Democrats Created Caravan To Increase Democrat Votes


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
My theory on how the caravan came to be, is quite simple. Democrats, always confident that impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them, created it. They did it to increase Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, in 4 southwestern states - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Looks like just a booster shot to the overall, decades long, ongoing scheme of Democrats to win elections using illegal alien votes (since the American people have thoroughly rejected their anti-white, racist identity politics). Just a big ballot box stuffing scheme, with Democrats hoping the caravaners can storm the border gates, get inside the country, and put Democrats over the top, in one election after another, and win back the house.

One thing I haven't heard about though, is has anybody asked the caravan people who they would vote for if they did get into the US. Would they prefer the myriad of handouts, liberally tossed around by Democrats, or would they prefer jobs, and the booming economy of the Republicans.
My theory on how the caravan came to be, is quite simple. Democrats, always confident that impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them, created it. They did it to increase Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, in 4 southwestern states - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Looks like just a booster shot to the overall, decades long, ongoing scheme of Democrats to win elections using illegal alien votes (since the American people have thoroughly rejected their anti-white, racist identity politics). Just a big ballot box stuffing scheme, with Democrats hoping the caravaners can storm the border gates, get inside the country, and put Democrats over the top, in one election after another, and win back the house.

One thing I haven't heard about though, is has anybody asked the caravan people who they would vote for if they did get into the US. Would they prefer the myriad of handouts, liberally tossed around by Democrats, or would they prefer jobs, and the booming economy of the Republicans.

Your first sentence is remarkably honest, yes, you are simple. You should change your nom de plume to Simon.
Democrats Created Caravan To Increase Democrat Votes

Just like that:

My theory on how the caravan came to be, is quite simple. Democrats, always confident that impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them, created it. They did it to increase Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, in 4 southwestern states - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Looks like just a booster shot to the overall, decades long, ongoing scheme of Democrats to win elections using illegal alien votes (since the American people have thoroughly rejected their anti-white, racist identity politics). Just a big ballot box stuffing scheme, with Democrats hoping the caravaners can storm the border gates, get inside the country, and put Democrats over the top, in one election after another, and win back the house.

One thing I haven't heard about though, is has anybody asked the caravan people who they would vote for if they did get into the US. Would they prefer the myriad of handouts, liberally tossed around by Democrats, or would they prefer jobs, and the booming economy of the Republicans.

Well, you wanna give us all a barcode in the form of a National ID. lol. Paperz pleez. lol. Pardon me, but I fear people like you more than I fear people like them.
My theory on how the caravan came to be, is quite simple. Democrats, always confident that impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them, created it. They did it to increase Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, in 4 southwestern states - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Looks like just a booster shot to the overall, decades long, ongoing scheme of Democrats to win elections using illegal alien votes (since the American people have thoroughly rejected their anti-white, racist identity politics). Just a big ballot box stuffing scheme, with Democrats hoping the caravaners can storm the border gates, get inside the country, and put Democrats over the top, in one election after another, and win back the house.

One thing I haven't heard about though, is has anybody asked the caravan people who they would vote for if they did get into the US. Would they prefer the myriad of handouts, liberally tossed around by Democrats, or would they prefer jobs, and the booming economy of the Republicans.
Soros' latest book, The Age of Fallibility (Public Affairs 2006), is a pamphlet-like espousal of his beliefs, political, economic, philosophical, and nihilistic. In the book's prologue, he writes that the United States is the main obstacle to a stable and just world. Open-society billionaires like Soros are modern-day robber-barons who seek world domination –for themselves– by supporting all comers who attack the United States. The Democracy Alliance is a shadow group of billionaires led by Soros that acts as a financial clearinghouse to support radical left-wing groups. Under the guise of honest debate and political criticism, Soros and his followers seek a change in U.S. policies. In the United States, the Democrats are their party of choice, and the Democratic Party and its minions are receptive.
Well, you wanna give us all a barcode in the form of a National ID. lol. Paperz pleez. lol. Pardon me, but I fear people like you more than I fear people like them.
Sure you do. Because people like me would prevent people like you from filling up the country with illegal Democrat voters, from hellhole countries. You think we don't all know your plan ?
They all expect to be welcomed. Even the hard core many times deported criminals. They are confident that the Americans can't or won't stop them.
My theory on how the caravan came to be, is quite simple. Democrats, always confident that impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them, created it. They did it to increase Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, in 4 southwestern states - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Looks like just a booster shot to the overall, decades long, ongoing scheme of Democrats to win elections using illegal alien votes (since the American people have thoroughly rejected their anti-white, racist identity politics). Just a big ballot box stuffing scheme, with Democrats hoping the caravaners can storm the border gates, get inside the country, and put Democrats over the top, in one election after another, and win back the house.

One thing I haven't heard about though, is has anybody asked the caravan people who they would vote for if they did get into the US. Would they prefer the myriad of handouts, liberally tossed around by Democrats, or would they prefer jobs, and the booming economy of the Republicans.
It’s a stupid ‘theory’ – as wrong as it is ridiculous.
My theory on how the caravan came to be, is quite simple. Democrats, always confident that impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them, created it. They did it to increase Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, in 4 southwestern states - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Looks like just a booster shot to the overall, decades long, ongoing scheme of Democrats to win elections using illegal alien votes (since the American people have thoroughly rejected their anti-white, racist identity politics). Just a big ballot box stuffing scheme, with Democrats hoping the caravaners can storm the border gates, get inside the country, and put Democrats over the top, in one election after another, and win back the house.

One thing I haven't heard about though, is has anybody asked the caravan people who they would vote for if they did get into the US. Would they prefer the myriad of handouts, liberally tossed around by Democrats, or would they prefer jobs, and the booming economy of the Republicans.
It’s a stupid ‘theory’ – as wrong as it is ridiculous.
If you think it's stupid, it probably isn't.
If dimocrap scum take control of America, where will we migrate to?

Think I'm kidding? You would be wrong.

dimocrap scum WILL destroy us just like leftism destroys everything else it touches.

You ought to look at what really happened South of here instead of taking the word of the DISGUSTING FILTH in The Lame Stream Media.

Ever heard of Simon Bolivar?

The Life and Legacy of Simon Bolivar

Official Publication of The Socialist Party USA

It would be all too easy to dismiss Bolivar the politician as a failure. While his ideas of how to achieve a unified, free and democratic South America may have had serious flaws, they represent the challenges of breaking free of imperial control,

dimocraps are scum

Put them in charge and there will be caravans from here.

To where, we have no idea
My theory on how the caravan came to be, is quite simple. Democrats, always confident that impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them, created it. They did it to increase Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, in 4 southwestern states - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Looks like just a booster shot to the overall, decades long, ongoing scheme of Democrats to win elections using illegal alien votes (since the American people have thoroughly rejected their anti-white, racist identity politics). Just a big ballot box stuffing scheme, with Democrats hoping the caravaners can storm the border gates, get inside the country, and put Democrats over the top, in one election after another, and win back the house.

One thing I haven't heard about though, is has anybody asked the caravan people who they would vote for if they did get into the US. Would they prefer the myriad of handouts, liberally tossed around by Democrats, or would they prefer jobs, and the booming economy of the Republicans.

Democrats are pretty stupid when it comes to strategy. But they're not this stupid.
Democrats are pretty stupid when it comes to strategy. But they're not this stupid.
It's a matter of stupidity combined with DESPERATION.

I agree you're both stupid and desperate. There is absolutely no way that anyone would imagine that organizing a new caravan would somehow drive Democratic enthusiasm and lead to more Democrats turning out. You seem to be the only person in the world stupid enough to believe that bullshit. Everyone else realizes that this benefits GOP messaging.
Democrats are pretty stupid when it comes to strategy. But they're not this stupid.
It's a matter of stupidity combined with DESPERATION.

I agree you're both stupid and desperate. There is absolutely no way that anyone would imagine that organizing a new caravan would somehow drive Democratic enthusiasm and lead to more Democrats turning out. You seem to be the only person in the world stupid enough to believe that bullshit. Everyone else realizes that this benefits GOP messaging.

I think I will disagree with you. There was zero reason for Dems to attack
Kavanaugh in the manner that they did. The slander and insults hurled at
Kavanaugh were unrelenting and when the President came forward and
backed his appointment, rather than withdrawing him...The dems turned to
reading out of his High School Yearbook.

If any Dem had any sense at all they would have ripped that yearbook from
Leahy's hands and given it back to Kavanaugh. Instead they allowed Leahy
to give the book to Durbin and Whitehouse (or whatever his name is).

Now I understand what they were originally looking for in that yearbook.
They were looking at the "comments" section hoping to find a comment
from Mark Judge or PJ..."Hey Brett, remember the night we tried to rape the
homely 15-year old with the squeaky voice?" Once they didn't find that it the
book should have been taken from them. Instead they all continued seeking
nonsense answers to 1980's slang. They turned themselves into lunatics
while turning off all of Middle America. Kavanaugh was seated, and the Dems had destroyed themselves fighting a fight that shouldn't have been

Kavanaugh didn't tip the scales of the SCOTUS. It maintained the status quo. The next one (Ginsburg) is the one that tips the scales and the dems
have used up all their nonsense, and the GOP will keep the Senate and be
the folks that replace her.

They always double down on stupid, because they know the real state of
the Country.

The DNC told all candidates in Trump states not to use Immigration or talk
about it. That was all over the news 3 weeks ago and there was a thread on
here. Trump quickly put Immigration back at the forefront. They countered
with this caravan. They saw Immigration with low numbers and went against
their original common sense of just not discussing it, because it was far down
the list.

Now the American people are watching an Army marching toward the border
giving interviews along the way, that they will get in. We've watched them
turn down the fences at the Mexican border and overwhelm Mexican Border
Police. That's the kind of people we want to let in here? Plus now there
is a report of a 2nd caravan forming down there. The stupidity never ends.

Doubling Down on stupid again?

They haven't had a good read on the bulk of the American people for the last
10 years. They continue to cater only to minority groups all with diverse narratives and/or agendas. That drives the entire party to the far left.

I believe they are sponsoring all these caravans because they aren't smart
enough to understand it hurts them. It is the only way they believe they
can get the minorities to the polls, and the minorities are not the majority even when lumped together in a single group.

I read a few years ago a meme about Obama's legacy. "He created the
Strongest Republican Party in History." and the Dems are continuing that
Who, if anyone is, is culpable for organizing thousands of foreign nationals walking North to the CA border?

Could it be Donald J. Trump?

It's clear he is fearful of the D's taking control of the H. or Rep. and has for several years now attacked the Clinton's, Obama, CNN and Sorors; today suspicious packages have been sent to all of the above.

I have no doubt he didn't mail these packages, but one who doesn't see the connection between Trump's hateful rhetoric, and this effort to bomb or stalk the four above is obvious.
Who, if anyone is, is culpable for organizing thousands of foreign nationals walking North to the CA border?

Could it be Donald J. Trump?

It's clear he is fearful of the D's taking control of the H. or Rep. and has for several years now attacked the Clinton's, Obama, CNN and Sorors; today suspicious packages have been sent to all of the above.

I have no doubt he didn't mail these packages, but one who doesn't see the connection between Trump's hateful rhetoric, and this effort to bomb or stalk the four above is obvious.

If you want to know what dimocrap scum are up to, just listen to whatever it is they're accusing Republicans of.

Notice how this all started virtually simultaneously? All the articles from the DISGUSTING FILTH? All the new threads? All the new comments?


dimocraps are being called out on their violent rhetoric inspiring violence from their mindless followers so they're attacking the victims. The oldest Courtroom trick in the world

dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.
I agree you're both stupid and desperate. There is absolutely no way that anyone would imagine that organizing a new caravan would somehow drive Democratic enthusiasm and lead to more Democrats turning out. You seem to be the only person in the world stupid enough to believe that bullshit. Everyone else realizes that this benefits GOP messaging.
Wow. You're calling ME stupid ? LOL

EARTH TO SD: Apparently, what I said flew right over your head. I wasn't talking about "drive Democratic enthusiasm and lead to more Democrats turning out" That notion came only from YOU,

I was talking about the caravan people getting into the USA, and then, on election day, THEM casting thousands of votes for Democrats. In fact I did SAY exactly that, did I not ? From the OP >> ("impoverished illegal aliens from the 3rd world will vote for them")

Got it now, or would like me to draw pictures too ?

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