Democrats' Big 2020 Problem

Beto....well spoken, respectful, smart....and healthy looking that will motivate this nation to get healthier.
He's healthy? Yeah, that's a good reason to vote for a President. He's a dumbass who couldn't beat Cruz even with $70 million in a district loaded with Hispanics.
The suit was dropped because it was purely an election stunt.
Unlike your lie that Biden is pedophile, there are real allegations against the perv Trump for rape. Read the complaint.
"Real allegations?" What makes them real?
I wonder how much the perv Trump paid his victim to drop her lawsuit. I am estimating 10 million.

Hey good news, I hear Jerry Springer is running. You ladies should have no problem with him.

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Why not ? You voted for Trump and he won. As a matter of fact, Trump is Jerry Springer without the ethics or smarts,
If insulting Trump could win the Whitehouse, Hillary would be the President.
The suit was dropped because it was purely an election stunt.
The suit was filed before Trump even announced he was running for president. Try again.

It was obviously bogus. Who cares. Someone else will have to try again. You see what’s happening to the loonies that made stuff up about Kav, right. Maybe we can look forward to some Don tweets about it soon. I would like to see her picture if you have it though. The one now, not at 13 please.

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I will always bring up this Trump whenever Trumpers make false allegations against Biden. The fact is Trump was sued. Whether you believe the allegations or not, is up to you. Just seems strange to me the suit was dropped soon after Trump was elected.

Anyone can be sued. Stormy took her shot. Just sounds absurd. Of all the allegations against him, don’t see him as a kid toucher. There would be tons of others too.

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You're right anyone can be sued. But why would she put herself out there like that? Why file in federal court? You may be right. We do know Trump is big on NDAs.
Her suit was anonymous. The paperwork said "Jane Doe" on it. How did she "put herself out there?" You don't even know if she actually existed.
Lots of Democrats in USMB, in the media, and lots of other places have been saying just wait till 2020. Kind of like in major league baseball, the old saying used to be "wait till next year", after a team lost the world series.

Well, the Democrats can huff and puff all they want about Trump's approval rate, or any of his various scandals in whatever levels of truth or transparency. But the bottom line for Democrats in the next presidential election, is a big problem for them. That is that >> THEY DON'T HAVE A CANDIDATE.

In a new (Nov. 5-6) Hill.TV American Barometer poll, which surveyed 680 registered voters who identified themselves as Democrats or Independents, found that "none of the above" was the most popular choice among potential 2020 challengers to President Trump.

30% of the sample said they would prefer that "none of the above" become the Democratic nominee when asked to choose among former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker (D), California Sen. Kamala Harris (D), former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

25% of respondents said Biden would be their preferred nominee. Sanders, who ran in the Democratic presidential primary in 2016, came in second with 18%. Other candidates attracted even less support, with Cory Booker coming in last at 3%.

And all this is in contrast to an approximately 90% approval rate from Republicans for President Trump, setting up a Spring 2020 without any Republican primary, with Republicans sitting on the sidelines watching the Democrats beating each other to pulps in primary debates, while taking notes. That is, if the Democrats come up with anybody to actually run in those primaries. :biggrin:

‘None of the above’ tops list of potential 2020 Dems, poll shows

They're going to pull a celebrity, if they're not very smart. If they're smarter, a celebrity/businessman like Trump.
Here are the leading dems for 2020. Biden by 20 points?! I don't see Oprah? The top two are old white guys, so scratch them. Scratch Warren and her 1/1024 problem. Scratch Kerry, another white guy. That leaves Kamala, Spartacus, Bloomberg$$$$$$$$, Beto, and Holder. Plus possibly Oprah$$$$$$$$. If the economy is doing well in 2020 none of them have a prayer, its history, like the dems winning seats in the 2018 midterm.

New poll shows Biden leading Democratic 2020 hopefuls
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden: 33%
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: 13%
  • Sen. Kamala Harris: 9%
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 8%
  • Sen. Cory Booker: 5%
  • Former Secretary of State John Kerry: 5%
  • Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 4%
  • Rep. Beto O'Rourke: 4%
  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder: 3%
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti: 2%
  • Attorney Michael Avenatti: 1%
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 1%
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar: 1%
  • Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick: 1%
Here are the leading dems for 2020. Biden by 20 points?! I don't see Oprah? The top two are old white guys, so scratch them. Scratch Warren and her 1/1024 problem. Scratch Kerry, another white guy. That leaves Kamala, Spartacus, Bloomberg$$$$$$$$, Beto, and Holder. Plus possibly Oprah$$$$$$$$. If the economy is doing well in 2020 none of them have a prayer, its history, like the dems winning seats in the 2018 midterm.

New poll shows Biden leading Democratic 2020 hopefuls
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden: 33%
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: 13%
  • Sen. Kamala Harris: 9%
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 8%
  • Sen. Cory Booker: 5%
  • Former Secretary of State John Kerry: 5%
  • Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 4%
  • Rep. Beto O'Rourke: 4%
  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder: 3%
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti: 2%
  • Attorney Michael Avenatti: 1%
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 1%
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar: 1%
  • Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick: 1%

Who were the leading Repubs in 2014?
Biden is a respected family man and good husband and father

It is your party that elected a three time loser who openly cheated on his wives

If your plan against Biden is to post pictures of him whispering in a young girls ear....we can post pictures of Trump molesting Ivanka and naked pictures of his current wife
Biden is a child molester
Only Trump has been sued for child rape..
The suit was dropped because it was purely an election stunt.
The suit was filed before Trump even announced he was running for president. Try again.

It was obviously bogus. Who cares. Someone else will have to try again. You see what’s happening to the loonies that made stuff up about Kav, right. Maybe we can look forward to some Don tweets about it soon. I would like to see her picture if you have it though. The one now, not at 13 please.

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I can’t hear you!
Fake news.....Fake News
Here are the leading dems for 2020. Biden by 20 points?! I don't see Oprah? The top two are old white guys, so scratch them. Scratch Warren and her 1/1024 problem. Scratch Kerry, another white guy. That leaves Kamala, Spartacus, Bloomberg$$$$$$$$, Beto, and Holder. Plus possibly Oprah$$$$$$$$. If the economy is doing well in 2020 none of them have a prayer, its history, like the dems winning seats in the 2018 midterm.

New poll shows Biden leading Democratic 2020 hopefuls
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden: 33%
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: 13%
  • Sen. Kamala Harris: 9%
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 8%
  • Sen. Cory Booker: 5%
  • Former Secretary of State John Kerry: 5%
  • Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 4%
  • Rep. Beto O'Rourke: 4%
  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder: 3%
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti: 2%
  • Attorney Michael Avenatti: 1%
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 1%
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar: 1%
  • Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick: 1%
Like I said....Biden in 2020

Old white guy vs old orange guy
"That Donald Trump will never get 270 electoral votes, Hillary will easily beat him..."

"That Mueller investigation will get rid of Trump, yea you just wait and see..."

"There's going to be a massive blue wave in 2018, you just wait and see..."

"You just wait until 2020, we'll show you, yes sir, you betcha..."

"We're gonna get us a Democrat in the White House in 2028, you just wait and see, ya you betcha..."

Every time I predicted Democrats would win the House, most Republicans would pull the "Forecasters were wrong about Trump haha " card,
Then the Democrats won the House.
Keep getting stuck in 2016. Your denial helps us.
Polling was spot on in the last election

Showed an electorate moving to the left
Here are the leading dems for 2020. Biden by 20 points?! I don't see Oprah? The top two are old white guys, so scratch them. Scratch Warren and her 1/1024 problem. Scratch Kerry, another white guy. That leaves Kamala, Spartacus, Bloomberg$$$$$$$$, Beto, and Holder. Plus possibly Oprah$$$$$$$$. If the economy is doing well in 2020 none of them have a prayer, its history, like the dems winning seats in the 2018 midterm.

New poll shows Biden leading Democratic 2020 hopefuls
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden: 33%
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: 13%
  • Sen. Kamala Harris: 9%
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 8%
  • Sen. Cory Booker: 5%
  • Former Secretary of State John Kerry: 5%
  • Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 4%
  • Rep. Beto O'Rourke: 4%
  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder: 3%
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti: 2%
  • Attorney Michael Avenatti: 1%
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 1%
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar: 1%
  • Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick: 1%

Who were the leading Repubs in 2014?

There were many "undeclared" in 2015 but were thinking about it. All in all there ended up being 17 on the two stages, the main table and the kiddie table. The first few primaries show the contenders from the wannabees. Okay, imagine a few democrat billionaires come down the escalator in 2020, who do you like...
Mark Cuban $3.3b
Oprah Winfry $3.1b
Tom Steyer $1.6b
Bloomberg $58.0b
Elon Musk $24.9b

Did I miss anyone? I can't imagine that Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Ellison, or Steve Ballmer would enter politics?! So the 2020 race should be interesting for the dems. Truth be told, there are a billionaire or two I'd vote for!
There were many "undeclared" in 2015 but were thinking about it....

So, how many of the front runners in 2014/15 ended up with the nomination?

It does not have to be a billionaire, but it will be someone not being talked about now, that is how it almost always happens.

Hilary was the favorite over Obama.

McCain was the favorite over Bush II.

Hell, in 1990 just about nobody knew who Bill Clinton was and he sure was not being talked about as a contender.

Being the front runner 2 years out is the kiss of death, too long for your enemies on both sides to attack you.
Biden is a child molester
Only Trump has been sued for child rape..
The suit was dropped because it was purely an election stunt.
The suit was filed before Trump even announced he was running for president. Try again.

It was obviously bogus. Who cares. Someone else will have to try again. You see what’s happening to the loonies that made stuff up about Kav, right. Maybe we can look forward to some Don tweets about it soon. I would like to see her picture if you have it though. The one now, not at 13 please.

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I can’t hear you!
Fake news.....Fake News

Were you recently volunteering in Florida counting votes?

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There were many "undeclared" in 2015 but were thinking about it....

So, how many of the front runners in 2014/15 ended up with the nomination?
It does not have to be a billionaire, but it will be someone not being talked about now, that is how it almost always happens.
Hillary was the favorite over Obama.
McCain was the favorite over Bush II.
Hell, in 1990 just about nobody knew who Bill Clinton was and he sure was not being talked about as a contender.
Being the front runner 2 years out is the kiss of death, too long for your enemies on both sides to attack you.

The front runners have name recognition and not much else. Trump had no political organization, but quickly developed the "never-Trumpers" with his abrasive winning style. In 2016 IMHO the pissed-off Bernie voters cost Hillary the election. I know that if I was a Bernie voter and the super-delegates robbed my candidate I'd vote for the opposition just for spite. In 2024 there may be a backlash against an establishment "never-Trumper" republican, I know I will never vote for any never-Trumper, ever.

The dems still have the "super-delegates" so whoever the party bosses say wins will win. Its not like an open fair voting process.
Lots of Democrats in USMB, in the media, and lots of other places have been saying just wait till 2020. Kind of like in major league baseball, the old saying used to be "wait till next year", after a team lost the world series.

Well, the Democrats can huff and puff all they want about Trump's approval rate, or any of his various scandals in whatever levels of truth or transparency. But the bottom line for Democrats in the next presidential election, is a big problem for them. That is that >> THEY DON'T HAVE A CANDIDATE.

In a new (Nov. 5-6) Hill.TV American Barometer poll, which surveyed 680 registered voters who identified themselves as Democrats or Independents, found that "none of the above" was the most popular choice among potential 2020 challengers to President Trump.

30% of the sample said they would prefer that "none of the above" become the Democratic nominee when asked to choose among former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker (D), California Sen. Kamala Harris (D), former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

25% of respondents said Biden would be their preferred nominee. Sanders, who ran in the Democratic presidential primary in 2016, came in second with 18%. Other candidates attracted even less support, with Cory Booker coming in last at 3%.

And all this is in contrast to an approximately 90% approval rate from Republicans for President Trump, setting up a Spring 2020 without any Republican primary, with Republicans sitting on the sidelines watching the Democrats beating each other to pulps in primary debates, while taking notes. That is, if the Democrats come up with anybody to actually run in those primaries. :biggrin:

‘None of the above’ tops list of potential 2020 Dems, poll shows
So two old white guys are the top contenders for the Democrat nominee for President. Now that's funny.
There were many "undeclared" in 2015 but were thinking about it....

So, how many of the front runners in 2014/15 ended up with the nomination?
It does not have to be a billionaire, but it will be someone not being talked about now, that is how it almost always happens.
Hillary was the favorite over Obama.
McCain was the favorite over Bush II.
Hell, in 1990 just about nobody knew who Bill Clinton was and he sure was not being talked about as a contender.
Being the front runner 2 years out is the kiss of death, too long for your enemies on both sides to attack you.

The front runners have name recognition and not much else. Trump had no political organization, but quickly developed the "never-Trumpers" with his abrasive winning style. In 2016 IMHO the pissed-off Bernie voters cost Hillary the election. I know that if I was a Bernie voter and the super-delegates robbed my candidate I'd vote for the opposition just for spite. In 2024 there may be a backlash against an establishment "never-Trumper" republican, I know I will never vote for any never-Trumper, ever.

The dems still have the "super-delegates" so whoever the party bosses say wins will win. Its not like an open fair voting process.

I do not think we will have to wait till 2024 to see the backlash. Some key states flipped their governorships to Dem this election, that cannot be overlooked.

I am still not convinced Trump will even run in 2024.

The Super-delegates have never been the deciding factor in any Dem nomination, despite what your talking points emails tell you

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