Democrats Brought Blacks Here On Ships.....Now They're Bringing New Blacks Thru Our Borders


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

They can't argue this fact.....Democrats supported slavery.....and they brought blacks to America on ships. Now they're bring their new blacks thru our Southern border.

Democrats support cheap labor and human-trafficking. They plan on registering "refugees" by the millions and are already using them to steal elections all over the country. They're tipping it off with their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.

They claim they care about these people, but in reality, everything they complain about, they set up in the first place. There was no argument from Democrats when Obama asked for money to pay for these detention they're fighting Trump tooth and nail over every last cent....intentionally making the situation worse......


Democrats voted to limit the number of beds in detention facilities. They refuse to fund those same facilities while showboating about how decrepit these facilities are. If you notice, not one of them is seen inside the facilities when they pontificate about what a terrible state they're in. They're always standing outside lying their asses off about the conditions. Here's the rub: They wanted this to happen. They planned on it.


Meanwhile, the cities they run are rat infested shitholes. After years of neglect and billions of dollars dumped into the pockets of the rich, no improvement is on the horizon. Democrats aren't even remotely decent leaders. They are excellent instigators. They get people worked up into a frenzy. That's the only thing they're good at. Truth be told....Blacks are beginning to realize that the party that claims to care about them has abandoned them for another group of newcomers.



Blacks were enslaved by the welfare state. Democrats are as we speak enslaving a new generation of slaves with this same welfare state.

Liberal crying fake tears over Baltimore

Grrrrrroan......... (Katniss runs her hand down her face and looks to the sky)

I know....logic is a difficult thing for some people to grasp......because they've been fed a load of BS for so long.

Expand and open your mind.

Try thinking for yourself for once.
Lincoln had a plan to deport the blacks after slavery became illegal. Unfortunately he was killed before he could make this happen.
Oh, right, the racist southern "Democrats" that opposed welfare, fought for states' rights, wanted strict border control and demanded lower taxes. That definitely sounds like the left to me. :290968001256257790-final:
Grrrrrroan......... (Katniss runs her hand down her face and looks to the sky)

I know....logic is a difficult thing for some people to grasp......because they've been fed a load of BS for so long.

Expand and open your mind.

Try thinking for yourself for once.

I think for myself everyday. It's exhausting......hahahahaha

Why not approach your position without trying to insult one faction of people. Also, if we're being "honest" you'll admit that the parties flipped policies and platforms many many many.....hell - a long time ago. So it's false to suggest that the democrats of today were the democrats of yester-years. I'm sure you'll also admit (since we're being honest) that the current approach of today's republicans is more aligned with those in the past who treated anyone who wasn't white as less than human.
Why not approach your position without trying to insult one faction of people.

None of them feel inclined to because the other side almost never offers the same courtesy.

Also, if we're being "honest" you'll admit that the parties flipped policies and platforms many many many.....hell - a long time ago.

No, because they truly don't believe that to be the case.

They can't argue this fact.....Democrats supported slavery.....and they brought blacks to America on ships. Now they're bring their new blacks thru our Southern border.

Democrats support cheap labor and human-trafficking. They plan on registering "refugees" by the millions and are already using them to steal elections all over the country. They're tipping it off with their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.

They claim they care about these people, but in reality, everything they complain about, they set up in the first place. There was no argument from Democrats when Obama asked for money to pay for these detention they're fighting Trump tooth and nail over every last cent....intentionally making the situation worse......


Democrats voted to limit the number of beds in detention facilities. They refuse to fund those same facilities while showboating about how decrepit these facilities are. If you notice, not one of them is seen inside the facilities when they pontificate about what a terrible state they're in. They're always standing outside lying their asses off about the conditions. Here's the rub: They wanted this to happen. They planned on it.


Meanwhile, the cities they run are rat infested shitholes. After years of neglect and billions of dollars dumped into the pockets of the rich, no improvement is on the horizon. Democrats aren't even remotely decent leaders. They are excellent instigators. They get people worked up into a frenzy. That's the only thing they're good at. Truth be told....Blacks are beginning to realize that the party that claims to care about them has abandoned them for another group of newcomers.



Blacks were enslaved by the welfare state. Democrats are as we speak enslaving a new generation of slaves with this same welfare state.

Liberal crying fake tears over Baltimore

“Democrats brought blacks here on ships” there is so much different kinds of stupid in this statement I honestly don’t know where to begin.
Why not approach your position without trying to insult one faction of people.

None of them feel inclined to because the other side almost never offers the same courtesy.

Also, if we're being "honest" you'll admit that the parties flipped policies and platforms many many many.....hell - a long time ago.

No, because they truly don't believe that to be the case.

True - both sides attack the other. I wish that were not the case.
I'm only suggesting when posting an article why not "try" and pose it in a way that welcomes discussion rather then a defense.
Grrrrrroan......... (Katniss runs her hand down her face and looks to the sky)

I know....logic is a difficult thing for some people to grasp......because they've been fed a load of BS for so long.

Expand and open your mind.

Try thinking for yourself for once.

I think for myself everyday. It's exhausting......hahahahaha

Why not approach your position without trying to insult one faction of people. Also, if we're being "honest" you'll admit that the parties flipped policies and platforms many many many.....hell - a long time ago. So it's false to suggest that the democrats of today were the democrats of yester-years. I'm sure you'll also admit (since we're being honest) that the current approach of today's republicans is more aligned with those in the past who treated anyone who wasn't white as less than human.
I know....thinking for yourself is exhausting.
I do it every day.
Try bucking up....maybe have a cup of coffee to get yourself going....and try thinking for yourself.

The parties didn't flip policies.
All the Democrats did was change tactics. But for some strange reason they always go back to the same ole playbook they've always been using.
Consider the fact that every thing a Democrat politician says is a lie until proven otherwise by somebody independent. Yes....Republicans lie....but the media never let's them get away with it. Democrats, that's a different story.

Democrats have been allowed to lie to us for so long that when they turn on each other and point out the's a total shock to some people.

They can't argue this fact.....Democrats supported slavery.....and they brought blacks to America on ships. Now they're bring their new blacks thru our Southern border.

Democrats support cheap labor and human-trafficking. They plan on registering "refugees" by the millions and are already using them to steal elections all over the country. They're tipping it off with their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.

They claim they care about these people, but in reality, everything they complain about, they set up in the first place. There was no argument from Democrats when Obama asked for money to pay for these detention they're fighting Trump tooth and nail over every last cent....intentionally making the situation worse......


Democrats voted to limit the number of beds in detention facilities. They refuse to fund those same facilities while showboating about how decrepit these facilities are. If you notice, not one of them is seen inside the facilities when they pontificate about what a terrible state they're in. They're always standing outside lying their asses off about the conditions. Here's the rub: They wanted this to happen. They planned on it.


Meanwhile, the cities they run are rat infested shitholes. After years of neglect and billions of dollars dumped into the pockets of the rich, no improvement is on the horizon. Democrats aren't even remotely decent leaders. They are excellent instigators. They get people worked up into a frenzy. That's the only thing they're good at. Truth be told....Blacks are beginning to realize that the party that claims to care about them has abandoned them for another group of newcomers.



Blacks were enslaved by the welfare state. Democrats are as we speak enslaving a new generation of slaves with this same welfare state.

Liberal crying fake tears over Baltimore

“Democrats brought blacks here on ships” there is so much different kinds of stupid in this statement I honestly don’t know where to begin.

Well, feel free to start.
True - both sides attack the other. I wish that were not the case.
I'm only suggesting when posting an article why not "try" and pose it in a way that welcomes discussion rather then a defense.

Because the left and right are not cordial. They are at war. They see each other as the evil opposition that must be stopped at all costs.
Yes.....Dutch and English slavers brought the first slaves to America in the state of Virginia.....but if you look at the history of slavery....and the Civil War....Virginia supported slavery.

So much is said about how Republicans are whites who hate minorities....but this isn't true at all. Some of the whites who are the most racist live in the South and are registered Democrats.

Wow, what a surprise!!!


History of slavery in Virginia - Wikipedia

Virginia in the American Civil War - Wikipedia

They can't argue this fact.....Democrats supported slavery.....and they brought blacks to America on ships. Now they're bring their new blacks thru our Southern border.

Democrats support cheap labor and human-trafficking. They plan on registering "refugees" by the millions and are already using them to steal elections all over the country. They're tipping it off with their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.

They claim they care about these people, but in reality, everything they complain about, they set up in the first place. There was no argument from Democrats when Obama asked for money to pay for these detention they're fighting Trump tooth and nail over every last cent....intentionally making the situation worse......


Democrats voted to limit the number of beds in detention facilities. They refuse to fund those same facilities while showboating about how decrepit these facilities are. If you notice, not one of them is seen inside the facilities when they pontificate about what a terrible state they're in. They're always standing outside lying their asses off about the conditions. Here's the rub: They wanted this to happen. They planned on it.


Meanwhile, the cities they run are rat infested shitholes. After years of neglect and billions of dollars dumped into the pockets of the rich, no improvement is on the horizon. Democrats aren't even remotely decent leaders. They are excellent instigators. They get people worked up into a frenzy. That's the only thing they're good at. Truth be told....Blacks are beginning to realize that the party that claims to care about them has abandoned them for another group of newcomers.



Blacks were enslaved by the welfare state. Democrats are as we speak enslaving a new generation of slaves with this same welfare state.

Liberal crying fake tears over Baltimore

We could be promoting the general welfare upgrading Ellis Island.

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