
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
Proves what the world already knows...“trickle down” economics results in prosperity every time.

Proves what the world already knows...“trickle down” economics results in prosperity every time.

View attachment 186632
AT&T had a lot of extra dough after laying off so many thousands of employees right before Christmas
And they could have “hoarded” that money. Instead, they distributed it to their employees. Remind us all why, again, that the left would complain about that?
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
I heard we are all gonna die too......................let me hide under the bed............................

Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
Unemployment at record lows. Constitutional government restored. Liberty restored. ISIS decimated. Border secured. North Korea asking for a meeting and groveling at our feet now.

Only a partisan wing-nut like yourself could actually whine “but...but...but...Russia doesn’t like us” (which was actually Barack Insane Obama’s fault anyway).
Proves what the world already knows...“trickle down” economics results in prosperity every time.

View attachment 186632
AT&T had a lot of extra dough after laying off so many thousands of employees right before Christmas
And they could have “hoarded” that money. Instead, they distributed it to their employees. Remind us all why, again, that the left would complain about that?
Because they laid off so many thousands to do it and tried to disguise it by saying it was the tax cuts
The stock market has made my investments look better. That being said I also an fully aware that the system is created for the uber wealthy. That's the way it is. I will neither best it not give an ounce of thanks for it. His first family second. Everything else way down the list as it is with all clear thinking Americans.
Market falling, weak jobs report, out of control debt, 172 million Americans not working, trade war and broken economic alliances

Because they laid off so many thousands to do it and tried to disguise it by saying it was the tax cuts
But again...they didn’t have to give that money to the employees. They could have kept it or gave it all to their eexecutives as “bonuses”.

Even when corporations do what the left wants, the left still complains.
Market falling, weak jobs report, out of control debt, 172 million Americans not working, trade war and broken economic alliances

Except that everything you just said is an egregious lie. Record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Border secured. ISIS decimated. Liberty restored. Constitutional government restored (which...let’s be honest...is what really pisses off you bat-shit crazy progressives).
Jobs that pay under 15 dollars per hour should NOT be counted as jobs. For that just showing up should be more than enuff. Both parties are guilty of lying about this number. They believe someone making 10 bucks an hour should work hard...laughable.
Proves what the world already knows...“trickle down” economics results in prosperity every time.

View attachment 186632
AT&T had a lot of extra dough after laying off so many thousands of employees right before Christmas
/——/ the need for workers ebb and flow with the volume of business.No company can afford to pay workers when there is nothing for them to do.
Market falling, weak jobs report, out of control debt, 172 million Americans not working, trade war and broken economic alliances

Except that everything you just said is an egregious lie. Record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Border secured. ISIS decimated. Liberty restored. Constitutional government restored (which...let’s be honest...is what really pisses off you bat-shit crazy progressives).

Border is not secured

If it was...why is Trump demanding 2000 troops
Jobs that pay under 15 dollars per hour should NOT be counted as jobs. For that just showing up should be more than enuff. Both parties are guilty of lying about this number. They believe someone making 10 bucks an hour should work hard...laughable.
That is what Trump gives us

Burger flipping jobs

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