Democrats hit panic button after Virginia collapse


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats hit panic button after Virginia collapse

A dismal performance by Democratic candidates in New Jersey and Virginia is sparking a sense of panic among Democrats who now view their Senate and House majorities as in serious peril in the 2022 midterm elections.
The lawmaker, who has spoken to multiple Democratic donors in recent days, said Democrats outside of Washington are frustrated that Biden has been unable to close a deal with Manchin on the budget reconciliation package despite multiple White House meetings.
“We are paralyzed here, and the president has been diminished by the inability of him to hold an Oval Office meeting to close the deal,” the source said.

Democrats actually think that failure to exponentially increase the damage they are doing to the economy is the reason people didn’t vote for them. They’re completely delusional, so if we can continue to assemble an effective anti-fraud army to keep them from stealing it, the 2022 mid-term election should be an absolute slaughter.
They live in a Progressive Marxist Blue Fantasy world, created for them by weird minds in the Biased media. In other words they’re fed and believe their own propaganda.
They are about ready to “double down on stupid”

Democrats hit panic button after Virginia collapse

A dismal performance by Democratic candidates in New Jersey and Virginia is sparking a sense of panic among Democrats who now view their Senate and House majorities as in serious peril in the 2022 midterm elections.
The lawmaker, who has spoken to multiple Democratic donors in recent days, said Democrats outside of Washington are frustrated that Biden has been unable to close a deal with Manchin on the budget reconciliation package despite multiple White House meetings.
“We are paralyzed here, and the president has been diminished by the inability of him to hold an Oval Office meeting to close the deal,” the source said.

Democrats actually think that failure to exponentially increase the damage they are doing to the economy is the reason people didn’t vote for them. They’re completely delusional, so if we can continue to assemble an effective anti-fraud army to keep them from stealing it, the 2022 mid-term election should be an absolute slaughter.
They live in a Progressive Marxist Blue Fantasy world, created for them by weird minds in the Biased media. In other words they’re fed and believe their own propaganda.
They are about ready to “double down on stupid”
No Virginia did not collapse

How the pendulum has swung against presidents

After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.

Eight years earlier, one year after the election of President Barack Obama (who carried both states), Virginia and New Jersey chose Republican governors.

Eight years before that, following the election of President George W. Bush in 2000, Virginia chose Democrat Mark Warner for governor in 2001. Warner served a term as governor and moved on to the U.S. Senate, where he serves today. His successor as governor, Democrat Tim Kaine, won his term one year after Bush was reelected. Kaine now serves with Warner in the Senate and was their party's 2016 vice presidential nominee.

And if Republicans thrived in Virginia in Clinton's time, Democrats did surprisingly well there during the long era of Ronald Reagan's dominance that preceded it. Starting in 1981, when Reagan was still in his inaugural year in office, Democrats won the governorship three consecutive times with Chuck Robb, GWhy erald Baliles and Douglas Wilder all serving full four-year terms.

Why Virginia and New Jersey governor races get national attention : NPR
Yes, it's amazing how they read a normal cycle as something amazing.

Here's what we see, every time. The out of office party makes gains in off-year and midterm elections, mostly because they have more turnout...

Then the out of office party overreaches, and more often than not, the in office party wins the presidency again.

It's kind of a problem of having midterms at all, really. A president only has two years to enact any real change.

"If Democrats want to win elections and actually make progress on issues of social justice, they will need to stop distracting themselves with a superficial culture war and focus more squarely on improving the lives of everyday Americans."

"If Democrats want to win elections and actually make progress on issues of social justice, they will need to stop distracting themselves with a superficial culture war and focus more squarely on improving the lives of everyday Americans."
They are trying to do just that.

"If Democrats want to win elections and actually make progress on issues of social justice, they will need to stop distracting themselves with a superficial culture war and focus more squarely on improving the lives of everyday Americans."

They will not and they cannot.

Woke it their religion. Ride or die, baby, ride or die. And now Covid is too, and they will ride it straight into oblivion.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of ghouls.
You are not very insightful Penelope
After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.

Just what is that you say? Read post #2
After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.

Just what is that you say?

So turn on CNN and MSNBC and see if the Dems think this was just a great turn of events for the Dems. Like almost losing NEW JERSEY

Go for it Penelope. And then the red wave will swallow the whole nation next year. I endorse this. Continue to say, yep, this is just a normal course of events, white suburban women in VA moving 15 points toward the Republicans

"If Democrats want to win elections and actually make progress on issues of social justice, they will need to stop distracting themselves with a superficial culture war and focus more squarely on improving the lives of everyday Americans."

Vichy Mac wants the Democrats to be Republican Lite.

Uh, guy, the Culture War is entirely on Republicans... and has been for years... They are the ones who are making a big deal about non-issues like CRT, Trannies, abortion, etc.

If we decided the election on purely economic issues, the Republicans would never win... most Americans aren't rich enough to vote for those policies.
hey will not and they cannot.

Woke it their religion. Ride or die, baby, ride or die. And now Covid is too, and they will ride it straight into oblivion.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of ghouls.

Um, okay, Islamophobic Twat.

Hey remember when Bush ran in 2004 promising that he was going to save us from the evils of gay marriage? Oh, and nobody point out that Cheney's daughter is a lesbian.

Well, funny thing happened. Bush crashed the economy, extended his pointless wars and really didn't do anything to prevent gay marriage from becoming a thing.

So dumb ass Karens like you will get upset about Critical Race theory or Trannies in the bathrooms...while the GOP keeps dismantling the middle class to benefit the rich.
No Virginia did not collapse

How the pendulum has swung against presidents

After the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats won the governorships in both Virginia and New Jersey in 2017. Both winners ran as critics of the new president.

Eight years earlier, one year after the election of President Barack Obama (who carried both states), Virginia and New Jersey chose Republican governors.

Eight years before that, following the election of President George W. Bush in 2000, Virginia chose Democrat Mark Warner for governor in 2001. Warner served a term as governor and moved on to the U.S. Senate, where he serves today. His successor as governor, Democrat Tim Kaine, won his term one year after Bush was reelected. Kaine now serves with Warner in the Senate and was their party's 2016 vice presidential nominee.

And if Republicans thrived in Virginia in Clinton's time, Democrats did surprisingly well there during the long era of Ronald Reagan's dominance that preceded it. Starting in 1981, when Reagan was still in his inaugural year in office, Democrats won the governorship three consecutive times with Chuck Robb, GWhy erald Baliles and Douglas Wilder all serving full four-year terms.

Why Virginia and New Jersey governor races get national attention : NPR
Virginia collapsed.


Democrats hit panic button after Virginia collapse

A dismal performance by Democratic candidates in New Jersey and Virginia is sparking a sense of panic among Democrats who now view their Senate and House majorities as in serious peril in the 2022 midterm elections.
The lawmaker, who has spoken to multiple Democratic donors in recent days, said Democrats outside of Washington are frustrated that Biden has been unable to close a deal with Manchin on the budget reconciliation package despite multiple White House meetings.
“We are paralyzed here, and the president has been diminished by the inability of him to hold an Oval Office meeting to close the deal,” the source said.

Democrats actually think that failure to exponentially increase the damage they are doing to the economy is the reason people didn’t vote for them. They’re completely delusional, so if we can continue to assemble an effective anti-fraud army to keep them from stealing it, the 2022 mid-term election should be an absolute slaughter.
They live in a Progressive Marxist Blue Fantasy world, created for them by weird minds in the Biased media. In other words they’re fed and believe their own propaganda.
They are about ready to “double down on stupid”
The Dems have nobody to blame but themselves.

Americans are sick and tired of:

Shoplifters running wild.

Dangerous predators being released without bail.

Caucasians being blamed for the shortcomings of ...

Migrants giving the finger to our immigration laws.

That frail guy in the White House who fibbed when he promised to govern as a moderate.

"If Democrats want to win elections and actually make progress on issues of social justice, they will need to stop distracting themselves with a superficial culture war and focus more squarely on improving the lives of everyday Americans."
Never happen.

Regarding the Democrats as anything other than a criminal gang seeking self-enrichment is delusional.
What happened in Virginia is just a microcosm of the whole countries thinking on CRT, wokeness and totalitarian government. Democrats have shown their hole card, communism, too soon. Now they'll have to fight everyone over their radical designs for this country and, thank God, that's a fight they can't win.
This is funny...
Because PACs can't seem to buy politicians directly (Democrats) they are taking their money and giving it to lobbyist groups....

Hear anything off about this?

How about truly representing the constituents who voted for you?

I know....I'm not thinking about it right.

And then there's the other thing....Democrats don't want to vote in favor of Biden's plan because they got a tough election facing them next Fall...knowing already what the majority of their constituents don't want but Special Interest groups do and supply all kinds of money to get them elected to vote for.

And this doesn't tell the average person anything?
(Psst...there isn't any politicians in DC that are honest and that the money available for corruption is more than readily's determined)
What happened in Virginia is just a microcosm of the whole countries thinking on CRT, wokeness and totalitarian government. Democrats have shown their hole card, communism, too soon. Now they'll have to fight everyone over their radical designs for this country and, thank God, that's a fight they can't win.
What happened is that democrat voters dont like corporate democrat politicians, not all that bullshit you just cited.
What happened is that democrat voters dont like corporate democrat politicians, not all that bullshit you just cited.
Democrats and neocons are all corporate toadies. That's why corporations prefer them. You've been bamboozled by the corporate media Qdog.

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