Democrats and Disinformation Week at Legal Insurrection


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

All the news you may have missed.​
18 Jul 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Does anyone else find it ironic that the same people who pushed the Russia hoax for four years now claim to be authorities on disinformation?
And the media is defending them.
This administration is so awful.
People in Cuba are protesting real tyranny.
Texas Democrats are protesting make-believe tyranny.
The left’s reaction to Cuba was so predictable.
Why is Hunter Biden untouchable?
Sorry, Democrats.
Good for him.
What a shame.
This is not good.
How to destroy a brand.
World news.

It’s Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist government and their Propaganda Ministry running everything.
You might think after Ginsberg, Breyer would take one for the team but you would be wrong.
Comrade Psaki is proving her worth to the PM/DSA Democrat Commie power seekers, but she has slipped up by making their Anti-American and anti-Constitutional actions too obvious.
We've all been concerned about the censure ship by big tech under the guise of 'Terms of Service' blocking our free speech. Now we find that the PM/DSA Democrats have also been involved along with the media to feed propaganda and disinformation to the public along with refusing to produce any real and factual information that may mar the already corrupt Joey Xi Bai Dung and his crime family..
Add onto this the leftwing going nutty over the "Delta Variant".

Meanwhile, Biden and his corrupt administration have released COVID positive illegals into America.

That, and all the illegals who don't get apprehended, and that number is very large thanks to Biden's words and deeds.
Add onto this the leftwing going nutty over the "Delta Variant".

Meanwhile, Biden and his corrupt administration have released COVID positive illegals into America.

That, and all the illegals who don't get apprehended, and that number is very large thanks to Biden's words and deeds.

More than likely that is the source of the Delta and Lambda variants. Meanwhile the Bai Dung is distributing those illegal with Covid variants nationwide....
Additionally, the breadth and depth of the Quisling media protection of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat politicians and especially the Bai Dung family can no longer be dismissed.
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"The Biden administration’s gross collusion with Big Tech to censor opposing viewpoints is not only blatant tyranny but also obvious hypocrisy".

Everything Is ‘Misinformation’ — Until It’s Not​

Last fall when the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story broke, then-candidate Joe Biden insisted it was Russian “disinformation” and a “smear campaign.” When Fox News’s Peter Doocy later asked Biden about the stories of his son, the then-president-elect hurled one of his bizarre insults at the reporter, saying, “God love ya man. You are a one-horse pony.” Psaki piled on in October, sharing a story to Twitter that claimed, “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo.”

All the news you may have missed.​
18 Jul 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Does anyone else find it ironic that the same people who pushed the Russia hoax for four years now claim to be authorities on disinformation?
And the media is defending them.
This administration is so awful.
People in Cuba are protesting real tyranny.
Texas Democrats are protesting make-believe tyranny.
The left’s reaction to Cuba was so predictable.
Why is Hunter Biden untouchable?
Sorry, Democrats.
Good for him.
What a shame.
This is not good.
How to destroy a brand.
World news.

It’s Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist government and their Propaganda Ministry running everything.
You might think after Ginsberg, Breyer would take one for the team but you would be wrong.
Comrade Psaki is proving her worth to the PM/DSA Democrat Commie power seekers, but she has slipped up by making their Anti-American and anti-Constitutional actions too obvious.
We've all been concerned about the censure ship by big tech under the guise of 'Terms of Service' blocking our free speech. Now we find that the PM/DSA Democrats have also been involved along with the media to feed propaganda and disinformation to the public along with refusing to produce any real and factual information that may mar the already corrupt Joey Xi Bai Dung and his crime family..
It was good to see a blobber get 8 months in jail.

More dominoes to follow.

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