Democrats ally themselves with China during pandemic !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
You know what motivates them - #TrumpHate - because he is America-First and they are not.
The DemonRats are worse than scum.
I mean every word of it. :mad-61:
Much worse than scum. Dems are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
You know what motivates them - #TrumpHate - because he is America-First and they are not.
The DemonRats are worse than scum.
I mean every word of it. :mad-61:
Much worse than scum. Dems are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
every true blue dem is an America hater to the core ! they hate this country with an absolute passion.
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
NO surprise here. Of COURSE China IS to blame for the Chinese Virus, AKA "Wu Flu". The virus was manufactured as a biological weapon by CHINESE scientists IN WUHAN, CHINA, where it was leaked into the public, causing the first known cases IN WUHAN, CHINA. This seems pretty cut and dried to me.....
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
NO surprise here. Of COURSE China IS to blame for the Chinese Virus, AKA "Wu Flu". The virus was manufactured as a biological weapon by CHINESE scientists IN WUHAN, CHINA, where it was leaked into the public, causing the first known cases IN WUHAN, CHINA. This seems pretty cut and dried to me.....

That's because you live in a political winger bubble which has made you an angry, dumb as dirt, caustic human being. No one takes any advice from losers like yourself. You don't matter, asshole. Yell at clouds all you want. No one is listening.
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
NO surprise here. Of COURSE China IS to blame for the Chinese Virus, AKA "Wu Flu". The virus was manufactured as a biological weapon by CHINESE scientists IN WUHAN, CHINA, where it was leaked into the public, causing the first known cases IN WUHAN, CHINA. This seems pretty cut and dried to me.....

That's because you live in a political winger bubble which has made you an angry, dumb as dirt, caustic human being. No one takes any advice from losers like yourself. You don't matter, asshole. Yell at clouds all you want. No one is listening.
listen to the vile leftist taking offence when the chicoms are being blamed for the pandemic as they should be ! this is what the election will be about America vs the dems and their chicom comrades !
Quite the RW circle jerk ya got here huh?

Funniest thread I've seen all day.

I suppose it could be called sociopathic but I find blind partisanship, helpless sweeping generalization fallacies and wishful thinking masturbations, hilarious. So this thread is like all-star night at the comedy club.
you are not an independent ... you are a disgusting leftwing traitor .... tell us traitor are your comrades the chicoms responsible for this pandemic ravaging the globe or not ! dont deflect are they or are they not .
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
NO surprise here. Of COURSE China IS to blame for the Chinese Virus, AKA "Wu Flu". The virus was manufactured as a biological weapon by CHINESE scientists IN WUHAN, CHINA, where it was leaked into the public, causing the first known cases IN WUHAN, CHINA. This seems pretty cut and dried to me.....

That's because you live in a political winger bubble which has made you an angry, dumb as dirt, caustic human being. No one takes any advice from losers like yourself. You don't matter, asshole. Yell at clouds all you want. No one is listening.
listen to the vile leftist taking offence when the chicoms are being blamed for the pandemic as they should be ! this is what the election will be about America vs the dems and their chicom comrades !
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
NO surprise here. Of COURSE China IS to blame for the Chinese Virus, AKA "Wu Flu". The virus was manufactured as a biological weapon by CHINESE scientists IN WUHAN, CHINA, where it was leaked into the public, causing the first known cases IN WUHAN, CHINA. This seems pretty cut and dried to me.....

That's because you live in a political winger bubble which has made you an angry, dumb as dirt, caustic human being. No one takes any advice from losers like yourself. You don't matter, asshole. Yell at clouds all you want. No one is listening.
listen to the vile leftist taking offence when the chicoms are being blamed for the pandemic as they should be ! this is what the election will be about America vs the dems and their chicom comrades !

You must be the main act. :auiqs.jpg:

Encore encore! More drool! More spew!! More hair-on-fire invective!!!
Dance, troll, dance! :clap2:
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
NO surprise here. Of COURSE China IS to blame for the Chinese Virus, AKA "Wu Flu". The virus was manufactured as a biological weapon by CHINESE scientists IN WUHAN, CHINA, where it was leaked into the public, causing the first known cases IN WUHAN, CHINA. This seems pretty cut and dried to me.....

That's because you live in a political winger bubble which has made you an angry, dumb as dirt, caustic human being. No one takes any advice from losers like yourself. You don't matter, asshole. Yell at clouds all you want. No one is listening.
listen to the vile leftist taking offence when the chicoms are being blamed for the pandemic as they should be ! this is what the election will be about America vs the dems and their chicom comrades !

Why, Hello there, you little cowardly cockroach! Make sure to post a dislike emoji to this post as well, shit heel.
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .
NO surprise here. Of COURSE China IS to blame for the Chinese Virus, AKA "Wu Flu". The virus was manufactured as a biological weapon by CHINESE scientists IN WUHAN, CHINA, where it was leaked into the public, causing the first known cases IN WUHAN, CHINA. This seems pretty cut and dried to me.....

That's because you live in a political winger bubble which has made you an angry, dumb as dirt, caustic human being. No one takes any advice from losers like yourself. You don't matter, asshole. Yell at clouds all you want. No one is listening.
listen to the vile leftist taking offence when the chicoms are being blamed for the pandemic as they should be ! this is what the election will be about America vs the dems and their chicom comrades !

You must be the main act. :auiqs.jpg:

Encore encore! More drool! More spew!! More hair-on-fire invective!!!
Dance, troll, dance! :clap2:
more donuts more soft drinks for the fat pig pogo ...dildo.
during the pandemic now ravaging the world the democratic party has yet to place blame where it belongs China ! all we hear from the treasonous communist left is Trump screwed up ! even though they called him a racist xenophobe when he ignored complaints from the WHO and instituted a travel ban against their recommendations and even though its been Trump saying for yrs we depend to much on China and need to bring manufacturing back to the states the left refuses to place any blame on their evil communist allies ! Americans will remember this in NOV ! they will remember the left defending a communist dictatorship that lied and covered up when it came to the real threat from covid 19 ! once again the dems side with Americas enemies .

The D's are making a fatal mistake here. As John Lennon point out back in the day
"But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow"

Red China is no more popular today than it was then and there is an election coming up.
Quite the RW circle jerk ya got here huh?

Funniest thread I've seen all day.

I suppose it could be called sociopathic but I find blind partisanship, helpless sweeping generalization fallacies and wishful thinking masturbations, hilarious. So this thread is like all-star night at the comedy club.
you are not an independent ... you are a disgusting leftwing traitor .... tell us traitor are your comrades the chicoms responsible for this pandemic ravaging the globe or not ! dont deflect are they or are they not .

China is where the virus originated. That is what is known to sensible human beings to be a 'fact'. I can't help with your further mouth breathing political winger bigotry nonsense beyond that. Every time you make a comment, you just show the rational and sane on this board that the depths of your blatant stupidity, political incompetence and total abandonment of critical thought is a badge of honor to you. You're damaged goods. We know this already. It's not polite to make fun of the mentally impaired, so I guess that's where we part ways.

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