Democrats Are Using an Old Playbook

As a WW2 history buff, it is amazing to see the parallels of the tactics used by the NAZI party to gain power with today’s Democratic Party. The only difference right now is they lack a charismatic speaker.
No, Godwin’s rule does not apply when specific facts are stated.

Use race to divide people. ✔

Eliminate police and replace with your own version. ✔

Take jobs away from those who politically disagree with you. ✔

Close businesses that politically disagree with you. ✔

Physically assault those who politically disagree with you. ✔

Control the media and use it for propaganda. ✔

Rampant anti-Semitism. ✔

Preach about unity while violently attacking anyone who opposes. ✔

Attack the accepted political voting systems and replace it with systems that allow fraud. ✔

Rewrite history to fit a narrative to demonize your political opposition. ✔

Paint yourself as a false victim of your political rivals. ✔

Socialism is a major component of the political party. ✔

Use young people to promote violence to suppress opposition and create chaos. ✔

Trump used the same strategy that Hitler used in rise rise to power. First of all blame foreigners for your problems. Trump has attacked every minority group and his supporters use the same tactics. Secondly d9ivide people along racial lines. For Hitler, it was white Aryans. For Trump it is white males.

Your so-called checks are so much garbage and none of it is true. You apparently want to re-fight the civil war. Voting by mail is no more open to fraud than other methods.

Hitler didn't blame foreigners, you illiterate twerp. He blamed the Jews who were as much citizens of Germany - and the countries Germany eventually conquered - as anyone else. Geez, get a book . . . and someone to read it to you.

Trump hasn't "attacked minority groups". He's stated facts, and tweekos like you have lied that they were attacks, and then demanded that everyone condemn him on the basis of your dishonest interpretation. How about no?

Also, I KNOW you do not have the gall to vilify Trump or anyone else for "dividing along racial lines", you pusillanimous sack of crap. Identity politics is not a right-wing concept, and it's certainly not a Trump concept, and how DARE you try to support the party of "gotta check the intersectional boxes" by accusing Trump of racial division?

Seriously, be sure you don't stand near anyone else, because when the lightning hits you for the evil lies you're spewing, we don't want innocent bystanders caught in the backlash.

Not even bothering to read and respond to the rest of this, because vermin like you aren't worth it. Take your fleas and begone, plague rat.

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