think about when their political party is out of power about how they could use that old filibuster rule...

Sometimes people need to think before reacting and also if the OP would actually think soon Alito and Thomas will be gone and the bench will be closer back to normal and let me be clear Roberts has swung both ways in rulings...
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

Yeah, but some never think about when their political party is out of power about how they could use that old filibuster rule...

Sometimes people need to think before reacting and also if the OP would actually think soon Alito and Thomas will be gone and the bench will be closer back to normal and let me be clear Roberts has swung both ways in rulings...

What really needs to be done, is to get rid of being able to filibuster, without debate.

Filibuster, was created for EXTENDED DEBATE beyond the Senate rules, so that the minority could hold back the quick passage by the majority on contentious issues.... it gave more time on the floor so the Minority's voices and concerns could be heard.

No bill should be held up via filibuster, without standing and debating the bill...when you stop standing to argue the argument, there has to be a vote.

That's how it worked before they changed it.
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

I don't either. But McConnell has already laid down the gauntlet and he isn't going to budge...unless Democrats grow a spine and rip that minority veto power from him.
We'll see if they have the backbone to do so. It may be the only way to get things done. Republicans have no idea what they stand for. They have no leadership. No one
who espouses any vision as far as policy. They supported questioning the results of the election and a large number of them supported an insurrection two weeks ago.
All they have is sallow faced turtle in the Senate who is desperately clinging to the last sliver of power he has, hoping he can stall long enough to flip things back to
his side in two years.
You underestimate the Republicans simply because unlike Schumer and Pelosi, they're not attention whores. They're servants to their constituents, and true to their oaths of office that find them obedient to the United States Constitution and concerned about the well-being of the people in their States as well as fairness to all citizens who support this republic. Now, if they'd institute some comfort to the National Guard rather than putting them to outdoor weather on concrete floors in the harsh January weather, I'd sleep better. Maybe it's the job of another government branch, but they could send a pillow, mat and blanket to the Guards from their own states. Imho.

Republicans haven't been servants to their constituents since the day Barack Obama was elected and McConnell vowed to make him "a one term President". And sitting at the top of that pile is McConnell who is just interested in power. Not actual legislation. As has been pointed out, the filibuster was never meant for bills to be filed in the majority leaders desk, never to be discussed. The only way to move things forward again may be to call McConnell's bluff.
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

I don't either. But McConnell has already laid down the gauntlet and he isn't going to budge...unless Democrats grow a spine and rip that minority veto power from him.
We'll see if they have the backbone to do so. It may be the only way to get things done. Republicans have no idea what they stand for. They have no leadership. No one
who espouses any vision as far as policy. They supported questioning the results of the election and a large number of them supported an insurrection two weeks ago.
All they have is sallow faced turtle in the Senate who is desperately clinging to the last sliver of power he has, hoping he can stall long enough to flip things back to
his side in two years.
You underestimate the Republicans simply because unlike Schumer and Pelosi, they're not attention whores. They're servants to their constituents, and true to their oaths of office that find them obedient to the United States Constitution and concerned about the well-being of the people in their States as well as fairness to all citizens who support this republic. Now, if they'd institute some comfort to the National Guard rather than putting them to outdoor weather on concrete floors in the harsh January weather, I'd sleep better. Maybe it's the job of another government branch, but they could send a pillow, mat and blanket to the Guards from their own states. Imho.

Republicans haven't been servants to their constituents since the day Barack Obama was elected and McConnell vowed to make him "a one term President". And sitting at the top of that pile is McConnell who is just interested in power. Not actual legislation. As has been pointed out, the filibuster was never meant for bills to be filed in the majority leaders desk, never to be discussed. The only way to move things forward again may be to call McConnell's bluff.
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

I don't either. But McConnell has already laid down the gauntlet and he isn't going to budge...unless Democrats grow a spine and rip that minority veto power from him.
We'll see if they have the backbone to do so. It may be the only way to get things done. Republicans have no idea what they stand for. They have no leadership. No one
who espouses any vision as far as policy. They supported questioning the results of the election and a large number of them supported an insurrection two weeks ago.
All they have is sallow faced turtle in the Senate who is desperately clinging to the last sliver of power he has, hoping he can stall long enough to flip things back to
his side in two years.

Then make it a REAL talking filibuster and the onus is on THEM to come up with enough votes....I like those ideas, a lot!
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.
When changes as dramatic as HR1 and the two bills on 2A restrictions can be rammed through on a tiebreaker vote, it will lead to extreme division. I don't think those in power there today are worried about EVER being defeated again IF they ditch the filibuster.
" Political Hack And Partisan Targets "

* Typical Behavior Of Ass Clown Bureaucrats *

Then make it a REAL talking filibuster and the onus is on THEM to come up with enough votes....I like those ideas, a lot!
The filibuster was put in place by degenerates under an asinine conjecture that 51% of senate votes is equivalent with 3/5 ths of senate votes if none is willing to make a partisan spectacle out of themselves to stop passage of legislation in the senate .

If the shit for brains want get rid of the filibuster , then put the 3/5ths requirement back in place .

As it is , the demon rats are calling to get rid of the fillibuster and to implement a 51% majority for senate passage of bills .
As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 22, the idea that a supermajority encouraged cooperation had proven deceptive: “What at first sight may seem a remedy, is, in reality, a poison.” Rather than encourage cooperation, he prophesied, the effect of requiring “more than a majority” would be “to embarrass the administration, to destroy the energy of the government, and to substitute the pleasure, caprice or artifices” of a minority to the “regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority.”

Fixing the Supreme Court is the only thing as important.

The Democrats don't want to end the filibuster. Now, with a filibuster rule, they can count on the votes of every Democrat for every stupid idea in their platform.

An end to the filibuster would make guys like Joe Manchin vote "For Real" for all of the crazy gun control and other shit they want to force through. The filibuster allows the party to not force their hand.
I don’t think killing the filibuster is a great idea.

I don't either. But McConnell has already laid down the gauntlet and he isn't going to budge...unless Democrats grow a spine and rip that minority veto power from him.
We'll see if they have the backbone to do so. It may be the only way to get things done. Republicans have no idea what they stand for. They have no leadership. No one
who espouses any vision as far as policy. They supported questioning the results of the election and a large number of them supported an insurrection two weeks ago.
All they have is sallow faced turtle in the Senate who is desperately clinging to the last sliver of power he has, hoping he can stall long enough to flip things back to
his side in two years.

Then make it a REAL talking filibuster and the onus is on THEM to come up with enough votes....I like those ideas, a lot!
Yep. I think the Dems are asking for trouble down the road. It's short-sighted. Like the can of worms Harry Reid opened up.
As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 22, the idea that a supermajority encouraged cooperation had proven deceptive: “What at first sight may seem a remedy, is, in reality, a poison.” Rather than encourage cooperation, he prophesied, the effect of requiring “more than a majority” would be “to embarrass the administration, to destroy the energy of the government, and to substitute the pleasure, caprice or artifices” of a minority to the “regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority.”

Fixing the Supreme Court is the only thing as important.
I don't want to get rid of the filibuster.
I want to take it back to what it was before the changes in the 70s.
Make these idiots stand in the well and talk.

BUT, beyond that...

I'd bring each portion of HR-1 to the floor as a separate bill.
Make the dickbrains stand in the well and tell us that we need to eliminate Sunday early voting because of "god" then demand a recess because he's got to get out of there to watch the Cowboys!

Guaranteed faced with having to talk about their crap on the floor they back down.
Even if they don't, Republicans won't stay on the floor long enough to hold the floor just as they didn't stick around to hear the stimulus bill they demanded be read.

AND Besides
With only 13 Reps under 60 do you really think they can keep those Senators on the floor for 24-36-48 hours? And remember, it is a filibuster. The Democrats don't have to hold the floor, Republicans do.

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