Democratic 'Platform' Bullet Points


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?
I am a "retired" white American Christian heterosexual of European descent, financially independent, of sound mind and loyal to the Republic.

The Democrats have absolutely NOTHING to offer me.
You forgot about tearing babies into pieces and tossing them into the trash.
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?
Sounds about right.
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?

Why in the fuck would anyone create a thread out of nothing but a dozen strawmen?
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?

Why in the fuck would anyone create a thread out of nothing but a dozen strawmen?

Just following your sterling example. That's all you TDSers do. Wusmatta? Your little feelers got hurt or somptin'?
You forgot about tearing babies into pieces and tossing them into the trash.

OR dissecting dead babies and selling their parts for profit.....Lots of rich liberal buyers out there ya know. ;)
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?

Why in the fuck would anyone create a thread out of nothing but a dozen strawmen?

Just following your sterling example. That's all you TDSers do. Wusmatta? Your little feelers got hurt or somptin'?

I have never started a thread with a strawman, let alone a dozen, and in lieu of any supporting material.

Prove me wrong or admit you're a liar.
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?

A couple of additions to your list . . .

- "Your belief in God disqualifies you from all conversations."
- "We'll never force our ideology on your kids, we just want to convince them their bodies need to be mutilated."
- "Whatever facts of reality you think you know, we can change."
- "The truth? What truth? Truth is a social construct."
- "We love America so much we want to fucking destroy it, like right now."
- "You might be white, but your ancestors came from Africa, and your skin faded over the eons."
- "We love children so much they don't deserve to be born."
- "We're absolutely against pedophilia, now please let grown men join your daughter in the restroom."
- "We believe in the Second Amendment, so go ahead and turn in your guns."
- "We don't believe in open borders, but we also don't believe in limiting illegal immigration."
- If you don't want to live, please kill yourself."
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?

Why in the fuck would anyone create a thread out of nothing but a dozen strawmen?

Just following your sterling example. That's all you TDSers do. Wusmatta? Your little feelers got hurt or somptin'?

I have never started a thread with a strawman, let alone a dozen, and in lieu of any supporting material.

Prove me wrong or admit you're a liar.

OP still desperately poring through six years of my threads :auiqs.jpg:
- "We know better than you"
- "If you're white you're racist"
- "If you're black you're a victim of white racists"
- "Women need special 'health care' because they can't manage their own reproductive tracts"
- "Instead of being strong, America needs to apologize for their success"
- "Orange man bad"
- "Other orange man Bernie" good"
- "All men are 'toxic'"
- "All women have more 'rights' than men."
- "We know better how to spend your money than you"
- "You are destroying the planet but we (the left elite) can pollute all we want"
- "We actually think Hillary should have been President"
- "Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad,

Why in the heck would anyone vote Democratic ?

Why in the fuck would anyone create a thread out of nothing but a dozen strawmen?

Just following your sterling example. That's all you TDSers do. Wusmatta? Your little feelers got hurt or somptin'?

I have never started a thread with a strawman, let alone a dozen, and in lieu of any supporting material.

Prove me wrong or admit you're a liar.

OP still desperately poring through six years of my threads :auiqs.jpg:

Hey Pogo....Your dreamin' again....:poke:

So let's see... add those up, I'm seeing.......... ZERO citations of any of my threads meeting the criteria.

So you admit you're a liar.

'Bout time too.
Why in the fuck would anyone create a thread out of nothing but a dozen strawmen?

Just following your sterling example. That's all you TDSers do. Wusmatta? Your little feelers got hurt or somptin'?

I have never started a thread with a strawman, let alone a dozen, and in lieu of any supporting material.

Prove me wrong or admit you're a liar.

OP still desperately poring through six years of my threads :auiqs.jpg:

Hey Pogo....Your dreamin' again....:poke:

So let's see... add those up, I'm seeing.......... ZERO citations of any of my threads meeting the criteria.

So you admit you're a liar.

'Bout time too.

In my nearly four years of posting here? I have never seen you make a decent argument for leftardism. BTW, the usmb "wayback" mechanism was lost a few months ago when they changed servers. Perception is 9/10ths reality. How we perceive each other is our reality. It's up to you to try and change it and vice versa. I perceive you as a mediocre proponent of leftardism that lets his emotions rule him.
So let's see... add those up, I'm seeing.......... ZERO citations of any of my threads meeting the criteria.

So you admit you're a liar.

'Bout time too.

Do you even know WTF you're talking about? Explain it.......Most of US are not handicapped by TDS-speak.
So let's see... add those up, I'm seeing.......... ZERO citations of any of my threads meeting the criteria.

So you admit you're a liar.

'Bout time too.

Do you even know WTF you're talking about? Explain it.......Most of US are not handicapped by TDS-speak.

Excellent, so now you're lying about having admitted you're a liar.

Ain't nuttin' like it.

Oh and about that illiteracy thing....

Learn to pronounce
gerund or present participle: poring
be absorbed in the reading or study of.
"Heather spent hours poring over cookbooks"
synonyms: study, read intently, peruse, be absorbed in, scrutinize, scan, examine, go over/through
"they pored over a map of Eastern Europe"​
OMG, another thread based on lies. Did you guys give up on debating issues?
Excellent, so now you're lying about having admitted you're a liar.

Ain't nuttin' like it.

I asked you to explain your statement. You did not. Instead you accused me of lying. WTF?
Excellent, so now you're lying about having admitted you're a liar.

Ain't nuttin' like it.

I asked you to explain your statement. You did not. Why?

Excellenter. Now you're lying about having lied about admitting you're a liar. And in the process fucking up the quote nest.

This can go on indefinitely. Perhaps next you'll lie about having fucked up the quote nest. Place yer bets.

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