Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump’s Tax Returns

If they find

That he's in debt

Or is doing business with suspicious persons

It will matter.

Four Trumpers laughed at this post.

Does that mean that if his tax returns show those things they wouldn't care?

Tax returns don't show debt and they don't show interactions with individuals.
The Trump income tax records should not be a top priority, there are many other more pressing matters for congress to address. There is no law requiring the president to disclose his tax returns, so he is within his rights not to do so. I have no knowledge about what may be in his tax records, and with all the audits his taxes have gone through, I have no reason to believe there is anything illegal in his returns. However, presidents for the last 40 years have released their tax returns as a matter of routine. It was no big deal to them. When Trump refused to do so, I must admit it made me curious about what might be there that he doesn't want the public to know.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?
Congress has the authority and clearance to view Trump's tax returns. The IRS has audited Trump for the last, what 10 years?

And as far as we know, Trump has not been found to have taken improper deductions etc or "cheated" on his taxes.

The only aim here is political. It's kind of pathetic.

You don't know when or how often Trump has been audited.
He will be found guilty of being wealthy and speaking from the wrong side.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

Good luck. Congress has no legal authority to force the President’s, or anyone else’s tax returns to be made public.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

This is meaningless now 2 years in and will take 2 years to resolve and he will be out of office. What is the point? It's a waste of time and money.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

It's about time. If he is involved in any conflict of interest business ventures as many suspect, one would think that he would gladly be cooperative with Congress in order to put such suspicions to rest.

Congress gave itself the right to review any return or return information in 1924, in the aftermath of two controversies.

One was the Teapot Dome scandal, where senior officials in the Harding Administration granted public oil field leases in exchange for bribes.

The other involved allegations that Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon continued to own many business interests while serving in government. Some believed the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the precursor to the IRS, showed favoritism to the secretary and his businesses.

Of course, we all know that Trump is far too honest an individual to engage in such behavior......ROFLMAO.
of course we know you're the honest individual that will hold ideals and laws evenly even among people you love as well as hate.


i slay me.

I love no one except for my family, and would not waste time hating anyone.

I have no political loyalty. There are crooks on both sides. The current one in office broke a 40 year tradition of making the tax returns of the POTUS available.
did he break any laws?
Congress CAN subpoena them yea

Why does that terrify Trumpers so?

If there's nothing to hide....

Same reason Obama kept his school records sealed. Same reason Hillary wouldn't release the 30,000 emails she destroyed. Nothing to hide, right?
School records and private e-mails are different than tax returns.

Every President for the last 40 years has released theirs.

What are you folks so afraid of?
School records and private e-mails are different than tax returns.

Every President for the last 40 years has released theirs.

What are you folks so afraid of?

Of course they're different. Wait a minute, gotta bring my eyes back from that big roll. In Obama's case, it would be instructive to know if he benefitted from a foreign student program and to see what kind of thing he wrote while in school. In Hillary's case, it would be instructive to see if all those emails were indeed personal or if she destroyed some that would be, shall we say, legally troublesome.

I don't care if Trump shows his returns or not, they're his to show or not. What I do find intensely interesting is that, once again, democrats are seeking to criminalize political differences solely to provide fodder for fishing expeditions without any consideration that it WILL be used against them. If they succeed in this, they will peel back yet one more layer of privacy, and future Obama's won't be able to hide college records, and future Hillary's won't be able to pick and choose what emails will be released back to the government (she shouldn't have been able to this time, but you know, she didn't know any better, nudge nudge, wink wink).
School records and private e-mails are different than tax returns.

Every President for the last 40 years has released theirs.

What are you folks so afraid of?
not a law.

for someone so hellbent on ensuring people stick to the law, you sure say FUCK THAT the second discarding the law can benefit you.

why is that? you afraid to hold yourself to what you demand from others?
Trump would have released his tax data long ago, as opposed to a partial declaration, were it not damaging to him.

His tax returns are either legally damaging to him, or politically damaging. Or both.

Donations to Planned Parenthood, ACLU, Chuck Schumer, the Clinton Foundation, a whole raft of pro-abortion Democrats.

Millions and millions of dollars from Russians.

Shit he won't be able to scoff or explain away.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

Epic fail!

Person posting failed to attach a .pdf file of his/her/its own Federal Income Tax return as a demonstration of good faith.

Well, sparky, if I ever run for president - I promise I will provide 10 years of my tax returns.

Who the hell cares what you make or paid in taxes? You position on issues would be my only concern. That would eliminate you real quick for me. The taxes have no bearing on my decision.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?
Everyone please join me in petitioning USMB to create a Forum called Lakhota's Daily Tall Tale.
If it was the law to submit tax returns, I'd have absolutely no issue. For a person to make a choice and not show the taxes I have no issues with. I hate that people decide to change rules in the middle, its wrong, petty and childish.
It's funny watching the tards who made all kinds of noise over Obama's school transcripts pretending they don't care about a president's tax returns.

They think no one knows what raging hypocrites they are.

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