Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi

Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi
31 Dec 19 ~ By Julio Rosas
Liberals did not let the escalating situation in Iraq go to waste in their attempt to score political points as Iranian-backed militias breached the International Zone of Baghdad, known as the Green Zone, and attacked the U.S. Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday. Activist groups, liberal pundits, and Democratic politicians said the ongoing situation is either President Trump's fault or this will go down as his Benghazi moment, referring to when Libyan militias attacked a U.S. mission building on September 11, 2012. Four Americans were killed in the 13-hour attack, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

I’m sure Trump welcomes a comparison of Benghazi and Baghdad. It shows the difference when the commander in chief backs his people. He was there to answer the call at 3 AM.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats claiming this is Trump's Benghazi? You mean that PMS.DSA Democrat Leftists are admitting the Benghazi atrocity was not caused by a video? I haven't heard of a Iranian political video in the mix, yet. Maybe that's because Hillary has nothing to do with this latest incident. This type of incident represents a test of leadership. Obama and Hillary failed their test Miserably. Trump seems to be doing just fine.
Dems are just waiting for any decision he makes so they can criticize it. Note none of them have any clue how to deal with the situation.
Of course they do- that's their motivation for living- it's someone else's fault- just not a Democrat someone- idiots and their acolytes, on both sides refuse to see the forest because the trees are in the way.
Of course they do- that's their motivation for living- it's someone else's fault- just not a Democrat someone- idiots and their acolytes, on both sides refuse to see the forest because the trees are in the way.

Way to piss in mammy's cornbread, bub. It's always "both side's" fault with you politically-unidentifiable libertarians/anarchists, isn't it?

And yet, there's never been a third-party candidate who even came close to winning an election.

And yet, there's never been a third-party candidate who even came close to winning an election.
Because people are ignorant- anyone who defends fascism isn't very knowledgeable- or smart- in our duoply "the lesser of 2 evils" is still evil- it's not rocket science- one brand over another is still fascist- this Country is so far from it's original concept it'll never recover- and while it won't have an effect on people my age it will have on people your age- Liberty and Justice for all- all has no caveats- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- again, no caveats in all- wallow in your glory while you can- it will end, in your time, and you'll have no one to blame but your ignorant self-
And yet, there's never been a third-party candidate who even came close to winning an election.
Because people are ignorant- anyone who defends fascism isn't very knowledgeable- or smart- in our duoply "the lesser of 2 evils" is still evil- it's not rocket science- one brand over another is still fascist- this Country is so far from it's original concept it'll never recover- and while it won't have an effect on people my age it will have on people your age- Liberty and Justice for all- all has no caveats- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- again, no caveats in all- wallow in your glory while you can- it will end, in your time, and you'll have no one to blame but your ignorant self-

Please, spare me the flowery-written prose about lofty ideals and how some schmuck like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, John McAffe, or Justin Amash was supposed to "save the country from tyranny, and restore constitutional liberty."

I appreciate the help back in 2010 when the Tea Party precipitated the take-back of Congress, but this is the Trump era. He's getting shit done, and not just dreaming about it while he wears a three-cornered hat and polishes a musket. Trump is the real deal and the closest you're ever going to come to bringing this country back into alignment with what made it so great in the first place. If you're not with him, then you're against him.
If you're not with him, then you're against him.
I'm pro Individual rights- nothing prosaic about it- your deflection is noted- I don't subscribe to ANY one Party- nor any politician- and your attempt at eloquence failed you- which is typical of a blind acolyte- google it-
If you're not with him, then you're against him.
I'm pro Individual rights- nothing prosaic about it- your deflection is noted- I don't subscribe to ANY one Party- nor any politician- and your attempt at eloquence failed you- which is typical of a blind acolyte- google it-

I already knew that you're not a party animal. But far be it from me to get into a piss-fight with a skunk. The time for registering a protest vote has done passed and gone. If you're not with us, then you're against us, pure and simple.
Benghazi my ass.

Hitlery's State Department had plenty of warning and did nothing. That's why we lost four good men.

Trump handled this one like Benghazi should have been handled. Send in Marines and attack choppers. If the host country doesn't like it. Tough fucking shit.
Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi

Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi
31 Dec 19 ~ By Julio Rosas
Liberals did not let the escalating situation in Iraq go to waste in their attempt to score political points as Iranian-backed militias breached the International Zone of Baghdad, known as the Green Zone, and attacked the U.S. Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday. Activist groups, liberal pundits, and Democratic politicians said the ongoing situation is either President Trump's fault or this will go down as his Benghazi moment, referring to when Libyan militias attacked a U.S. mission building on September 11, 2012. Four Americans were killed in the 13-hour attack, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

I’m sure Trump welcomes a comparison of Benghazi and Baghdad. It shows the difference when the commander in chief backs his people. He was there to answer the call at 3 AM.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats claiming this is Trump's Benghazi? You mean that PMS.DSA Democrat Leftists are admitting the Benghazi atrocity was not caused by a video? I haven't heard of a Iranian political video in the mix, yet. Maybe that's because Hillary has nothing to do with this latest incident. This type of incident represents a test of leadership. Obama and Hillary failed their test Miserably. Trump seems to be doing just fine.

Townhall - the right wing site.

1) Trump's attacks in Iraq was the reason for the rioting.

2) This was an official embassy constructed for security benghazi was not & was a temporary location.

3) Rioters now were unarmed. Benghazi attackers were armed as the civil war had just ended.

4) This attack had nothing to do with Pompeo just as Benghazi had nothing to do with Clinton. Security issuers are handed by career officials.

5) When the Benghazi attacked happened, that video did cause rioting in many Arab cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? The video was present as current possibility with investigations coming.

6) We had military close by, there was none in Benghazi.

6) Trumpettes still lie about Benghazi even after a gazillion Republican investigations with none finding Clinton responsible. Trumpettes love to use the death of Americans as politocal fodder.
Benghazi my ass.

Hitlery's State Department had plenty of warning and did nothing. That's why we lost four good men.

Trump handled this one like Benghazi should have been handled. Send in Marines and attack choppers. If the host country doesn't like it. Tough fucking shit.
Sending in Marines in Benghazi? From where asshole.

Troops moved in after days with Iraq.

Benghazi was over within hours.
Benghazi my ass.

Hitlery's State Department had plenty of warning and did nothing. That's why we lost four good men.

Trump handled this one like Benghazi should have been handled. Send in Marines and attack choppers. If the host country doesn't like it. Tough fucking shit.
8 Benghazi investigations said you`re full of shit. As former Secretary of Defense said "if you think you can make a phone call anywhere in the world and have the U.S. military on the scene within the hour you have a very cartoonish view of the real world".
Benghazi my ass.

Hitlery's State Department had plenty of warning and did nothing. That's why we lost four good men.

Trump handled this one like Benghazi should have been handled. Send in Marines and attack choppers. If the host country doesn't like it. Tough fucking shit.
Sending in Marines in Benghazi? From where asshole.

Troops moved in after days with Iraq.

Benghazi was over within hours.

They had plenty of troops they could have sent that were only hours away. Benghazi was 13 hours of hell for our people.

Our troops could have been there way before those 13 hours were up.
Benghazi my ass.

Hitlery's State Department had plenty of warning and did nothing. That's why we lost four good men.

Trump handled this one like Benghazi should have been handled. Send in Marines and attack choppers. If the host country doesn't like it. Tough fucking shit.
8 Benghazi investigations said you`re full of shit. As former Secretary of Defense said "if you think you can make a phone call anywhere in the world and have the U.S. military on the scene within the hour you have a very cartoonish view of the real world".

Nope. All those investigations proved was that you couldn't be fired for incompetence. And incompetence is what killed those four men.

Hitlery's State Department had many warnings and they had the anniversary of 9-11 on the way.

The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and took those warning seriously.

They pulled their people out of the area. If our incompetent State Department had done the same thing there would have been no Benghazi.

Oh and if this is Trump's Benghazi then he's a winner again. His Benghazi ended much differently than Barry's did. Thank God for a POTUS with the ability and brains to protect our people.
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Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi

Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi
31 Dec 19 ~ By Julio Rosas
Liberals did not let the escalating situation in Iraq go to waste in their attempt to score political points as Iranian-backed militias breached the International Zone of Baghdad, known as the Green Zone, and attacked the U.S. Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday. Activist groups, liberal pundits, and Democratic politicians said the ongoing situation is either President Trump's fault or this will go down as his Benghazi moment, referring to when Libyan militias attacked a U.S. mission building on September 11, 2012. Four Americans were killed in the 13-hour attack, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

I’m sure Trump welcomes a comparison of Benghazi and Baghdad. It shows the difference when the commander in chief backs his people. He was there to answer the call at 3 AM.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats claiming this is Trump's Benghazi? You mean that PMS.DSA Democrat Leftists are admitting the Benghazi atrocity was not caused by a video? I haven't heard of a Iranian political video in the mix, yet. Maybe that's because Hillary has nothing to do with this latest incident. This type of incident represents a test of leadership. Obama and Hillary failed their test Miserably. Trump seems to be doing just fine.

Joy Reid Calls Attack on US Embassy in Baghdad “Trump’s Benghazi” – Don Jr. Drops in and Sets Her Straight

MSNBC host and serial liar Joy Reid had the nerve to compare the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad to the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack which left 4 Americans dead.

Hundreds of Iranian-backed activists stormed the US Embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday.

Iraqi security forces failed to stop the raid on the US Embassy.
The Iraqi protesters were carrying Hezbollah flags.

The Trump Administration immediately responded by sending in over 100 Marines as backup to protect American citizens — no Americans were killed because of decisive action.

AH-64 Apaches were deployed to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad.

US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said, “We have taken appropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of American citizens…and to ensure our right of self-defense. We are sending additional forces to support our personnel at the Embassy.”

Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored countless requests for more security in Benghazi, Libya.

The Obama administration then ignored pleas for help in September of 2012 as the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi was under siege for 13 hours by Islamic terrorists.

4 Americans died because of Obama and Hillary — the Obama admin then lied about the Benghazi attack and claimed it was all because of a YouTube video.


Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi

Democrats Blame US Embassy Attack on Trump, Erroneously Claim This Is His Benghazi
31 Dec 19 ~ By Julio Rosas
Liberals did not let the escalating situation in Iraq go to waste in their attempt to score political points as Iranian-backed militias breached the International Zone of Baghdad, known as the Green Zone, and attacked the U.S. Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday. Activist groups, liberal pundits, and Democratic politicians said the ongoing situation is either President Trump's fault or this will go down as his Benghazi moment, referring to when Libyan militias attacked a U.S. mission building on September 11, 2012. Four Americans were killed in the 13-hour attack, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

I’m sure Trump welcomes a comparison of Benghazi and Baghdad. It shows the difference when the commander in chief backs his people. He was there to answer the call at 3 AM.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats claiming this is Trump's Benghazi? You mean that PMS.DSA Democrat Leftists are admitting the Benghazi atrocity was not caused by a video? I haven't heard of a Iranian political video in the mix, yet. Maybe that's because Hillary has nothing to do with this latest incident. This type of incident represents a test of leadership. Obama and Hillary failed their test Miserably. Trump seems to be doing just fine.

Joy Reid Calls Attack on US Embassy in Baghdad “Trump’s Benghazi” – Don Jr. Drops in and Sets Her Straight

MSNBC host and serial liar Joy Reid had the nerve to compare the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad to the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack which left 4 Americans dead.

Hundreds of Iranian-backed activists stormed the US Embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday.

Iraqi security forces failed to stop the raid on the US Embassy.
The Iraqi protesters were carrying Hezbollah flags.

The Trump Administration immediately responded by sending in over 100 Marines as backup to protect American citizens — no Americans were killed because of decisive action.

AH-64 Apaches were deployed to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad.

US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said, “We have taken appropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of American citizens…and to ensure our right of self-defense. We are sending additional forces to support our personnel at the Embassy.”

Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored countless requests for more security in Benghazi, Libya.

The Obama administration then ignored pleas for help in September of 2012 as the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi was under siege for 13 hours by Islamic terrorists.

4 Americans died because of Obama and Hillary — the Obama admin then lied about the Benghazi attack and claimed it was all because of a YouTube video.


They believed the Democrats impeachment propaganda and thought they were free to do what they did under Carter and Barack Hussein.

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