Democratic Field Official Arrested For Fighting For Voting Rights


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Why one political activist felt changing Prairie View A&M's voting procedure was worth going to jail | 2018 Elections | Dallas News

Every since the passage of the Voting Rights Act -- (primarily the pre-clearance laws) -- there has only been one party actively fighting to take away voting rights from citizens -- over and over and over again. You will find no more clearer example of this racist policy than in Waller County Tx. A field director for Democratic Congressional candidate Mike Siegel was arrested in Waller County after standing up for Prairie View A&M University students ((my mother's alma-mater by the way), whose voter registrations the county questioned.

From the article:
The campaign worker, Jacob Aronowitz, was arrested Wednesday after he delivered a letter demanding the county update the voter registration status of the students who attend the historically black university. The letter was addressed to County Judge Carbett “Trey” Duhon and elections administrator Christy Eason.

Aronowitz snapped a photo of a county clerk to serve as proof that the letter was received. The clerk objected to having her photo taken, and police were called."

The police asked Mr. Aronowitz which party was he representing, he told them the Democrat party and they arrested him shortly afterwards. They told him they were detaining him on a 48 hr investigative hold -- they later claimed he was being arrested for causing a public disturbance or some bullshit charge -- however after he was released, they kept his phone and attempted to get a warrant so they could go thru the contents of his phone -- WTF?

Why did he have to stand up for Prairie View to begin with?? -- because Waller county has a 50 year history of trying to disenfranchise the voting rights of black students at the historically black college; because Waller County is a majority white county and they don't like the idea that over 10,000 black students are voting in their pure white county -- if anyone tries to say otherwise, sorry, but the history is not on your side.

Despite being overruled by the supreme court time and time again, Waller county as continued to harass and oppress the black students at PV -- even going so far as to indict 19 students for "illegally voting" -- this didn't happen in the 60's, this didn't happen in the early 70's -- this happened in 1992. The justice department sent a harsh letter to the Waller county officials and they backed off and dismissed the charges. But they didn't stop there, in 2003, they tried to find another trick to prevent students from voting, that failed -- then in 2008, they tried another trick, that failed -- why did they fail? -- because thanks to the voting rights act, states with a history of trying to prevent blacks from voting had to get clearance from the federal government before they could play these little games with voting -- but now since the conservative supreme court did away with much of the voting rights act -- these racist counties are free to go back to oppressing minority voters. So when trump lovers get all giddy about the Supreme Court being conservative, this is the type of shit they are giddy about -- turning back the clock on civil rights.
Seems like University officials gave the students incorrect information about how to complete the address on their voter registrations.

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