Democrats have been lying about DeSantis & what he did with Disney

And none of them were even close to the special district deal Disney originally had.

Have you read the law signed yet, or still relying on others to tell you what it all means?
Have you read the law signed yet, or still relying on others to tell you what it all means?
They lost their self governance status. Something none of the other special districts had. They lost their special exemptions from building,safety and other state regulations. And the ability to piggy back on other building projects that benefitted the parks without them having to share the cost burden along with the tax payers. They also lost the ability to access their own property taxes (which they undervalued for years) and they lost exemptions from other municipal debt. Property taxes alone are going to cost Disney millions.

A lot changed.
Hmmm who do I believe? A lawyer in Florida that specializes in special districts or some left propoganda spewer on the internet.


Ya, your correct. Don't believe your lying eyes by actually READING THE ACTUAL LAW. Believe your rightwing loan. Stay stupid Simp.
The thing is - DeSantis did "go after" Disney for political purposes, because they dared to oppose his policy agenda. He was quite transparent about this.

And that kind of government is poison.
The board members are appointed by the government ( no longer hand picked by Disney).Stipulation in the law states that no board member is allowed to have any affiliation/connection to the Disney company like they did in the past (where the board members owned land).
The board members are appointed by the government ( no longer hand picked by Disney).Stipulation in the law states that no board member is allowed to have any affiliation/connection to the Disney company like they did in the past (where the board members owned land).
Infact the legislation strips Disney of its control over the 39-square-mile district in Orange and Osceola counties.
Everything tax related. Nothing changed, paying no more or no less in taxes.
It was never about the taxes. If it had been, they've have done this years ago. This was ALL about political retribution and scoring points in the culture war.
It was never about the taxes. If it had been, they've have done this years ago. This was ALL about political retribution and scoring points in the culture war.

I understand that. Many on here are giddy thinking that Disney is now getting to pay more taxes cause DeSatan said they would. Not happening
Everything tax related. Nothing changed, paying no more or no less in taxes.
Wrong. Disney lost the ability to access their own property taxes. And they are no longer in charge of the board that levy’s taxes to pay for their “projects”. Due in part to this their fire and rescue services ( you know infrastructure )is getting a long overdue upgrade and raise. They are also no longer able to piggy back on tax payer funded projects that benefit the park while being tax exempt.
Wrong. Disney lost the ability to access their own property taxes. And they are no longer in charge of the board that levy’s taxes to pay for their “projects”. Due in part to this their fire and rescue services ( you know infrastructure )is getting a long overdue upgrade and raise. They are also no longer able to piggy back on tax payer funded projects that benefit the park while being tax exempt.

Wrong again
Not a single right winger watches or listens to or reads the main stream media and've been brainwashed by the right wing media that it is all FAKE NEWS...a Trumpster term.

Republicans lie about all their Democratic opponents and the Right wing Media backs ALL their lies.
Anyone who has an internet newsfeed, is reading fake liberal news. You can see that by just reading the headlines.
Does the conservative right wing media jump on conservatives when they lie? Or only liberals? :rolleyes:

Or, does the right wing media just contribute and spread the right wing lies, for ratings and money?
The conservative right seems to do a better job of attacking conservatives when they fail to deliver or go off track in my opinion. They are not perfect just better than the liberal media.

But as I have said many times here, It’s all propaganda. You get to pick the propaganda you like and I get to pick the propaganda I like. In the end neither of us knows the truth.
The conservative right seems to do a better job of attacking conservatives when they fail to deliver or go off track in my opinion. They are not perfect just better than the liberal media.

But as I have said many times here, It’s all propaganda. You get to pick the propaganda you like and I get to pick the propaganda I like. In the end neither of us knows the truth.
This is why we have to take the time and research the issue or statement or accusation made....

It takes 10 times longer on any issue than ever before...!!! A pain in the rear end for certain, but it has to be done imo.
This is why we have to take the time and research the issue or statement or accusation made....

It takes 10 times longer on any issue than ever before...!!! A pain in the rear end for certain, but it has to be done imo.
I feel there is a market for good journalism. One 24/7 news channel for example that would report verified facts and label unverified facts as what they are.

It could also have both a liberal news hour and a conservative news hour and an hour where liberals and conservatives debate each other.

Such an outlet could look at the current “bombshell” stories and rate the chances that they are false.

Of course this outlet would have to first build a reputation for accuracy and that would take a while. One big mistake would ruin that reputation. One ah shit can ruin 1000 attaboys.

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