Democrats Love China

I teach the United States is the greatest nation on earth...our Constitutional Republic stands as an example to all mankind to how great a people can be who govern themselves. You, piece of communist shit, stand as a detriment to freedom and democracy. I had the courage and the balls to stand for my nation when bullets were being shot at me...perhaps your ass should be in such a situation.
You teach?!?!?

What moron hired you to do that?
Meh, public schools
That fool has completely lost touch with reality. He has no business "educating" anyone.
Who are you to determine this?
A normal, sane human being. That's really all it takes.
Then it doesn’t take you.
TOUGH BUT FAIR HEADLINE: Beholden to Chinese blood money, Steve Kerr compares US gun ownership to state-sponsored genocide.

PJ Media contributor and Hot Air alumnus Bryan Preston memes Kerr’s worldview:


Elsewhere in the faux-woke world of the NBA: Portland Trail Blazers Join Boycott Against Israel.

UPDATE: Analysis: True.

China puts a LOT of money in Democrats Pockets. This is why the Left carries water for China in every US/China dispute:

NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MOVE ALONG. CalPERS is Heavily Invested in Chinese Companies. “As NBA frets over PRoC, Yu Ben Meng bets big with dollars from America’s largest pension fund.”

California’s public employees should know that their retirement funds have invested in companies controlled by the Chinese military, which manufacture parts for the DF-41 missile, along with a range of aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems, and airborne weapons.

For that matter, these pension funds not only invest in Chinese companies (and index funds, tracked by mutual funds, that are heavily weighted with Chinese companies) directly involved in manufacturing military equipment and surveillance equipment, they also invest in Chinese companies involved directly or indirectly in human rights, labor rights, and environmental protection violations all over the world.

California’s largest public employee pension fund, CalPERS, provides a case in point. Despite its quest for the elusive 7 percent annual return, CalPERS nonetheless foregoes investments in Iran, Sudan, assault rifles, tobacco products, and thermal coal. Yet CalPERS continues to invest in Chinese companies.

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