Democrats Block Key Witness Against Shadowy Russian-Backed Firm Fusion GPS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Once on the attack with Fake News Russia-Generated 'dirt' on Trump, the Democrats are circling the wagons and attempting to obstruct / DELAY investigations into THEIR crimes / attempted foreign election interference / collusion...

Russia probe: Democrats block key witness against shadowy firm Fusion GPS

"Senate Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver Wednesday to cut short a high-profile hearing, where a key witness was set to testify on Russia's misdeeds and also raise fresh allegations against the company behind the infamous anti-Trump dossier.

Bill Browder, the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital, was set to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that the co-founder of the firm Fusion GPS was hired to conduct a "smear campaign" against him. Further, he planned to testify the campaign was orchestrated by Natalia Veselnitskaya -- the Russian attorney who sought the highly scrutinized Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort in June 2016.

Browder released written testimony ahead of the hearing but his public remarks were delayed when Democrats invoked the "two-hour rule" to protest Republican efforts to repeal ObamaCare. The seldom-used rule bars committees from meeting more than two hours after the full Senate begins a session."

Veselnitskaya is Putin's lawyer who Barry, Loretta, and Jeh allowed into the US by over-riding the Dept of Immigration's denial of her entry into the country. The Dossier turned out to be foreign/Russia-generated Trump-smear propaganda. And Fusion GPS has since been linked to Russia.

"“This was one of the best examples of Putin’s propaganda.”"

“Mr. Simpson’s company, Fusion GPS, is the same firm that oversaw the creation of the unverified Trump Dossier,” Grassley said in his opening statement. “It is vital for the Committee to fully understand Fusion’s failure to register under FARA and its role in the creating and spreading of the dossier.”

"Grassley acknowledged that around the same time Fusion helped to “orchestrate a propaganda campaign” to repeal the Magnitsky Act, Fusion “appears to have been involved in the creation of the dirty Trump Dossier.”

“There are public reports that the FBI used the dossier to kickstart its Russia investigation—Did the FBI know that Fusion pitched Russian propaganda for another client as it pushed the Trump dossier?”

So the entire Fake Trump Russia Collusion' Witch Hunt was started on / based on the FAKE Russia-generated Propaganda Dossier the FBI PAID FOR.

End the madness...stop the Witch Hunt now. This should kill it once and for all and send Mueller and his 'I hate Trump' dream team packing.
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Once on the attack with Fake News Russia-Generated 'dirt' on Trump, the Democrats are circling the wagons and attempting to obstruct / DELAY investigations into THEIR crimes / attempted foreign election interference / collusion...

Russia probe: Democrats block key witness against shadowy firm Fusion GPS

"Senate Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver Wednesday to cut short a high-profile hearing, where a key witness was set to testify on Russia's misdeeds and also raise fresh allegations against the company behind the infamous anti-Trump dossier.

Bill Browder, the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital, was set to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that the co-founder of the firm Fusion GPS was hired to conduct a "smear campaign" against him. Further, he planned to testify the campaign was orchestrated by Natalia Veselnitskaya -- the Russian attorney who sought the highly scrutinized Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort in June 2016.

Browder released written testimony ahead of the hearing but his public remarks were delayed when Democrats invoked the "two-hour rule" to protest Republican efforts to repeal ObamaCare. The seldom-used rule bars committees from meeting more than two hours after the full Senate begins a session."

Veselnitskaya is Putin's lawyer who Barry, Loretta, and Jeh allowed into the US by over-riding the Dept of Immigration's denial of her entry into the country. The Dossier turned out to be foreign/Russia-generated Trump-smear propaganda. And Fusion GPS has since been linked to Russia.

"“This was one of the best examples of Putin’s propaganda.”"

“Mr. Simpson’s company, Fusion GPS, is the same firm that oversaw the creation of the unverified Trump Dossier,” Grassley said in his opening statement. “It is vital for the Committee to fully understand Fusion’s failure to register under FARA and its role in the creating and spreading of the dossier.”

"Grassley acknowledged that around the same time Fusion helped to “orchestrate a propaganda campaign” to repeal the Magnitsky Act, Fusion “appears to have been involved in the creation of the dirty Trump Dossier.”

“There are public reports that the FBI used the dossier to kickstart its Russia investigation—Did the FBI know that Fusion pitched Russian propaganda for another client as it pushed the Trump dossier?”

So the entire Fake Trump Russia Collusion' Witch Hunt was started on / based on the FAKE Russia-generated Propaganda Dossier the FBI PAID FOR.

End the madness...stop the Witch Hunt now. This should kill it once and for all and send Mueller and his 'I hate Trump/ dream team packing.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,

“Natalia engaged Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS in order to run an anti-Magnitsky Act smear campaign in Washington D.C. which was funded by sources connected to the Russian government,”

“It’s the sort of thing they specialize in—mainstreaming false smears, allegations that are so salacious and over the top that people assume they must be true,”

“I think it’s clear that this is not the case of a company that forgot to register, or didn’t know that they had to register,” Halvorsson told Fox News. “Fusion GPS purposely, and quite deliberately, chose not to register so that their activity would fly under the radar, leading people to see the result of their work as organic and real, pushing a noble vision of truth, instead of what it actually is –smear campaigns in return for large enough retainers.”'


  • upload_2017-7-26_13-42-13.jpeg
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This is just the way it works in todays world. Cover your Ass CYA is the word of the day. The Demo have a wide range of crap they have to cover and this includes Clintons. The DNC has everything from alleged Murder to election rigging, and pay offs, and pergery false testamentary so just pick your poison. The Media will not touch any of this because they are the 5th arm of the DNC and follow orders from the owners. I know Soros owns both newspapers and theDNC

George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.


  • big
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Looks like Fusion GPS is the new Ebola/Benghazi/Jade Helm :rolleyes:

You're in power now, rubes. You can't run a country with nutter conspiracies. Independent voters will not be distracted by your nonsense.
Looks like Fusion GPS is the new Ebola/Benghazi/Jade Helm :rolleyes:

You're in power now, rubes. You can't run a country with nutter conspiracies. Independent voters will not be distracted by your nonsense.
'Conspiracies'? The LIBERAL Conspiracies just died with this revelation and evidence of Democratic Party / Barry-Lynch-Johnson-Putin-Veselnitskaya-Fusion GPS bombshell.
apparently the Dems are the baddest mofo's on the planet, the candyass RussianWingers cant stop them from doing anything.

apparently the Dems are the baddest mofo's on the planet, the candyass RussianWingers cant stop them from doing anything.

Yes, much light cockroaches....until you turn on the kitchen light in the middle of the night. Then they all scatter for cover. :p
Looks like Fusion GPS is the new Ebola/Benghazi/Jade Helm :rolleyes:

You're in power now, rubes. You can't run a country with nutter conspiracies. Independent voters will not be distracted by your nonsense.
'Conspiracies'? The LIBERAL Conspiracies just died with this revelation and evidence of Democratic Party / Barry-Lynch-Johnson-Putin-Veselnitskaya-Fusion GPS bombshell.
“There are public reports that the FBI used the dossier to kickstart its Russia investigation—Did the FBI know that Fusion pitched Russian propaganda for another client as it pushed the Trump dossier?”

So the entire Fake Trump Russia Collusion' Witch Hunt was started on / based on the FAKE Russia-generated Propaganda Dossier Obama's FBI PAID FOR.

End the madness...stop the Witch Hunt now. This is the evidence that this entire Witch Hunt has been BS from the very start! It should kill it once and for all and send Mueller and his 'I hate Trump' dream team packing.
Before this he had said thru his lawyers that he was going to plead the 5th. So this is a good turnaround because he has a lot to answer for.
Were I him, I would hire several body guards and food tasters...just to ensure he doesn't have an 'accident'. :p
I want to know exactly when Steele was hired. Because after Trump won the nomination the Never Trumper bowed out. So when the Democrats took over paying Fusion GPS were they the ones that paid for the Russian informants?
Once on the attack with Fake News Russia-Generated 'dirt' on Trump, the Democrats are circling the wagons and attempting to obstruct / DELAY investigations into THEIR crimes / attempted foreign election interference / collusion...

Russia probe: Democrats block key witness against shadowy firm Fusion GPS

"Senate Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver Wednesday to cut short a high-profile hearing, where a key witness was set to testify on Russia's misdeeds and also raise fresh allegations against the company behind the infamous anti-Trump dossier.

Bill Browder, the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital, was set to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that the co-founder of the firm Fusion GPS was hired to conduct a "smear campaign" against him. Further, he planned to testify the campaign was orchestrated by Natalia Veselnitskaya -- the Russian attorney who sought the highly scrutinized Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort in June 2016.

Browder released written testimony ahead of the hearing but his public remarks were delayed when Democrats invoked the "two-hour rule" to protest Republican efforts to repeal ObamaCare. The seldom-used rule bars committees from meeting more than two hours after the full Senate begins a session."

Veselnitskaya is Putin's lawyer who Barry, Loretta, and Jeh allowed into the US by over-riding the Dept of Immigration's denial of her entry into the country. The Dossier turned out to be foreign/Russia-generated Trump-smear propaganda. And Fusion GPS has since been linked to Russia.

"“This was one of the best examples of Putin’s propaganda.”"

“Mr. Simpson’s company, Fusion GPS, is the same firm that oversaw the creation of the unverified Trump Dossier,” Grassley said in his opening statement. “It is vital for the Committee to fully understand Fusion’s failure to register under FARA and its role in the creating and spreading of the dossier.”

"Grassley acknowledged that around the same time Fusion helped to “orchestrate a propaganda campaign” to repeal the Magnitsky Act, Fusion “appears to have been involved in the creation of the dirty Trump Dossier.”

“There are public reports that the FBI used the dossier to kickstart its Russia investigation—Did the FBI know that Fusion pitched Russian propaganda for another client as it pushed the Trump dossier?”

So the entire Fake Trump Russia Collusion' Witch Hunt was started on / based on the FAKE Russia-generated Propaganda Dossier the FBI PAID FOR.

End the madness...stop the Witch Hunt now. This should kill it once and for all and send Mueller and his 'I hate Trump' dream team packing.

His testimony was delayed. Browder now is expected to testify Thursday, but his statement makes clear that he will have plenty to say about Fusion GPS

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