Democrats Begin Lowering Expectations For Mueller: Lotta Noise, Not Much Clarity / Action


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

"Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump
told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."
(And He's has already been debunked...)

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Regulations governing the special counsel say that at the conclusion of his work, he "shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions." Then, it's up to the attorney general to determine whether releasing some information would be in the public interest. (Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his association with the Trump campaign; Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation.)

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In the months ahead, Zeidenberg said, "there is going to be a lot of noise, but not much clarity as to what's going on."

True to form, a spokesman for special counsel Mueller declined to comment for this story."

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For
Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

"Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump
told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."
(And He's has already been debunked...)

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Regulations governing the special counsel say that at the conclusion of his work, he "shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions." Then, it's up to the attorney general to determine whether releasing some information would be in the public interest. (Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his association with the Trump campaign; Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation.)

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In the months ahead, Zeidenberg said, "there is going to be a lot of noise, but not much clarity as to what's going on."

True to form, a spokesman for special counsel Mueller declined to comment for this story."

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

it's going to be "Fitzmas" all over again.
Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

"Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump
told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."
(And He's has already been debunked...)

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Regulations governing the special counsel say that at the conclusion of his work, he "shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions." Then, it's up to the attorney general to determine whether releasing some information would be in the public interest. (Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his association with the Trump campaign; Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation.)

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In the months ahead, Zeidenberg said, "there is going to be a lot of noise, but not much clarity as to what's going on."

True to form, a spokesman for special counsel Mueller declined to comment for this story."

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

"Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump
told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."
(And He's has already been debunked...)

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Regulations governing the special counsel say that at the conclusion of his work, he "shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions." Then, it's up to the attorney general to determine whether releasing some information would be in the public interest. (Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his association with the Trump campaign; Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation.)

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In the months ahead, Zeidenberg said, "there is going to be a lot of noise, but not much clarity as to what's going on."

True to form, a spokesman for special counsel Mueller declined to comment for this story."

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

trump has badmouthed dems,his own party, the pope mexico, canada germany france etc etc BUT NOT Putin Wonder why?
Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

"Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump
told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."
(And He's has already been debunked...)

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Regulations governing the special counsel say that at the conclusion of his work, he "shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions." Then, it's up to the attorney general to determine whether releasing some information would be in the public interest. (Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his association with the Trump campaign; Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation.)

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In the months ahead, Zeidenberg said, "there is going to be a lot of noise, but not much clarity as to what's going on."

True to form, a spokesman for special counsel Mueller declined to comment for this story."

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

trump has badmouthed dems,his own party, the pope mexico, canada germany france etc etc BUT NOT Putin Wonder why?

man you really REALLY got him this time --LOL@URETARD
The racist and corrupt Democratic Party can’t win fairly so they are attempting to use soft coup political smear tactics to try and get back into power.
A "top investigator" from the FBI leaves just after being tapped by Mueller to join:
One of the FBI's top investigators, tapped by special counsel Robert Mueller just weeks ago to help lead the probe of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election, has left Mueller's team, sources tell ABC News.

The recent departure of the FBI veteran, Peter Strzok, is the first known hitch in a secretive probe that, by all public accounts, is charging full steam ahead.


It's unclear why Strzok stepped away from Mueller's team of nearly two dozen lawyers, investigators and administrative staffers. Strzok, who has spent much of his law enforcement career working counterintelligence cases and has been unanimously praised by government officials who spoke with ABC News, is now working for the FBI's human resources division.

Special counsel's Russia probe loses top FBI investigator

The MSM has to pretend they are baffled by the departure - "It's unclear why Strzok stepped away".

Gee, maybe he saw what a shit show it was and wanted no part of it. He probably doesn't want his career to be tied to this witch hunt that is a colossal waste of taxpayer money and hasn't turned up any evidence that there was any "collusion" at all.
The racist and corrupt Democratic Party can’t win fairly so they are attempting to use soft coup political smear tactics to try and get back into power.

Now, even a moron like you should have figured out that if Trump were gone, who would take over the WH?
Democrats think it is fair to make the evidence if they can't find any. It is fair to just lie about evidence if they can't find any. The ends justify the means.
Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

"Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump
told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."
(And He's has already been debunked...)

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Regulations governing the special counsel say that at the conclusion of his work, he "shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions." Then, it's up to the attorney general to determine whether releasing some information would be in the public interest. (Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his association with the Trump campaign; Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation.)

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In the months ahead, Zeidenberg said, "there is going to be a lot of noise, but not much clarity as to what's going on."

True to form, a spokesman for special counsel Mueller declined to comment for this story."

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

trump has badmouthed dems,his own party, the pope mexico, canada germany france etc etc BUT NOT Putin Wonder why?

man you really REALLY got him this time --LOL@URETARD
Not my fault you can't add 1+1

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