Democrats are up against something far bigger than politics or issues

The reason they come now is nobody is stopping them. Many of them surrender to the BP because they know that's their ticket into the country. Surrender, make a phony asylum claim, they let you out into the country until your court date which many don't show up for, and then hide in a sanctuary city somewhere where they'll never be seen again.
The asylum claims are rarely phony, those are usually immediately sent back across the border. And by a large margin, the vast majority of those asylum seekers show up for their hearing. Not really sure why all this obsession on the border. The majority of residents here illegally came legally and overstayed their Visa.

During fiscal 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) found that 701,900 immigrants with visas remained in the U.S. past their expected departure date, more than double the 303,916 immigrants apprehended at the border during that same time frame. A report by the Center for Migration Studies found this pattern to be true for every year since 2007.

I'm not surprised that you don't understand what's good about America, because it damn sure isn't you.
No, I have an idea of what makes America great. But your the second responder that has refused to provide concrete ideals that you believe initiate American exceptionalism. I will give you an example of what I believe is an American trait, and one that I strongly believe is not.

First, the border. Yes, the border. Restricting access to immigration is about an as unAmerican as it gets. Jus Soilis is a rarity in the modern world. This nation was founded with open borders and immigration restrictions were few and far between for more than a 100 years. I mean we have struggled with this issue before, the "Know Nothing" party a case in point. But the diversity built through immigration is central to American exceptionalism.

What is not American is this whole thing about disputing elections. Trump knew, as court documents have revealed, that he lost the election. Close examination shows that not only did Trump know he lost, he knew he going to lose. He set forth this whole "stop the steal" movement prior to the first vote being counted, and it was little more than a coup attempt against the will of the American people. America's ability to transfer power from one president to another has been a hallmark of American exceptionalism. Tearing that asunder IS NOT fighting for the American Republic.
No, I have an idea of what makes America great. But your the second responder that has refused to provide concrete ideals that you believe initiate American exceptionalism. I will give you an example of what I believe is an American trait, and one that I strongly believe is not.

Becasue as I said, you oppose it regardless. We can both have a general idea about it, and if our posiition are in opposition, we can oppose each other on that basis,

Spending time discussing the exact details of our various definitions, is an irrelevancy designed to distract from the point, ie that you are an Anti-American.
First, the border. Yes, the border. Restricting access to immigration is about an as unAmerican as it gets. Jus Soilis is a rarity in the modern world. This nation was founded with open borders and immigration restrictions were few and far between for more than a 100 years. I mean we have struggled with this issue before, the "Know Nothing" party a case in point. But the diversity built through immigration is central to American exceptionalism.

The nation CHOOSE to have a very generous immigration policy. That was our choice at that time.

THe anti-American LEFT today, argues that for some reason, we don't have hte RIGHT to have a different policy, is we so choose.

ALONE among nations, we do not have hte Right of SELF DETERMINATION. according to lefties.
Americans want nothing to do with democrat policies. You know what is far bigger than politics and your issues (Roe) It's God. And he puts the fear of God into you. That's why you fight so hard for everything that is in opposition to his word. Keep talkin'.
Americans want nothing to do with democrat policies. You know what is far bigger than politics and your issues (Roe) It's God. And he puts the fear of God into you. That's why you fight so hard for everything that is in opposition to his word. Keep talkin'.

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Exodus 20:7

The nation CHOOSE to have a very generous immigration policy. That was our choice at that time.

THe anti-American LEFT today, argues that for some reason, we don't have hte RIGHT to have a different policy, is we so choose.

ALONE among nations, we do not have hte Right of SELF DETERMINATION. according to lefties.
No one has claimed you can't amend immigration restrictions. What I am pointing out is that to do so undermines one of the core foundations of American exceptionalism. You can't pretend to be making America great again when you are doing your best to tear down the very components of our society that have consistently made America great.
Trying to reason with a Trump cultist is like the experience of showing up in Jonestown to try to convince the minions not to drink the Kool-Aid. Logic, facts, rational thought, they don't enter the equation.
Oh shut up, dumbass. Your threads have been taking a beating cause you lie so fucking much.

If you had anything - ANYTHING - but Orange Man Bad I might listen.

But you don't. The orange oozes out every time you open your mouth.
Becasue as I said, you oppose it regardless. We can both have a general idea about it, and if our posiition are in opposition, we can oppose each other on that basis,

Spending time discussing the exact details of our various definitions, is an irrelevancy designed to distract from the point, ie that you are an Anti-American.
What a damn troll you are. You are the one that is un-American. If nothing else, my idea of an American is an independent person that does not pay much attention to what everyone else is doing, or getting. You and those that gave you are thumbs up have consistently shown you have an unhealthy obsession with what everyone else is doing, or getting.

My idea of an American is someone that can think for themselves. They don't need marching orders from lame ass right wing propaganda site. And they have common sense. A trait nonexistent in your kind. Trump's approval ratings were lower than Carter's, and Carter lost in a landslide. Under what scenario could Trump have possibly won?
First, the border. Yes, the border. Restricting access to immigration is about an as unAmerican as it gets. Jus Soilis is a rarity in the modern world. This nation was founded with open borders and immigration restrictions were few and far between for more than a 100 years. I mean we have struggled with this issue before, the "Know Nothing" party a case in point. But the diversity built through immigration is central to American exceptionalism.

Okay, so we have 7.4 billion people on this planet, many I'm sure would love to live in the USA. How many of those 7.4 billion do you propose we let in?

We allowed immigrants into the country when we were building it. We're no longer doing that so additional immigrants are no longer needed. This is now a built and established country where we do more than our part for outsiders. We allow a million people to become citizens of this country every year, and hand out nearly that many green cards and Visa's to those that want to take advantage of everything we created, have a government that provides foreign aid to almost every country, and private charities where Americans use their wealth to help others beyond our borders. So yes, we are exceptional without anybody just drifting into our nation.

The reason we limit outsiders is to keep America as America. These foreigners need time to assimilate into our country instead of bringing their country with them which is what's happening now. It's long past the time we stopped it.
I'm against sex mutilation of children. Any parent that would agree to this should have their head examined.
The government shouldn't be involved in those decisions. What are you, a fascist or a socialist, which one?
At least it won’t make it WORSE, which is what your Demented God is doing.

I‘m not talking about sentencing. I am talking about before that: when someone who has served time for felony assault is arrested yet AGAIN for assaulting someone else, he needs his butt in jail until the trial. None of this “back on the street” nonsense. Look at NYC. The majority of the scumbags stabbing people and pushing them into trains havr prior rap sheets.
How, in your mind, is Biden causing or helping inflation?

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