Democrats Can't Be Serious.Now They Are Concerned Over The Debt And Deficit? Laughable?

The deficit was over an average of $1 trillion for each year of the Obama administration.
Apparently you can't do math.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $587 billion
  • FY 2017 (Current Budget) - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.
When has the debt decreased?? under Reagan? GWB ?
Interesting that no one on the Right will answer that question because it will show the Right's hypocritical double standard when "calculating" the national debt for each president!!!
Notice the Right will not say the national debt went down one year under Clinton!
Spend and finance is all the right wing knows how to do.
on no dan they are also expert in blaming dems for their own f ups
The deficit was over an average of $1 trillion for each year of the Obama administration.
Apparently you can't do math.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $587 billion
  • FY 2017 (Current Budget) - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.

The debt increased by $10 trillion during Obama's 8 years.

Do the math: $10 trillion/8
Why would anyone say the national debt has gone down? It hasn't. It's gone up every year no matter who the President was!
And there you have the hypocritical Right-wing double standard, in order to deny Clinton ever reduced the national debt, the Right properly uses the FISCAL years, but to make Bush's national debt smaller and Obama's higher they dishonestly use the CALENDAR years, as they did throughout this thread.

Clinton's 2000 calendar year national debt:
12/31/1999 $5,776,091,314,225.33
12/29/2000 $5,662,216,013,697.37

Bush's fiscal years national debt:
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75
Bush more than doubled the national debt.

Obama's fiscal years national debt so far:
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75
04/26/2017 $19,846,044,436,483.65
Obama highly unlikely to double the national debt by the end of his last fiscal year.

Ah, Ed? Clinton never reduced the national debt. That's a liberal myth. To understand why you'd have to understand the concept of "intragovernmental holdings". The following article from CNN explains it rather well.
Bill Clinton Legacy of Myththology and Surplus.
Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.

So you want to live in a country where a dozen cities determine the election for the whole country?
You realize that is exactly why our brilliant forefathers made the electoral voting system to prevent from happening?
Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.

So you want to live in a country where a dozen cities determine the election for the whole country?
No, for many, they want the people to determine that.

You realize that is exactly why our brilliant forefathers made the electoral voting system to prevent from happening?
We are a republic of 50 states. That is what our forefathers upheld with the electoral college.
So you want to live in a country where a dozen cities determine the election for the whole country?
You realize that is exactly why our brilliant forefathers made the electoral voting system to prevent from happening?

You don't think they want the gun and religion clingers, the deplorables to have a say, do you?

The World Series reminds me somewhat of the electoral college voting system - it's not the total # of runs that determines the championship, it's the number of games won - Trump simply won more 'games'.:)
The deficit was over an average of $1 trillion for each year of the Obama administration.
Apparently you can't do math.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $587 billion
  • FY 2017 (Current Budget) - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.

The debt increased by $10 trillion during Obama's 8 years.

Do the math: $10 trillion/8
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline. Thus, every year after the massive stimulus (that didn't stimulate) assumed the previous baseline PLUS the stimulus as the new baseline. It was a masterful subterfuge and way to drastically increase the budget while keeping the sycophant dupes completely in the dark.

It's like having a household budget in which you spend $75,000/year. Then you send a child to college, and need to spend an additional $25,000/year for 4 years, Most people would breath a sigh of relief after the 4 years are over and return to their normal spending patterns. Not government. Government simply assumes the additional spending is permanent. It may get spent elsewhere, but it will NOT go back down to the previous level.

That's why Trump has to deal with Obama's big early deficits.
The deficit was over an average of $1 trillion for each year of the Obama administration.

Even if it had been we paid over two trillion dollars interest on the debt he assumed.
Obama doesn't get to pick and choose which spending he's responsible for and which he isn't. He's responsible for all of it, just like Bush was.
The only economically conservative thing Bush did was cut taxes. He allowed Congress to spend like, well, Congress. I would say like a drunken sailor, but they stop when the money runs out. Congress does not.
The deficit was over an average of $1 trillion for each year of the Obama administration.
Apparently you can't do math.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $587 billion
  • FY 2017 (Current Budget) - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.

The debt increased by $10 trillion during Obama's 8 years.

Do the math: $10 trillion/8
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline. Thus, every year after the massive stimulus (that didn't stimulate) assumed the previous baseline PLUS the stimulus as the new baseline. It was a masterful subterfuge and way to drastically increase the budget while keeping the sycophant dupes completely in the dark.

It's like having a household budget in which you spend $75,000/year. Then you send a child to college, and need to spend an additional $25,000/year for 4 years, Most people would breath a sigh of relief after the 4 years are over and return to their normal spending patterns. Not government. Government simply assumes the additional spending is permanent. It may get spent elsewhere, but it will NOT go back down to the previous level.

That's why Trump has to deal with Obama's big early deficits.

I've been posting this fact for years.
The deficit was over an average of $1 trillion for each year of the Obama administration.

Even if it had been we paid over two trillion dollars interest on the debt he assumed.
Obama doesn't get to pick and choose which spending he's responsible for and which he isn't. He's responsible for all of it, just like Bush was.
The only economically conservative thing Bush did was cut taxes. He allowed Congress to spend like, well, Congress. I would say like a drunken sailor, but they stop when the money runs out. Congress does not.
He also created a vast new welfare benefit. Regulations multiplied out of control.
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline.

Thanks to that wascally weasally Republican Harry Reid - Senate Majority Leader who for 4 years refused to allow a budget to pass the Senate, from 2009 to 2013.

It is true that the deficit (not debt) began to decrease after that, thanks to sequester. How do you spell sequester?...R-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n c-o-n-t-r-o-l-l-e-d H-o-u-s-e.
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline.

Thanks to that wascally weasally Republican Harry Reid - Senate Majority Leader who for 4 years refused to allow a budget to pass the Senate, from 2009 to 2013.

It is true that the deficit (not debt) began to decrease after that, thanks to sequester. How do you spell sequester?...R-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n c-o-n-t-r-o-l-l-e-d H-o-u-s-e.
Aww, you poor thing. You really believe that's the reason for the reduction in the deficit.
Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.

So you want to live in a country where a dozen cities determine the election for the whole country?
No, for many, they want the people to determine that.

You realize that is exactly why our brilliant forefathers made the electoral voting system to prevent from happening?
We are a republic of 50 states. That is what our forefathers upheld with the electoral college.

As usual you talk in circles, in the end - you are saying you agree with what I said...but trying not to.

Without an electoral, Hillary Clinton would have won. However she would have won because of a handful of heavily populated cities. Without an electoral system, non urban areas would have no voice.
The dirty little secret is that Obama's increased spending to "fix the Bush mess" immediately became the new normal baseline.

Thanks to that wascally weasally Republican Harry Reid - Senate Majority Leader who for 4 years refused to allow a budget to pass the Senate, from 2009 to 2013.

It is true that the deficit (not debt) began to decrease after that, thanks to sequester. How do you spell sequester?...R-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n c-o-n-t-r-o-l-l-e-d H-o-u-s-e.
The sequester was Obama's idea, that he came to regret.
The sequester was Obama's idea, that he came to regret.

...and deny. Ironic, ain't it? :)

btw - a correction to an earlier post - that wascally, weasally Repbublican Senator Harry Reid who blocked the budget process for four years, keeping trillion+ dollar deficits in place?...he's a Democrat.
Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.

So you want to live in a country where a dozen cities determine the election for the whole country?
No, for many, they want the people to determine that.

You realize that is exactly why our brilliant forefathers made the electoral voting system to prevent from happening?
We are a republic of 50 states. That is what our forefathers upheld with the electoral college.

As usual you talk in circles, in the end - you are saying you agree with what I said...but trying not to.

Without an electoral, Hillary Clinton would have won. However she would have won because of a handful of heavily populated cities. Without an electoral system, non urban areas would have no voice.
I'm talking in circles?? :lol:

I'm stating facts.

Also a fact -- Hillary won the popular vote because a plurality of voters voted for her, not because many of them live in a few big cities.

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