Democratic Party.. banning "Democratic" name

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.

the politics of those who call themselves "democrat"------and the politics of those who call themselves
"republican"---------have nothing to do with THOSE WORDS.......anymore
the statement that members of minority groups are NOT RACIST-------is kinda sad.
It ain't close to true. It's wishful thinking

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.
We should take down symbols of racsim, like confederate statues, the battle flag, ,the swastika, the DNC. It's for the betterment of humanity and will help healthe country.

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.

Wowza, the DNC is going ban the word democratic; strange.

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.
We should take down symbols of racsim, like confederate statues, the battle flag, ,the swastika, the DNC. It's for the betterment of humanity and will help healthe country.

"confederate statues"? wats dat? Lots of southerners was HUMAN BEANS, even
those that fought in the confederate army was HUMAN BEANS Is the movie and
book "GONE WITH THE WIND" going to be banned? Queen Isabella of spain was a bitch---
how about destroying her tomb?

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.
We should take down symbols of racsim, like confederate statues, the battle flag, ,the swastika, the DNC. It's for the betterment of humanity and will help healthe country.

"confederate statues"? wats dat? Lots of southerners was HUMAN BEANS, even
those that fought in the confederate army was HUMAN BEANS Is the movie and
book "GONE WITH THE WIND" going to be banned? Queen Isabella of spain was a bitch---
how about destroying her tomb?

If you don't respect the enemy you don't respect yourself.

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.

Lumpy 1 Don't forget the liberal take on this whole history.
That the Dixiecrat Jim Crow racists fled the party when Blacks took over,
and ran to the Republican Party who are those same racists.

If there isn't a book on revisionist history, there should be a list of all these twists
in order to keep track of them. Like the two explanations of the 2nd Amendment.
Two meanings of states rights vs the Constitution. Two interpretations of
whether the Civil War was over states rights first then slavery or slavery
and then it became a states rights secession issue. And the newest addition:
both views of how the passage of ACA was constitutional or unconstitutional.

These are all offshoots of the root split between
* people who believe rights and freedoms are part of naturally existing laws
and it wasn't the Constitution or govt that create these but just make them statutory
* people who believe central govt exists to establish collective will of the people

Once people have this split in bias and belief,
that's why they interpret all the events in govt and history two different ways.
They are as different as how Christians see and say things differently
from Atheists who are secular and nontheistic in defining and framing the world.

So if we are going to live up to religious freedom, equal protection of laws,
and no discrimination by creed, at some point we have to recognize these
two different systems of beliefs that bias everything people see, say and state
in spoken or written word, in action and any form of media.

We would have to include both, and neither penalize one side or the other
where they disagree, but make sure public policy reflects agreement
regardless which direction or perspective people believe and come from.
These backwards left wing crackpot Democrats are against voting rights, civil rights, freedom of speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, capitalism......well, America itself

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.

Lumpy 1 Don't forget the liberal take on this whole history.
That the Dixiecrat Jim Crow racists fled the party when Blacks took over,
and ran to the Republican Party who are those same racists.

If there isn't a book on revisionist history, there should be a list of all these twists
in order to keep track of them. Like the two explanations of the 2nd Amendment.
Two meanings of states rights vs the Constitution. Two interpretations of
whether the Civil War was over states rights first then slavery or slavery
and then it became a states rights secession issue. And the newest addition:
both views of how the passage of ACA was constitutional or unconstitutional.

These are all offshoots of the root split between
* people who believe rights and freedoms are part of naturally existing laws
and it wasn't the Constitution or govt that create these but just make them statutory
* people who believe central govt exists to establish collective will of the people

Once people have this split in bias and belief,
that's why they interpret all the events in govt and history two different ways.
They are as different as how Christians see and say things differently
from Atheists who are secular and nontheistic in defining and framing the world.

So if we are going to live up to religious freedom, equal protection of laws,
and no discrimination by creed, at some point we have to recognize these
two different systems of beliefs that bias everything people see, say and state
in spoken or written word, in action and any form of media.

We would have to include both, and neither penalize one side or the other
where they disagree, but make sure public policy reflects agreement
regardless which direction or perspective people believe and come from.

I always feel like ticking you off (I think your a great USMB member) just so you'll get to the point quicker.

Yup, I've read up on the supposed shift, it's revisionist liberal bullshit..

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.

Wowza, the DNC is going ban the word democratic; strange.

psssst .. made up news I'm thinkin.. :wink_2: ..
These backwards left wing crackpot Democrats are against voting rights, civil rights, freedom of speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, capitalism......well, America itself

Stalin defined Democrats and their anti-American leanings quite well..

I call it actual Russian collusion..


Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.
We should take down symbols of racsim, like confederate statues, the battle flag, ,the swastika, the DNC. It's for the betterment of humanity and will help healthe country.

Well, the first ban should be the "Democratic" in Democratic Party. Without Democratic Party racism, love of slavery and oppression of the Black race, I doubt we'd be in this ridiculous snowflake driven mess now-a-days

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.
We should take down symbols of racsim, like confederate statues, the battle flag, ,the swastika, the DNC. It's for the betterment of humanity and will help healthe country.

Well, the first ban should be the "Democratic" in Democratic Party. Without Democratic Party racism, love of slavery and oppression of the Black race, I doubt we'd be in this ridiculous snowflake driven mess now-a-days[/QUOTE

try to keep up-----you are referring to trends that existed more than 100 years ago

Yup, many Democrats would like to whitewash/ban their American history as the Party of slavery, oppression, lynchings, 3/5ths human, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and all the hate filled actions of their infamous history in America..

It's about time in my opinion... the Democratic Party is historically synonymous with Slavery and oppression in America but alas it may take some time to forget their dismal past and pathetic present.
We should take down symbols of racsim, like confederate statues, the battle flag, ,the swastika, the DNC. It's for the betterment of humanity and will help healthe country.

Well, the first ban should be the "Democratic" in Democratic Party. Without Democratic Party racism, love of slavery and oppression of the Black race, I doubt we'd be in this ridiculous snowflake driven mess now-a-days[/QUOTE

try to keep up-----you are referring to trends that existed more than 100 years ago

I'd say you're partially correct.. perhaps, a short history lesson would help iRosi one... and sadly, this issue will not pass as long as the Democratic Party has all those legions of race baiting liars and poison politics degenerates.

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism

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