Democrats Demonstrate How Mail-In-Ballots / Proxy Vote Easily Turn Into VOTER FRAUD


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

GOP Leader McCarthy EXPLODES From House
Floor As Congress Holds First Ever ‘Vote by Proxy’

One Democrat Voted SEVEN TIMES

I want to send a big ol' THANK YOU to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats for finally KILLING the stupid 'Mail-In' Vote idea by engaging in heinous VOTER FRAUD themselves in the 1st-EVER - and now hopefully LAST - 'Vote-By-Proxy'!

If Democrats wanted 'Mail-In' voting this November, the Democrats had to prove it can work flawlessly - this needed to go off without a hitch.

Is anyone REALLY surprised Pelosi and the House Democrats F*ED it up & there was VOTER FRAUD by members of the HOUSE in this 'Vote-By-Proxy' bullshit?! one should be. When everyone was watching how this 1st-Ever Vote would go, Pelosi and the Democrats could not help putting on display an example of how they would turn the US into some corrupt, election rigging 3rd-World Banana Republic if they had their way / were in charge.

(Since Liberal Politicians like Pelosi believe they are far superior to the average, middle class, 'deplorable' American citizens, she and her fellow Democrats should have been smart enough and capable enough to execute such a simple task...and yet they failed. That should only go to prove in their minds that 'Mail-In-Ballot' voting is far too sophisticate / difficult to do. :p)

Nancy and her fellow Democrats just proved how susceptible 'Voting-By-Proxy' and 'Mail-In-Ballot' voting are to voter fraud. As stated, their example should be the last nail in this idea's 'coffin' - it should END any more serious discussion about Mail-In-Ballot voting.

:clap2: Way to go, Nancy! You're doing a helluva job as Speaker of the House!


“The Constitution of the United States spells it out many times. → Congress must physically assemble and hold a quorum in order to conduct the People’s business


Now Pelosi and Democrats don't want to obey the Constitution to even do their jobs.

If obeying the Constitution, if actually showing up to vote on legislation is too hard / taxing for these politicians, then they should be 'relieved' of that 'burden' in their next elections!
Why Do Democrats Pretend Voter Fraud Doesn't Exist?

The fact is that committing voter fraud isn't all that difficult, but minimizing it is easy. Cleaning up registration rolls, enacting voter ID requirements, using paper ballots, and implementing better controls on early and absentee voting would make non-citizen voting and other forms of fraud virtually impossible.

Critics of such efforts say that they will only serve to suppress the vote of minorities and the poor — that is, voters who tend to vote Democratic. They want to make it easier and easier to register and vote.

But there's no evidence that voter ID laws suppress turnout. In fact, of 11 states that adopted strict voter ID laws, nine either saw increased turnout in 2016, or had turnout rates higher than the national average.

Nor does cleaning up registration rolls, aggressively pursuing voter fraud cases, using paper ballots, or other measures to ensure the integrity of the ballot suppress legitimate voters.

Those who say voter fraud is no big deal should realize something. Every single vote cast fraudulently cancels out one legitimate vote. They need to ask themselves how they'd feel if it was their vote being canceled.

There these republicans go again, trying to stop people from voting. Seems it's mostly Blacks who vote heavily democratic that drive republicans up the wall. Here's a sample of republican thought on everybody voting on link below
To the low information voter, this article makes them believe there was voter fraud in the House and that someone voted seven times.

That person was identified as a proxy by another member and voted on their behalf and at their specific direction. The Representative voted on behalf of 6 of their colleagues and themselves.

But the low information voter doesn’t get that context from the manipulative article so they think there was something fraudulent.

The low information voter is just a tool to these political elites.
There these republicans go again, trying to stop people from voting.

No one stopped anyone from voting, snowflake. The House DID vote by 'Proxy'.

Hell, the Maryland Democrat Rep VOTED SEVEN (7) TIMES....

THAT is the problem!

:p Bwuhahahahaha
A link about republicans closing down polling places in Black communities.
Could you possible STOP trying to hijack the thread (a violation of USMB Rules), and stick to the thread topic?

The Treasury sent hundreds of millions of thousand dollar checks through the mail. It can handle the ballots
You mean the ones that got sent to people that are out of the country that don't live in the US anymore? Or are you talking about those that recieved close to half a million or quarter of a million? Or are you talking about those that never received one?

GOP Leader McCarthy EXPLODESFrom House
Floor As Congress Holds First Ever ‘Vote by Proxy’

One Democrat Voted SEVEN TIMES

I want to send a big ol' THANK YOU to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats for finally KILLING the stupid 'Mail-In' Vote idea by engaging in heinous VOTER FRAUD themselves in the 1st-EVER - and now hopefully LAST - 'Vote-By-Proxy'!

If Democrats wanted 'Mail-In' voting this November, the Democrats had to prove it can work flawlessly - this needed to go off without a hitch.

Is anyone REALLY surprised Pelosi and the House Democrats F*ED it up & there was VOTER FRAUD by members of the HOUSE in this 'Vote-By-Proxy' bullshit?! one should be. When everyone was watching how this 1st-Ever Vote would go, Pelosi and the Democrats could not help putting on display an example of how they would turn the US into some corrupt, election rigging 3rd-World Banana Republic if they had their way / were in charge.

(Since Liberal Politicians like Pelosi believe they are far superior to the average, middle class, 'deplorable' American citizens, she and her fellow Democrats should have been smart enough and capable enough to execute such a simple task...and yet they failed. That should only go to prove in their minds that 'Mail-In-Ballot' voting is far too sophisticate / difficult to do. :p)

Nancy and her fellow Democrats just proved how susceptible 'Voting-By-Proxy' and 'Mail-In-Ballot' voting are to voter fraud. As stated, their example should be the last nail in this idea's 'coffin' - it should END any more serious discussion about Mail-In-Ballot voting.

:clap2: Way to go, Nancy! You're doing a helluva job as Speaker of the House!


It's gateway pundit so it almost certainly didn't happen.

Fake news.
There these republicans go again, trying to stop people from voting. Seems it's mostly Blacks who vote heavily democratic that drive republicans up the wall. Here's a sample of republican thought on everybody voting on link below

What, you don’t think Blacks have the ability to vote like whites do? Shame on you.

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There these republicans go again, trying to stop people from voting. Seems it's mostly Blacks who vote heavily democratic that drive republicans up the wall. Here's a sample of republican thought on everybody voting on link below

Hey Dummy, he was saying if everyone voted there would be a lot of idiots who no nothing about the issues voting. If only informed people voted, Republicans win.

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