Democrats Led Off Impeachment Hearing with Attack on a 13 Year Old, What’s Next?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Leading off with people who have a history of calling for impeachment since Trump got elected, have zero first hand knowledge of any events and go public with deranged attacks on a 13 year old child is most telling.

So what’s next? Do we get to hear about the First Lady? Trumps wardrobe? How the White House is decorated for Christmas?

Witness: *sobbing* I hate Trump soooooo much!!!!!!
Schiff: Let the record show the witness has proven Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, therefore must be impeached!

Pamela Karlan Mentions Barron Trump During Impeachment Hearing
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"When starting a new thread and declaring something as fact in your opening post, you must also link to a source. For example, "Polls say 2/3 of people think x, y, z." You need to link to a source for one of those alleged polls. Telling others to Google it on their own is not acceptable."
What was the attack? "You named your kid Barron" isn't an attack on the kid.

And you don't find it unbecoming that an adult verbally attack a child that has zero to do with the matter at hand?

This is a woman so full of hate it's oozing out of her ears, and to take that hate and apply it to some innocent kid is about the most repulsive thing I've ever seen. But then again, it seems she belongs to the party of hate, so I guess we shouldn't be too surprised.
What was the attack? "You named your kid Barron" isn't an attack on the kid.

And you don't find it unbecoming that an adult verbally attack a child that has zero to do with the matter at hand?

This is a woman so full of hate it's oozing out of her ears, and to take that hate and apply it to some innocent kid is about the most repulsive thing I've ever seen. But then again, it seems she belongs to the party of hate, so I guess we shouldn't be too surprised.
Plus she outright lied by saying she had no position about impeachment until recently. The internet is forever and she was calling for impeachment before he was even sworn in.
OMG what horrible things did they say to make all the former Republicans go all Snowflakey on us. Where they chanting mean things about him? Did they demonstratively mock him with auditory renditions of lies about what he might say?

Never mine, we know it's Faux-Rage. SOS.

Get over it.
It’s as simple as has been stated and the progressive whore had to apologize. Well, sorts apologize.
Leading off with people who have a history of calling for impeachment since Trump got elected, have zero first hand knowledge of any events and go public with deranged attacks on a 13 year old child is most telling.

So what’s next? Do we get to hear about the First Lady? Trumps wardrobe? How the White House is decorated for Christmas?

Witness: *sobbing* I hate Trump soooooo much!!!!!!
Schiff: Let the record show the witness has proven Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, therefore must be impeached!

Pamela Karlan Mentions Barron Trump During Impeachment Hearing
What attack?
What was the attack? "You named your kid Barron" isn't an attack on the kid.
Childish bullying making fun of his name is the level Democrats are at.
Except she didn't make fun of his name. She didn't say anything at all negative about the kid or his name.

When did the party that called Chelsea Clinton a dog become such PC snowflakes?
What was the attack? "You named your kid Barron" isn't an attack on the kid.

And you don't find it unbecoming that an adult verbally attack a child that has zero to do with the matter at hand?

This is a woman so full of hate it's oozing out of her ears, and to take that hate and apply it to some innocent kid is about the most repulsive thing I've ever seen. But then again, it seems she belongs to the party of hate, so I guess we shouldn't be too surprised.
What attack?
What was the attack? "You named your kid Barron" isn't an attack on the kid.
Childish bullying making fun of his name is the level Democrats are at.
Except she didn't make fun of his name. She didn't say anything at all negative about the kid or his name.

When did the party that called Chelsea Clinton a dog become such PC snowflakes?
Oh my, this from the stupids who savaged Palin and her children. Including the one with mental disabilities.
Where's the attack?

Pamela Karlan Mentions Barron Trump During Impeachment Hearing

"'I’ll just give you one example that shows you the difference between him and a king, which is, the Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility. So while the president can name his son ‘Barron,’ he can’t make him a baron,' Karlan said."

The Insults Trump Has Hurled at 2020 Democrats
Republicans intend The Trump Boy, at least: Flunked out of school. Their cheat notes claim that Trump can name the boy to the Title of Baron, complete with a monthly stipend at $1.0 bil.: Just like a defense contractor, or a wealthy corporate farmer. That is the Brand, specifically of Rep. Nunes, just last month.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh's household nurtured a subjugating prince who would create agents, spreading the poison worldwide, Deut 23: 19-20!)
What was the attack? "You named your kid Barron" isn't an attack on the kid.

And you don't find it unbecoming that an adult verbally attack a child that has zero to do with the matter at hand?

This is a woman so full of hate it's oozing out of her ears, and to take that hate and apply it to some innocent kid is about the most repulsive thing I've ever seen. But then again, it seems she belongs to the party of hate, so I guess we shouldn't be too surprised.
Just because you're fucked in the head doesn't mean there was an attack. :eusa_naughty:
OMG what horrible things did they say to make all the former Republicans go all Snowflakey on us. Where they chanting mean things about him? Did they demonstratively mock him with auditory renditions of lies about what he might say?

Never mine, we know it's Faux-Rage. SOS.

Get over it.
I think she said, you know why Barron is so ugly? Because his father is Janet Reno.

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