
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Kim Jong-un 'bans drinking, singing and Mothers' Day celebrations' in wake of sanctions on North Korea

North Korea has reportedly banned gatherings that involve drinking alcohol and singing, in new measures designed to stifle the impact of crippling international sanctions over the hermit kingdomā€™s ongoing missile tests.

The apparent ban on fun was reported by South Koreaā€™s National Intelligence Bureau during a closed-door briefing to parliamentarians on Monday.

ā€œ[Pyongyang] has devised a system whereby party organs report peopleā€™s economic hardships on a daily basis, and it has banned any gatherings related to drinking, singing and other entertainment,ā€ news agency Yonhap reported the NIS as saying.

The crackdown follows the surprise cancellation of the popular Pyongyang Beer Festival in July, during a period of sustained drought.

Sources inside the pariah state told the South Korea-based site that the rising popularity of the official November holiday to applaud mothersā€™ roles as the ā€œamazing teachers and guides of the nationā€ had jarred with the supreme leaderā€™s cult of personality.

The authorities had now made it clear that messages on flower bouquets that showed love or loyalty to anyone other than Mr Kim would not be tolerated.

ā€œItā€™s really sad that people have to express thanks to ā€˜the fatherā€™ Kim Jong-un after every little thing he does, but we cannot express thanks to our actual mothers on Mothersā€™ Day,ā€ said a resident of South Pyongan Province.

Meanwhile Mr Kim is said to also be tightening his grip on the nationā€™s elites to ensure their loyalty, and has disciplined two officials at the head of North Koreaā€™s most powerful military organisation...

No fun allowed when leftists are in power.
Those poor people need freedom.....I hope we take the fat fuck out soon

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