Democrats Literally BEG Joe Biden NOT TO DIE??! THIS IS A REAL ARTICLE

Communist China, the Democrats new best friend, is responsible for that. They'll be responsible for all future losses too, and that will be millions more. It's becoming pretty obvious that our socialist-communist Democrat party is very happy with more death and suffering as long as it hurts Trump

The Chinese didn't make Trump ignore this crisis until it was too late. He did that all on his own. The Chinese warned the rest of the world this was a problem back in December. Trump called it a "hoax".
If you had an ounce of self-awareness, you'd be too ashamed to post this Commie ass-sucking.

But then, if you had an ounce of self-awareness, you wouldn't be a Commie.
If you had an ounce of self-awareness, you'd be too ashamed to post this Commie ass-sucking.

But then, if you had an ounce of self-awareness, you wouldn't be a Commie.

One more time, buddy. Trump just gave every American $1500 of other people's money. This is about as close to Communism as you can get.

Of course, it would have been nice if he took this seriously three months ago like South Korea or Japan did.
Is this written by the only Joe Biden supporter in existence?

Ah, no... just a Trump and America hating far leftist.
the dems at this point are just sad ,,,

I do like how the OP has to now put in the disclaimer "this is real".... I guess when the conservative habit of posting false/misleading/moronic information is so pronounced...the disclaimer is needed?

you misquoted the OP,,,
he is just stating that it is a real article and not from the onion or another parody site,,,

so your attempt at gotcha just gotcha back for being a dumbass,,,
If you had an ounce of self-awareness, you'd be too ashamed to post this Commie ass-sucking.

But then, if you had an ounce of self-awareness, you wouldn't be a Commie.

One more time, buddy. Trump just gave every American $1500 of other people's money. This is about as close to Communism as you can get.

Of course, it would have been nice if he took this seriously three months ago like South Korea or Japan did.
Your Chinese masters said it was no big deal. Their bootlickers in the UN agreed with them.

Trump started taking action in January. You know, while the Democrats were braying about the Impeachment That Did Nothing.
Your Chinese masters said it was no big deal. Their bootlickers in the UN agreed with them.

Trump started taking action in January. You know, while the Democrats were braying about the Impeachment That Did Nothing.

Yes, this is what Trump did for two Months, buddy. Gave a lot of false assurances and played Golf.


You avoided my question. How is the government giving everyone $1500 not "Socialism"? We are all socialists now, buddy.
Biden is finished. Our nation is experiencing a true crisis and Biden is hiding in his basement. There are countless people volunteering to help in many different ways, yet Joe is hunkered down in his basement. If the gaffes aren't enough to show people Biden is unfit to be the democrat nominee, his action of hiding should be.
The announcement of doing a shadow response pod cast has been a such big fail the media can't even help save Joe.
Your Chinese masters said it was no big deal. Their bootlickers in the UN agreed with them.

Trump started taking action in January. You know, while the Democrats were braying about the Impeachment That Did Nothing.

Yes, this is what Trump did for two Months, buddy. Gave a lot of false assurances and played Golf.

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You avoided my question. How is the government giving everyone $1500 not "Socialism"? We are all socialists now, buddy.
Trump declared a national health emergency on January 31st. Democrats didn't discuss it in Congress until February 5th -- because they were too busy with the sham impeachment.

Democrats don't give a shit about anything but political power. They don't care if you die, Comrade. You don't mean anything to them. You can stop pretending they're working for your benefit.

Giving me my own tax dollars is not socialism. But, hey, can you explain how giving millions of dollars to the Kennedy Center helps the pandemic? Because that's something your Democrats insisted on.
Democrats don't give a shit about anything but political power. They don't care if you die, Comrade. You don't mean anything to them. You can stop pretending they're working for your benefit.

Again, voted for Republicans for 28 years. Then I looked at my busted 401K and my underwater mortgage and realized I didn't make enough money to vote for Republicans. All they care about is the rich.

Giving me my own tax dollars is not socialism. But, hey, can you explain how giving millions of dollars to the Kennedy Center helps the pandemic? Because that's something your Democrats insisted on.

Again, buddy, you live off the teet of the bloated military-industrial complex. So you were always benefiting from socialism. Now the rest of us get to, too... but that's because Trump has crashed the economy.
Democrats don't give a shit about anything but political power. They don't care if you die, Comrade. You don't mean anything to them. You can stop pretending they're working for your benefit.

Again, voted for Republicans for 28 years. Then I looked at my busted 401K and my underwater mortgage and realized I didn't make enough money to vote for Republicans. All they care about is the rich.

Giving me my own tax dollars is not socialism. But, hey, can you explain how giving millions of dollars to the Kennedy Center helps the pandemic? Because that's something your Democrats insisted on.

Again, buddy, you live off the teet of the bloated military-industrial complex. So you were always benefiting from socialism. Now the rest of us get to, too... but that's because Trump has crashed the economy.
I'm pretty sure I've explained that Communists are retarded. You don't have to keep proving me right.
I'm pretty sure I've explained that Communists are retarded. You don't have to keep proving me right.

Yet you can't really debate the point, can you? If we are taking money away from the rich to write everyone a big old fat check... how is that not socialism?
You claim the GOP ruined your 401K, and that's what drove you to the Democratic Party -- you know, the party that wants to tax businesses and make it more costly for them to do business.

You know what that will do?

Ruin your 401k.

Sorry, the commercial just came to mind and I just had to say it.
You claim the GOP ruined your 401K, and that's what drove you to the Democratic Party -- you know, the party that wants to tax businesses and make it more costly for them to do business.

You know what that will do?

Ruin your 401k.

I liquidated my 401K years ago and will never trust one again.

Again, you might be happy being held hostage to the One Percent and their greed, the rest of us are pretty sick of it. TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE FUCKERS.

That's what we did before Senile Reagan came along, and it worked just fine.
You claim the GOP ruined your 401K, and that's what drove you to the Democratic Party -- you know, the party that wants to tax businesses and make it more costly for them to do business.

You know what that will do?

Ruin your 401k.

I liquidated my 401K years ago and will never trust one again.

Again, you might be happy being held hostage to the One Percent and their greed, the rest of us are pretty sick of it. TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE FUCKERS.

That's what we did before Senile Reagan came along, and it worked just fine.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

Not interested in your tyranny, Skippy.
Not interested in your tyranny, Skippy.

Making the rich pay their fair share in tyranny? Really?

here's the problem, buddy. We were running huge deficits before this crisis hit. Now, there are two ways you get rid of a deficit, you reduce spending or you increase revenues.

This isn't tyranny, buddy, it's simple math.
You could confiscate every penny from the wealthy, not just their income, but everything they own -- and it would run the government at current spending levels for only a few months.

Math proves socialism cannot work.

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