Democrats May Need To Consider Their Plan In Case They Lose


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2019
Trump's probably one of the best closers this nation has ever produced, and he's closing strong and tirelessly.



So, just like 2016, then.
The Democrats proved they are pathological liars who hate the USA and if they gain control of the Senate, and they have the House and Senate, no doubt they will attempt another fake impeachment on President Trump. The Democrats' continued attack on our democracy might be a tipping point for American patriots. The "American experiment" with a Constitutionally Federated Republic would be officially a failure.
Trump's probably one of the best closers this nation has ever produced, and he's closing strong and tirelessly.



So, just like 2016, then.

I don't have to change a thing. I will still be against the party of the rump and my dumb and dump rump site stays up. The only difference is, I will move my efforts to the 2022 election cycle to get as many Party of the Rumpers out of the Senate as I can. And to still get Rump out of office as quickly as possible. You still don't get it. The more you enable Rump the more off the rez he will go. And at some point, if he wins through voter tampering like he's doing, we are going to have to get rid of him through legal means. He's a criminal by every definition of the word.

The fight has just begun and won't end when Rump is no longer in office. There is just too much to cleanup from the mess that it's left.
Trump is a winner and Biden is a loser. America likes winners.
Biden's been in office for 20% of the Nation's existence, and he was never much, not even in his prime and he has lost a lot of steps since then. I don't think he has a 4 year term in him.

WHEN THE LEFTY WASHINGTON MONTHLY IS SAYING THIS . . . Why Trump Has a Serious Chance of Winning. Really.

“First, the president is actually more popular now than on the day he was elected. Yes, that’s right. His personal favorability rating around election day in 2016 was 37.5%. Now, it is 43.2%. There are, in fact, hundreds of thousands of Americans (if not millions) who have grown fonder of Trump.”

Feeling pushed towards Trump.

“The reason I am feeling pushed towards Trump, and at such a late date, and despite my strong inclinations otherwise, is that I no longer feel this is a Kang v. Kodos scenario. From the right, I continue to see the usual callous indifference to the lives of ordinary people, but it’s just indifference. The message I am getting from the left is that I am a target they mean to destroy. I’m not real comfortable with that.”
Trump's probably one of the best closers this nation has ever produced, and he's closing strong and tirelessly.



So, just like 2016, then.
12 million are voting in early elections just in Texas. Over 40% of Houston has voted already. And this:

Consdering that most left wingers and moderates have been quite tame over all of this I doubt if Rump wins it will change much in their lives. It had better now. Otherwise, 2022 the senate goes 60+ for Dems and Rump gets his Impeachment Chapter 2.

In case Rump loses, I suggest that the Cult45 members all practice humility in front of a mirror, clean up their profanity and learn to beg and grovel. They really screwed to pooch if Rump loses.
A lot will depend on the margin of their loss. Short of a landslide by Trump I doubt they'll be much soul searching on the Democratic side. For a party to hold on to the presidency for more than 2 consecutive terms is a rarity since FDR/Truman. Likewise incumbent presidents hardly ever lose re-elections. A lose by Trump would be much more devastating to the Republicans than the Democrats would suffer if Biden goes down to defeat.
Make no mistake, the Dems corruption has been exposed, combined with this country being in turmoil in several different ways.
IF Biden were to cheat his way in, I believe there would be a revolutionary overthrow like youve never seen.
A sleeping giant has been "woke", so you liberals better go back to sleep.
Trump's probably one of the best closers this nation has ever produced, and he's closing strong and tirelessly.



So, just like 2016, then.
12 million are voting in early elections just in Texas. Over 40% of Houston has voted already. And this:

Consdering that most left wingers and moderates have been quite tame over all of this I doubt if Rump wins it will change much in their lives. It had better now. Otherwise, 2022 the senate goes 60+ for Dems and Rump gets his Impeachment Chapter 2.

In case Rump loses, I suggest that the Cult45 members all practice humility in front of a mirror, clean up their profanity and learn to beg and grovel. They really screwed to pooch if Rump loses.

Biden's end of fossil fuels moment may well turn out to be his "basket of deplorables" moment for many voters.:biggrin:
Trump's probably one of the best closers this nation has ever produced, and he's closing strong and tirelessly.



So, just like 2016, then.
12 million are voting in early elections just in Texas. Over 40% of Houston has voted already. And this:

Holy shit. Holy crap.

Well, regardless of the outcome, that's great to see.

But here's hoping.
Trump's probably one of the best closers this nation has ever produced, and he's closing strong and tirelessly.



So, just like 2016, then.

I don't have to change a thing. I will still be against the party of the rump and my dumb and dump rump site stays up. The only difference is, I will move my efforts to the 2022 election cycle to get as many Party of the Rumpers out of the Senate as I can. And to still get Rump out of office as quickly as possible. You still don't get it. The more you enable Rump the more off the rez he will go. And at some point, if he wins through voter tampering like he's doing, we are going to have to get rid of him through legal means. He's a criminal by every definition of the word.

The fight has just begun and won't end when Rump is no longer in office. There is just too much to cleanup from the mess that it's left.
More off the rez he will go? WTH-------what has he gone off the reservation with? BY doing nothing but good for the US?
Make no mistake, the Dems corruption has been exposed, combined with this country being in turmoil in several different ways.
IF Biden were to cheat his way in, I believe there would be a revolutionary overthrow like youve never seen.
A sleeping giant has been "woke", so you liberals better go back to sleep.

Does that mean that I need to go buy more guns and ammo to protect me and mine against you?
Make no mistake, the Dems corruption has been exposed, combined with this country being in turmoil in several different ways.
IF Biden were to cheat his way in, I believe there would be a revolutionary overthrow like youve never seen.
A sleeping giant has been "woke", so you liberals better go back to sleep.

Does that mean that I need to go buy more guns and ammo to protect me and mine against you?
Yes sir, if thats the side you choose.
Make no mistake, the Dems corruption has been exposed, combined with this country being in turmoil in several different ways.
IF Biden were to cheat his way in, I believe there would be a revolutionary overthrow like youve never seen.
A sleeping giant has been "woke", so you liberals better go back to sleep.

Does that mean that I need to go buy more guns and ammo to protect me and mine against you?
Yes sir, if thats the side you choose.

You just may want to skip my home, my city, my state. You see, we have laws against armed Insurrections.
Trump's probably one of the best closers this nation has ever produced, and he's closing strong and tirelessly.



So, just like 2016, then.
12 million are voting in early elections just in Texas. Over 40% of Houston has voted already. And this:

Yeah---all sorts of people are showing up. I live in Florida and voted Friday afternoon with my husband. Lines out the door and around the corner....not that many "young' people. I live in a republican mostly county--------------subdued Biden and Trump representatives sat at the end of the line. We parked at the opposite corner of the parking lot--------I had my husband vote first since it takes him longer, so even though I went in second I was at the car long before he made it out which gave me a chance to watch the parking lot. Lurking in our corner was a BIDEN woman hiding under the trees waiting for people to show up by themselves-------as they would try to head to get in line to vote she would ask them if they needed help voting--people would get a bit annoyed and sharply tell her no in a Go to hell tone.

Huge Trump Flags are flying from the back of pick up trucks all over the place-----------Think Trump has nothing to worry about at all in florida00
Make no mistake, the Dems corruption has been exposed, combined with this country being in turmoil in several different ways.
IF Biden were to cheat his way in, I believe there would be a revolutionary overthrow like youve never seen.
A sleeping giant has been "woke", so you liberals better go back to sleep.

Does that mean that I need to go buy more guns and ammo to protect me and mine against you?
Yes sir, if thats the side you choose.

You just may want to skip my home, my city, my state. You see, we have laws against armed Insurrections.
Like thats going to matter in a revolution :auiqs.jpg:
Interesting how you speak for everyone in your city and state.
Make no mistake, the Dems corruption has been exposed, combined with this country being in turmoil in several different ways.
IF Biden were to cheat his way in, I believe there would be a revolutionary overthrow like youve never seen.
A sleeping giant has been "woke", so you liberals better go back to sleep.

Does that mean that I need to go buy more guns and ammo to protect me and mine against you?
Yes sir, if thats the side you choose.

You just may want to skip my home, my city, my state. You see, we have laws against armed Insurrections.
Like thats going to matter in a revolution :auiqs.jpg:
Interesting how you speak for everyone in your city and state.

My State is a law abiding State and almost everyone is law abiding. Sorry, if you want to do an Armed Issurection, go to another state. We shoot terrorists.

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