Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Senate Democrats are expediting legislation that would override the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case and compel for-profit employers to cover the full range of contraception for their employees, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

The bill, which is co-authored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would ban for-profit companies from refusing to cover any federally guaranteed health benefits for religious reasons, including all 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act. It would preserve the contraception mandate's current exemption for churches and accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, such as certain hospitals and schools.

A Senate aide told HuffPost that the bill will be introduced as soon as Tuesday night and go directly to the Senate floor as early as next week, without being considered in committee.

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives. Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement. "My common-sense proposal will keep women's private health decisions out of corporate board rooms, because your boss shouldn't be able to dictate what is best for you and your family."

MORE: Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Sounds good. Get it done.

Won't go anywhere in the House but what the hell, if it makes y'all feel better...
The government forces you to buy insurance. That is an intrusion into your private life.

The government forces your employer to buy you insurance. That is an intrusion into private life.

The government decides which companies get to sell you insurance on the exchange.

The government decides how much profit those companies are allowed to make.

And yet the dumbasses with seven pounds of brain damage are, "Intrusion? What intrusion?"

Nope. Still not an intrusion. Just out of curiosity, do you agree with the following?

The government forces you to not murder people. That is an intrusion into your private life.

The government forces your employer to report you if you murder people. That is an intrusion into private life.

The government decides which police officers get to arrest you if you are caught murdering people.

The government decides how much funding those officers are allowed to have.

And yet the dumbasses with seven pounds of brain damage say, "hurr durr wut introoshun, healthcare iz 4 librulls, all i needs is gunz, hyuck hyuck!"

The government is not forcing you to not murder anyone.

If the government is not forcing you to not murder anyone, then it is also not forcing you to buy insurance. Just as with the laws on murder, there are consequences to not following the insurance purchasing law, however, since you are taking the position that passing laws regarding certain actions or inactions are not a means of forcing a certain behavior on the part of the government, then we can agree that there is no intrusion into private lives made by the ACA.

Nothing in the law actually requires my employer to report me committing a murder I commit, even if he knows about it.

Your claim here does not stand up to scrutiny. At all.

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony | LII / Legal Information Institute

As you can see, your employer IS required to report you "as soon as possible" and risks massive fines and/or jail time for failing to do so.

The government wants a monopoly on force, but the law says that anyone can arrest anyone if they have a good reason. Look up citizen's arrest if you don't believe me.

The people decide how much funding the police get, not the government.

Oh, do they? Alright, which way do you vote on the appropriation of funds to your local law enforcement, and why? Where do you personally take the funding from to spend on your local law enforcement, and under what authority do you, as a private citizen, take this funding? What is my recourse against a criminal gang calling themselves a "city council" that has monopolized the decision-making abilities in regards to how much funding the police get?

Now that I have totally destroyed your arguments do you get the point that you are wrong?

You've destroyed nothing but your own credibility, conservatard.
Healthcare should have NEVER been tied to employment. It goes back a long way...time to stop it.

When did we decide it was OK to let our bosses choose our health insurance?

You're one of the few bed wetting libs I don't have on ignore, because you occasionally post something worth reading.

Unfortunately you will probably endorse single payer, negating any intellectual value you've displayed here.

I think there is hope for you however, since you do exhibit the faintest glimmer of independent thinking.

You're dealing with someone who thinks the VA is the best healthcare system in the world.
A nice sentiment, but unfortunately, the bill will die regardless once the House's Wrongpublican majority gets their grubby fundamentalist paws on it.

The government is forcing one party to buy insurance for another party.


Bullshit, prove it.
:cuckoo: It's like asking someone to prove water is wet and stuff falls downward.
A nice sentiment, but unfortunately, the bill will die regardless once the House's Wrongpublican majority gets their grubby fundamentalist paws on it.

The government is forcing one party to buy insurance for another party.


Bullshit, prove it.

Are you so completely unaware of the employer mandate? Really? Have you been living in a cave?
Obama's ass. Close enough.
"Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement.

Wow. That's a seven-pounds-of-brain-damage statement right there. It is simply astonishing.

Yeah well Lohota's not a bright guy.
A nice sentiment, but unfortunately, the bill will die regardless once the House's Wrongpublican majority gets their grubby fundamentalist paws on it.

The government is forcing one party to buy insurance for another party.


Bullshit, prove it.

You don't understand how fucking funny it is that 1. You don't see how it's funny so, 2. you have to have it proven to you.

That's probably why you are stupid enough to have that avie.
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?
I guess it's because one prevents conception the other facilitates it?

THIS conservative doesn't need to have my employer buying me shit. If they WANT to as incentive for my work, fine. I would never dream of forcing them to.
Are you so completely unaware of the employer mandate? Really? Have you been living in a cave?

I was not referring to the employer mandate portion of your post, but rather the "[the employer mandate] is an intrusion into our lives" claim. I would like you to prove this statement to be correct, or at least pretend to have something to back it up.

Wow. You really do have seven pounds of brain damage.

Please explain how the government forcing one party to buy insurance for another party is NOT an intrusion into our lives.

Hooooooooly FUCK! I can't believe you don't see that.

This is positively Orwellian.

Look who is in his avie! That explains a lot.
Here's what is happening people, pay attention:

Obama and the Democrats know this will go no where. BUT, it's an election year and they want to build a case for the non-existant war on women. So they will use the guaranteed defeat of this bill as a whip to try to beat the GOP with.

The only question is, will the American Voter be that stupid twice?
Nope. Still not an intrusion. Just out of curiosity, do you agree with the following?

The government is not forcing you to not murder anyone.

If the government is not forcing you to not murder anyone, then it is also not forcing you to buy insurance. Just as with the laws on murder, there are consequences to not following the insurance purchasing law, however, since you are taking the position that passing laws regarding certain actions or inactions are not a means of forcing a certain behavior on the part of the government, then we can agree that there is no intrusion into private lives made by the ACA.

Except for the fact that the law actually mandates that I buy insurance you have a pretty good argument.

The difference is that the law punishes you for killing someone under certain circumstances, it doesn't actually try to pretend that they can prevent murders, yet they want to pretend that forcing me to buy insurance I neither want, or need, somehow prevents me from getting sick. If it worked that way I wouldn't have cancer, would I?

Your claim here does not stand up to scrutiny. At all.

Seriously? Yet yours do?

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony | LII / Legal Information Institute

As you can see, your employer IS required to report you "as soon as possible" and risks massive fines and/or jail time for failing to do so.

They have to prove that the employer knew, which won't be coming from me. Even if they prove it it is only a $500 fine for not reporting the crime, which makes your claim that they force people to report a crime even more absurd.

The people decide how much funding the police get, not the government.
Oh, do they? Alright, which way do you vote on the appropriation of funds to your local law enforcement, and why? Where do you personally take the funding from to spend on your local law enforcement, and under what authority do you, as a private citizen, take this funding? What is my recourse against a criminal gang calling themselves a "city council" that has monopolized the decision-making abilities in regards to how much funding the police get?

I vote against it because they get paid to much already.

Any other stupid questions?

Have you heard of voting, idiot?

Now that I have totally destroyed your arguments do you get the point that you are wrong?
You've destroyed nothing but your own credibility, conservatard.

My credibility is not destroyable, many people on this board have already stated that I have none.

Thanks for proving them wrong though.
"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives."

I have to say, in the category of Irony, that is truly one of the most mentally deranged things I have ever heard.

Not kidding.

if that's your "opinion" you don't understand the decision.

If we don't understand the decision why is the ACLU backing off its support for the law them Democrats think will fix everything?

Democrats lose support for bill to overrule Supreme Court - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The government is forcing one party to buy insurance for another party.


By that logic, so are stop signs and rape laws.

I use the word "logic" loosely.

I have no doubt that you use logic very loosely. Preventing one person from harming another person is the prime reason that humans constitute governments. It is a long jump from there to government forcing employers to provide benefits to their employees. It is even a longer jump for government to force employers to violate their religious beliefs in the process.

However, this Obamacare issue will be over in a couple of years, if it even lasts that long. It is so badly written, and so badly constructed that it will fall of its own weight. Then, you loons will be screaming for one payer, government provided health insurance. That was the goal all along.
Nope. Still not an intrusion. Just out of curiosity, do you agree with the following?

The government is not forcing you to not murder anyone.

If the government is not forcing you to not murder anyone, then it is also not forcing you to buy insurance. Just as with the laws on murder, there are consequences to not following the insurance purchasing law, however, since you are taking the position that passing laws regarding certain actions or inactions are not a means of forcing a certain behavior on the part of the government, then we can agree that there is no intrusion into private lives made by the ACA

I don't have to purchase anything not to murder someone. I don't have to pay a fine if I don't murder someone.

Since when is inaction to purchase something worthy of regulation?
"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives."

I have to say, in the category of Irony, that is truly one of the most mentally deranged things I have ever heard.

Not kidding.

if that's your "opinion" you don't understand the decision.

No, Id say you don't have slightest clue as to what the decision was, "counselor". Another bullshit post from the faux-attorney on board.
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

Once again, the completly ridliclous comparison of Viagra to birth control. Compare like drugs. If hormones and creams which enable sex for woman was not covered then bitch. But it is covered.

Premarin cream is used to enable women to have sex, among other drugs, the same way Viagra is used to enable men to have sex. Both are avaliable through prescription. Both happen to be prescribed in the same age range.

The result of sex, pregnancy, is not the same as enabling the act itself.

Low sex drive in women Treatments and drugs - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic
CaféAuLait;9409324 said:
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

Once again, the completly ridliclous comparison of Viagra to birth control. Compare like drugs. If hormones and creams which enable sex for woman was not covered then bitch. But it is covered.

Premarin cream is used to enable women to have sex, among other drugs, the same way Viagra is used to enable men to have sex. Both are avaliable through prescription. Both happen to be prescribed in the same age range.

The result of sex, pregnancy, is not the same as enabling the act itself.

Low sex drive in women Treatments and drugs - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic
Hobby Lobby's insurance covers 16 types of birth control. But the Left will repeat this talking point--that HL is anti female and/or anti contraceptive--for as long as it takes to persuade people it is true. With some of the brain dead posters here that took about 7 seconds.

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